When are people going to realize that Bitcoin and and tech behind it is antiquated compared to literally every other coin?
When are people going to realize that Bitcoin and and tech behind it is antiquated compared to literally every other...
Jan 15th
People keep saying this shit but what real innovations have been introduced by other cryptos?
Smart contracts -> Colored tokens or sidechains (rootstock)
Privacy -> CoinJoin
The other features are just changes on harcoded parameters or centralized shitcoins.
When are people with autism going to realize that better tech doesn't equal higher value. It's not a smartphone.
It moved like half a percent this morning and retards started spamming the board with "the king" threads.
It was sad. They are so desperate.
I realized it the first day I got into this shit.
>Oh, this shit is way too slow and unusable.
>People are only buying this shit to sell it later at a higher price.
BTC is the adidas of cryptos. It's here to stay
Usability equals value. Of which bitcoin has none.
"the tech is antiquated", says the guy with zero programming experience of any kind.
two steps ahead of you m8
What shitcoin has greater usability?
Liquidity, network effect, brand awareness, security, battle-tested tech. These are why Bitcoin is still at the top despite the high fees.
also why its dominance is at a new low of 32% and look for it to have little strength in future to get any real price movement up
The only thing btc is lacking right now is low fees, rest of he shit is redundandt
Idiots with their tx fees blah blah. Crypto is not used to pay for shit atm. No fucking exceptions. The market right now is just tossing your dollarydoos and hope it goes high. Which it has been for the past 7 fucking years. If tx fees are to go by, then the price of of everything should be fluctuating not steadily growing like XRP and ETH. Bitcoin is the only one showing healthy growth of ups and downs. Ups and downs that are either going to make it or break it. That is what a fucking healthy correction is. It tests it supports and resistances decidedly not just skyrocketing because it feels like it.
>what is lead time
When will we be able to sell crypto for fiat without passing through btc?
>why its dominance is at a new low of 32%
Because 1000 new shitcoins have ballooned in value as clueless normies pump them.
The recent drop in dominance isn't because Bitcoin has been losing market cap, it's because hundreds of other cryptos have been increasing market cap as normies calmour to find the 'next B itcoin'.
Buy pfr
overall crypto marketcap is supply inflated just like individual shitcoin marketcaps.
There might be 100 billion worth of liquidity in the crypto system. definitely not 750.
Bitcoin would have never lost dominance if it weren't for Blockstream Core. They literally halted all development on bitcoin.
not true, they didn't stop bitcoin. they just duped all the newcomers in to thinking their fork was the real one.
This. Tons of high cap coins (shit or not) literally mooned 2x, 5x or even more than 10x and some people honestly wonder that BTC lost market dominance. Fuck, XRP went from .20 to more than 3 and was at second place.
Anyone with more than a whole BTC does not give a fuck about the tx fees desu.
Transfer rates could be quicker though.
Yeah I suppose so. BCH should have forked off years ago.
I probably own more than you and I give a shit.
Iota faggot now go neck yourself
Ok, if you have more than 200k why do you care about $20-30?
Why do you even care about dollars? If you look at it in sat value it is literally 1 shitcoin.
when are people going to realize that helium is a better store of value than gold ?
Because with BCH I can send a million dollars for a cent or less. Or ya know buy shit without paying insane fees. Rich people are rich because they avoid extra costs.
But you can't buy literally anything with Btrash.
It's not about the tech you very simple minded neet. It's about the community, developers, support, structure about it and all the people who believe in it. It's also the first and as such the first to encounter all of the problems other cryptos have yet to face.
The ironic thing is that OP you probably don't even know how the tech works behind most of the coins you put your money into.
Try to set a IOTA node or use it for human payments. Its the biggest shitcoin in the cryptospace.
I hear you
Merchant adoption of BCH is growing faster than any other crypto. Meanwhile merchants accepting bitcoin is dropping. For example Bitpay is adding Bitcoin Cash. Which is great because I've been wanting to buy some shit from Newegg and refuse to pay $40 in fees on a $10 item.
Enjoy your centralized database scams. May as well use VISA or paypal for their "better tech" (i.e. centralized control).
BTC is the most secure and the most decentralized. Monero is also pretty good for anonymity.
No, more like you're both brainlets that don't understand that markets are emotional.and have seasons. This is the time when people are SUPPOSED to doubt BTC and pessimism around it is supposed to grow. You're apart of that market and those like you and OP are just reflecting the current emotional state it has. Neither of you can predict trends, but you're both technical geniuses apparently that understand tech well and "know" why btc is bearish atm. Hell, most of your /pol/addled brains have already constructed a boogeyman to explain things in terms that resonate with you.
People who dont give a shit about transaction fees dont own more than 1 bitcoin because they are fucking poor and will always be poor.
There is no rationality in your statement.
Of course people with fuck all BTC care about the price of transactions because they lose half of what they're transferring.
Of course it makes no sense to you, because you are a forever poor because you are dumb and make dumb decisions with your money. Lets say you accidentally bought bitcoins and accumulated some when they were cheap, you wont have them long because of previously mentioned facts. Enjoy living as white trash in the near future if you don't already have a front yard full of kids toys and neighborhood trash.
>bitcoin was never made to be used by the poor
The absolute state of Blockstream Corecucks.
when will cucks learn that it doesn't matter?
You are a noob. BTC has it's problems but sits comfy at $16000. It's one of the most liquid coins out there and only par with ETH for being widely transferable into fiat.
Is it still 2017?
GJ smart guy. Everbody on Veeky Forums is same person, you know? I'm not even going to respond to your drivel. I'm just going to reply with a bunch of baseless assumptions that make me feel superior, since that's what we do here, apparently.
lol this is some fine projection going on here.
At least once a month BTC will hit 16k
>Thinks trailer trash is something you have experience to know of.
I think there is some projecting going on here. Tells us about your babies momas.
It'll become the gold of the crypto world. Unusable in most modern day to day transactions, but sought after for some reason.
This is a proven scam from a scummy discord group I'm in. What happens when they suddenly decide to switch coins? There's no tech here. It dumps on all you fag bagholders that didn't believe us that it's a scam. Buy at your own risk and don't cry with your bags.
Store of value