Can someone here help a fellow user out?

Can someone here help a fellow user out?
I fell for the ChainLink ERC20 meme and bought 14,000 LINK. I sent them to a wallet without ETH in it.
I'm fucking scare for my future right now because i can't sell them.
I know you guys are cool. If one of you sent me like $0,25 - $0,50 in ETH you could literally safe my life.

I only earn $200 per month, so that's 6 years worth of work for me.


Please help me...

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Looks like this is the end then. Fuck.

You don't need ETH in your wallet to use ERC20 tokens, wtf is this?

Yo if you want to transfer

begging is not allowed on Veeky Forums for any reason

you fucking third world shitstain

Yes you do. ERC20 tokens are just smart contracts. If you want to send ERC20 to someone you need ETH for gas.

>I'm fucking scare for my future right now because i can't sell them.
HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAH the absolute state of linkies

Why do you need to sell it now though?

BAT being over $1 defeats the whole purpose of the token. If you knew anything about the project, you'd know this.

Use your brain people. Are you seriously going to fucking buy this over $1?


How much ETH should you keep on an address with shittokens then? And I'm assuming if you fuck up like OP you can just add more later.

Learn to fucking research for more than 3 seconds before buying newfag

lmao no begging now fuck off brainlet

>And I'm assuming if you fuck up like OP you can just add more later.

You can. But i have literally no money to do so right now.

Please save me... $0.50... is an user not worth that much?

I deliberately sent it there to prevent myself from selling.

>the lad made money

I have a few fiat coins in my couch cushions. I'll put them in an envelope and post them to you mate

Guess i'll just fucking kms in a month or so. I have literally no way to send my shit tokens. I'm sleep deprived as hell right now because of this whole thing, but i guess i'll stay here for another 10 minutes or so to see if anyone here takes the bait.


I'm gonna go to bed now.

>I bought a coin and am not a millionaire 24 hours later
>gib me your coins

get the fuck out

Get fucked faggot

>have over $14k in cryptocurrency
>still begging for cents on Veeky Forums

redeem yourself with skycoin!

lol sure user.

that cat always gets me

I just checked this thread one last time on my phone.

Thank you so much user. You literally saved my life.

fuck off if you can afford 14k LINK then you can afford the little extra ETH needed, no one will sympathize with yo
Ethereum is so slow :( bumped gas 4 u.

POS when.