
Daily reminder to never trust whales by the names of "Whalebro" and "Shinobi"

They are gonna make a post soon sayin how they pumped DBC and DENT and POLL and why you should trust them on their next coin of choice. Don't.

I am only writing this because these two always manage to have a thread going with 200+ replies and people falling for their shit every time. Be smart user.


shinobi here
whats going on big guy?

They can keep scamming me into the green as much as they want.

Don't be mad just because you FOMO'd and sold on a dip.

Only seen a shinobi thread once but I agree, huge faggot

LOL u fags their latest "pump" was POLL and it dumped the moment they posted here like a preggo in labour with triplet downies

that's fucking red not green you dumbfuck

It reached a new floor above where it started pre-pump. That's green unless you came in late. Even now it's going to rise again.

as I said, I happened to be browsing here at the time they posted, checked on POLL and the moment they posted it started dipping from .01 eth to .006 where it stabilized.

so tell me, who does that help except for themselves, when they do what every other pnd group does which is pump-post thread- dump?

Cause they wanna make it seem like they are bros and they post the thread before they pump which is simply a lie. Anyway I didn't lose anything, i m just warning others.

Can't help it if I push it to 2x and people start dumping. Hold till the 17th. Personally talked to the director of the project last night. I recommend you hold POLL till then big fella, don't be a pink wojack big fella.

OP missed out, his been pink about it. Is ok OP, there is always next time! :)

Come on big fella say, say my name big fella. You know my work big fella if you're this mad let it be heard big fella.

Don't be so salty just because you missed the panty raid.

na i aint mad bro and i know about the clearify partnership and POLL is on my radar

I'm just saying this/your group is full of shit and shouldn't be trusted cause of the hurr durr we won't stop pumpin poll until $30, and conveniently proceed to dump on everyone that believed you

POLL will go up but you have nothing to do with it m8

Right ronald because dumping at 9 dollars after pumping to 14 when it can easily push to 30 is a whale move. You cunts get dumber everytime you talk. If you're gonna talk ill on my name atleast have a logical conspiracy instead of sounding like a mad 14 year old who can't hold for a week. Prolly that mad boye who got banned for being annoying.

If anything you said is remotely true I would just change my name and do it again yet I'm sticking with my boys and you're here angry andy.

OP is a stale crumbed sausage

This thread is an elaborate shill post for dumb money to buy into POLL thinking it would be $30 so these people can sell their coins

If it's a scam then how the fuck did I go 10x for 3 days in a row. Such a scam.

Made 20 grand, I'm gonna go tell everyone that I got scammed.

The amount of FOMO in this thread is almost too funny. If you fat fingered and sold the dip then thats too bad. At least come the 17th you can make your money back (or more if you keep holding).

Bump. Bunch of fucking idiots on this board. The guys in the group have literally got these babies convinced that there are evil whales.

lel. I've been interacting with this group for a little while now... Whalebro is solid as fuck, and everything they've pumped has hit ATH's... POLL found a new floor, about 800 sats higher than its' previous. It might not be the sexiest crypto but it has practical use-cases, solid partnerships coming up, and was steady as fuck during that crash. Fuck off, pajeet.

You dumb fucking idiot. Coins go 3X all the time. DENT and DBC were already promoted independently on this board. POLL has gone nowhere (since it wasn't promoted). I literally cannot fathom how retarded some people can be.

I'm just glad that we have closed members at 1000 and you can't get in pajeet. Gona be 1000 neets with f you money soon

These guys pump the price a lot before they post. Fucking use your mind, look at actual post times, and then look at the charts.

thank you

He kind of has a point there.

Nope. That was me again big fella priming you all for what was about to happen. Had been shilling it into a name everyone would know when it happened gotta build credibility no one buys a literal what coin big fella. If only you knew how this really works you wouldn't be butt mad on biz you'd be making money big fella.

come on man it isn't that hard to debunk your story.

Simply put, you made a post saying we gonna start pumping this coin in two hours, we won't dump cause we are a pump and hold group, so come on and make money. We will keep going until it's at $30

2 hours later it crashed down to 8 bucks from the 14 it reached and hasn't really moved since (3 days I think?).

So yeah mate, it was a pnd. Yeah it may go up as we are closing on the 17th, it may not. Point is, you didn't do what you said you would cause not only did you stop pumping it, but whales that I assume were you, started dumping and putting up crazy 20eth sale walls killing the volume.

last but not least, you fucking guys post pnd threads, make money, and once the coin after a week or a month moons cause it has a product you come in to take credit being like we told you so. Shit's funny and you know I'm right.

Woah there jack you still that mad ? Assuming a 2x increase in price means no one else at all holds the coin and is looking to take profits just our group? You're mad come back when you've calmly thought this through.

You're a dummy. DENT was shilled here and all over reddit because of the group, not before it. You're so fucking stupid, but whatever enjoy staying poor Pajeet

or you could just point out which part of what I said isn't true?

I'm calm af bro, your group plays a big role here cause of the low MC and volume this coin has. Any decent whale group can manipulate the fuck out of a 50M MC coin, no?

Sure none of it's true. I made no post here what so ever. In fact I made the call in discord. 2 hours later it started dumping while everyone was still pumping. What product does dent actually have that is well know enough to hold it's price so well if A whale were to dump it. What product does clearpoll or DBC have ? I'm going to dump before the major news I have insider info on ? Smart call dipshit.

well then you either told someone to make the post or some of your group members don't follow your pump and hold philosophy and make posts on their own. Cause there was a post for a pretty long time on the frontpage, with lots of comments.

either way the dumping was on your part, whether you called it or not.

btw actually POLL has a working app, a 50k userbase and the clearify app launching on the 17th. So it has a working product.

Who's shilling again ? I can't control other people selling don't drag my name through the mud when I had nothing to do with the dumping moron. I am still accumulating because I know what's about to happen. If you sold at a loss that's on you. Gopd day i got real things to take care of my resume speaks for itself.

Always do the opposite of what this OP says. Some faggots just have to yammer and can't enjoy free money

Shinobi and Whalebro already made me good money. I would keep an eye on whatever they have to say. And then again, some people get mad because they miss the boat.

again this is an elaborate shill post for dumb money to buy into POLL