Poor fag here. R8 portfolio please. Plan on mostly hodling
Poor fag here. R8 portfolio please. Plan on mostly hodling
You need at least 1k LINK to make it
hmm my gf is loaning me $2500 more im thinking of putting into bitcoin cash, mb il buy a bit more link
>it was 50k link to make it just two months ago and 10k link a month after that
Feels good that I'll make it 50 times now instead of once tho kek
hmm mb il sell 25% of my xlm into link or eth
don't fall for the link meme
buy XRB or XLM
ETH is safe
XLM has serious potential
don't buy LINK it's never mooning
1k is nigga rich, 50k to retire in lamboland
Don't know any of the coins on the right, unless those are meme stocks are you are going to get completed JUSTed in a year.
> coins
Stop investing in coins that are already $5. You have 3k. Invest in something that will give you enough capital that will actually contribute to tokens above $4. It's easier for a coin to get to a dollar than it is for a coin to reach $10 from $4.
Not bad coins though.
t. gains goblin
XLM only has a 2x left in it at best. Sell all XRP and XLM for long term holds like SALT, UFR or FUN.
t. normie retard that doesn't know what market cap is
definitely do not drop xlm right now
>No $MU
user, we need to have a talk.
5 days ago I was at 4.7k. Then I panicked. Now I’m back in my old standbys. I might not make it.
You are delusional. Stop looking at coins only as pnd. XLM has a platform and resources that no other coin can compete with. XLM can easy be $20 at least. Maybe not this year, but it's coming.
fuck that shit bruh rode it from 32 to 44 and cashed out bruh
nice try
don't buy ufr it's a pnd
It cycles from 41 -> 45 so much that's an easy wave to ride right now.
actually first i rode it from 32 to 26 and cashed out at 28 for lossTHEN got back in at 32 and rode it to 44
i'm not this optimistic b/c a lot of what xlm has going for it is corporate backing and but thinking 2x from its current position is as high as it'll go is pretty unreasonable
So how does Delta calculate the cost including fees? For example, on Coinbase last night I bought $155 worth of ETH (0.12188052) which included the $2.99 fee. For some reason, though, the cost (incl. fee) marker under transactions in my app says it's $156.56.
I entered all the information correctly. Is there a reason it does this? Because all of my other transactions' cost including fees are slightly higher as well.
panic sold fuck you