This shit doesn’t do anything

This shit doesn’t do anything

No shit that’s why It sat below ICO price for 2 whole months.

People will be holding these bags for a long time

That's when you should buy user, not when it's mid moon like last week

>thank you for spreading the FUD, here is your 0.0000000001 BTC payment Sir Pajeet

yeah its just pissing me off....same xrb, Veeky Forums shilled me in to it and all Im seeing is loss...will it grow again? Im losing trust, but the plan was to hodl so I'll probably keep them for a bit...

Just 2 months? You must be new to ICOs.

Easy, sell!

I will holding your bags until 10$

never did never will

>0.01 bazingacoin added to your balance

so what i will be holding these heavy bags for quite a while

I just sold at a loss to buy tron

Not doing anything? It's actually on a steady decline.

All this REQ FUD reminds me of months and months of LINK FUD.

My REQ is going to buy me a house, but it remains to be seen whether it will be located in a trailer park or a 10 acre estate. Pretty sure the latter.

>Not buying a village in a 3rd world country and creating your own Outer Haven

Why live?

Nigger what are you doing

It did exactly what it's intended to do: it made me a millionaire.

He's making me rich

Very rare that any ICOs release on exchanges and instantly rank below their initial ICO price.

Even the stinky linkies managed to 2x their ICO value instantly

>sold at a loss
>to buy tron
You literally sold one of the best crypto projects out there at a loss to buy a meme coin.

you are never gonna make it

No its not. Its rare an ICO goes up in value for more than a day.

He should have checked him self.
Before he REQ him self.

I still bless the 2 presalers that tanked the coin after ico to jump on bitcoin bullrun, I managed to buy a shitton of req for peanuts.

>20x in profit
who's holding bags you nigger?

You fucking moron!

when is the update today?

There is no update today. The updates are bi-monthly