Ledger or Trezor?


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Ledger. It's much easier to lock in.

both are fine, but ledger supports more shit coins


lmao forced meme

Ledger, it's easier to shove it up your ass when your country comes after you.

Ordered both, love the ledger.

trezor has a nicer wallet UI but has limited coins and ledger is still easy to use and has alot more coins

just buy the ledger, trezor is gay as fuck and take ages to add coins

t. I own both trezor and ledger

Paper wallet in cold storage.

i use ledger for the enhanced lock in capabilities. comfy

Ledger virgin
Trezor chad

>not shoving your private keys up your ass instead
never going to make it

It's just being pushed harder now because we want to help the normies out for once, and barely any of them know about locking in before a dip.

orederd a Trezor today because Ledger next batch is end of march

Hold on, what is this "lock in" thing I keep reading abóut?

Ledger. It's actually a secure, encrypted storage, unlike the piece of shit that is trezor.

tfw when he doesnt know about Veeky Forums best kept secret for richfags

Hey, if OP only cares about private keys, he can have a paper wallet, he asked about hardware wallets.

both are open source with backdoors. I'd rather leave my money on fucking yobit than touch those. enjoy losing everything

You can lock in the price of your BTC on hardware wallets, it’s to make sure you don’t lose money if the market crashes

Trent reznor, trezor CEO

The newer models od ledger allow you too lock in the price of coins when you enter them

worried about the price of bitcoin going down? lock it in at $14,400 per and then store it

in a year, lets say bitcoin crashes to $5000, you're laughing to the banks cuz you ve got your bitcoin at $14,400

So where do you actually hide your recovery phrases?
It makes obviously no sense to hide them with your wallet.


"Lock It In"

mine are in a fireproof lockbox. the key to it is on my keychain.

double lock in, double the profits

just send me your private key and ill do it for u ;)

What if it goes up though?

unlock it

Simple, you lock high, unlock low. easier than logging in to exchanges.

I keep 10k+ sitting on exchanges, like a fucking G.

i've actually found a workaround that using both you can copy your ETH stack from one to the next if you lock in in a certain way.

Enjoy your fluctuating coin value. Mine are all on ledger and locked in at their ATH

the concept is simple, its the basis for how all blockchains work. Lock in your price on the Ledger and leave it!


*protip - with older model Ledgers you can't have both high and low locked in

I have two, which I have wrapped in red and green tape respectively, so when I need to put them in quickly, i know which is which

what happens if the price is lower when come back, aren't you stuck with market price if you want to sell/trade?

i work in infosec.
ledger uses a Secure Enclave from STM rated EAL6+,much better against physical/side channel attacks.
also read this:

ledger, need to lock the price in

hello airman

I'm thinking of getting a raspberry pi to use as a hardware wallet. Should I bother with it or just get one of these?

don't,just get either a ledger or a trezor and you'll be much better off,less headaches moar security.

You lose however much it went up between locking it and unlocking it. Say, for example, you lock BTC in at 500, but it goes up to 1000. You only have $500 worth of BTC, effectively halving your potential profit.

Don't use ledger or trezoe. They lock in your price and you will end up losing over half when you withdraw. You've been warned.

Red or blue team?

kek, this is the true retard test.

Blue but i admire Reds,The Call of the Dark Side is strong.

Just get it off Amazon. I ordered one off there with one day shipping and it showed up fine.

also read this,very accessible not too much tech jargon and a good tale:
I trust ledger more(not that trezor is bad for the threat model applicable to 99% of cryptogafs)


I do red teaming myself, but it's fun to look across to the other side of the fence from time to time. If you're ever interested, we have cookies.

>he doesn't know about locking in price on the blockchain
its the whole reason blockchain was invented kek

I keep it all on the exchanges because I don't want to pay fees to put it on my ledger

A couple encrypted USB drives in a fireproof safe drilled into the floor.

>mfw i thought this was a normal thermometer when I was a kid and would use it to occasionally check my temperature

but i did this on kraken

nice read, thanks user

feel you

>mfw i still use one

Maybe I'm paranoid, but I don't trust the Nano. I've thought about using a cold wallet, but how the hell do I know I'm going to be able to send back out without testing a receive and send before locking the wallet away.........

Doesnt make any sense to me
The price only exists in our minds
We are the ones giving btc value, the value itself is not "saved" or "stored" anywhere..

you store it as its current fiat value
if the price drops you get the fiat value in whatever shitcoin you locked in during the transaction

or more of the shitcoin i mean

post yfw you bought a ton of BTC when it was 20 dollars each but locked it in accidentally

It's a meme my man.

Just read about using an air gapped computer to sign a transaction to be sent from an internet connected PC. Just realized blockchain is even more amazing that I thought before. Also realized I'm an idiot.

with a cold wallet you sign transactions offline then broadcast them from a system that's online

Thanks I appreciate the info. I'm already planning to format an old laptop to use for this.

tails also works well



Paper wallets

tails sounds interesting, but a bit of a pain. Was it worth the trouble for you? I'll probably go with some laminated paper wallets stored in a couple of places.

I have a cold wallet on a usb with tails and two nanos

Here's a guide:


Thanks alot man. I appreciate it.

I fucking love this meme... The worst that can happen is some retard normie puts his coins in a hardware wallet and leaves them there which is the best possible thing that can happen.

I prefer Ledger because of its price-locking feature. Easy to use and saves me a lot of money when the market took a dump.



I just ordered a Trezor because they're actually available right now.

Will probably get both when the Ledger is in stock

I think I missed the whole "lock in price" inside joke. Obviously, it's not true and makes no sense.

Holy shit you're stupid. I honestly hope you are joking.

Yeah after thinking about it locking in prices with a hw wallet is a smart plan of action.
You obviously didn't lock in at the top