ITT: post your surrounding and others have to guess your portfolio size

ITT: post your surrounding and others have to guess your portfolio size

Ill start

Other urls found in this thread:


200 LINK

manicured nails...4m, but actually, you're posting on Veeky Forums at 6 am so I'll revise that to 800k

2k tops

Nice try CIA.

Has OP been holding OmiseGo tokens?

12k on a good day here, 9 k now but nice, keep it going guys, and it s 1pm here


3k in TRON
2k in bitcoin

100mil Nomanskycoin?

5 Sojourns and 0.62 REQ

Take the pic again doing the numale face

476 usd but makes sure to let everyone know


Is this what the average "crypto enthusiast" looks like?

5000 tron
2000 xvg
3000 xrp

Fucking hope not. Fucking faggot-face McGeeStein.



1K soytoken
1k cuckcoin


1.5k is my guess. I'm waiting to take a piss test



10k XRP (all in)

1 bitcoin you bought for 16000 dollars




correct, strange you would guess that from the picture


By the way we can see your hand fatty. Stop spending your gains on fast food and you might actually make it


too real. I'm gonna say 43k. Please clean your room...I will clean mine if you do


zoom in on the notebook

over 100k


100 TRX all in

nah 3k.
Just started 2 weeks ago

>clean your room
It's hard man....

10k or less

you bought all shilled coins and overdiversified your $500 portfolio

1400 fiat in exchange

>those pants
>that consumerist branded water bottle
>crt tv
>nintendo 64

No portfolio, because it's 2001 and crypto doesn't exist yet

>>nintendo 64

Airbnb in eastern Germany

between 2 and 5 million

Why did u guess over 100k from my shit picture are u a cia nigger

that's gamecube u stinky newfag

10,000 ethgas


This guy called is the user that called all moon missions to date.

you'll never guess my portfolio suckers


Because you have the room of someone whos been clued in on crypto for years


This is a good thread.








500,000 Bazingacoins


4500. you're a mess dude stop drinking like an animal

You a fucken oz cunt?


> n64
oldass boomer detected, why wont you die already you fucking scum

Yeah aus fag. Started with 0.9BTC I found December 22nd. Left overs from buying off darknets. At ~250kish. Yeah I need to stop drinking I guess.


About halfway right

More ausfags... need to unite cunts. Pool our knowledge.

cmon m8 no self-respecting strayan drinks fosters, especially whatever the fuck lemon thing that is.

Would have to be a pom.

You're using my mouse pad to keep bottle and shit on.

>Left overs from buying off darknets.
Please explain


Im Aussie. Can confirm we would drink a Corona before a warm Fosters.

hey aussies, is CANYA a good investment?

it's from Australia

Trumps book
/our holder/

All in on KIN.

WTC, ICN, ENG, REQ, NEO, ETH and 10% BTC. Thats the perfect balanced portfolio. VEN after it crashes back.


Yeah I'm retarded. I thought the same thing immediately after posting that. "Hang on... don't know anyone that drinks that... I'm dumb as fuck." Frurther proof I live here.

What's to explain? Was never seen as an investment. Just a means.






1 xrp
0.5 btc


you weird persian fuck

super weird situation. You need to throw away half that shit and buy a proper desk and consolidate your monitors to 1 nice big one. 14k

I used to live like you, shit I even had that exact same phone like 10 years ago.

Clean your shit man that much dust is not healthy.

e-gulden is gonna make it!

>you ever been to OfficeMax?
>on WEED?

How new are you that you think that's not a file someone saved and reposted?
