

just when I think it cant go any lower

There really is no floor is there. I just pray this doesn't happen to AIX as well

What the fuck, not even DBC dumped this hard.

called the additional 20% dip when I bought in a $3



It already ended


>it's never gonna go to $2 they said

Ahahaha so glad I dumped my ICO bags on you faggots

its already over numbnut, look at the huge sell walls jamming the price down. whales having a fucking field day with the panic sellers

It ended 12 hours ago idiot

this coin is so dumb how could anyone fall for this

This is gonna moon so hard....right?

more than likely once it turns around its gonna go nuts. question is when

Whales are pushing this down though

Why would they be doing this of it isn't going to moon

Exactly, panic sellers don't put up their entire stack all at once, they sell into the biggest buy.

Think, if you were a whale, why wouldn't you try and drop the price to the fucking floor if you still see people actually selling off in fear?

I just transferred 5 more ETH to Kucoin after buying 5 ETH worth at $3.00 to buy more if it actually gets under $2.

Even Confido pumped fucking hard, this is a guarantee, especially because it's an actual working product.

> all in
> bought at 341, almost 50% down.
> tfw I don't even care anymore at this point
I'll just hold.

I can't wait for this coin to moon in 3 days and see all the wojacks. There's a misperception that new coins instantly moon on Kucion. If go back and look at the charts of other coins added, there's usually 5-10 days, sometimes longer and then it explodes. I'll be accumulating more now you weak handed shitholers.

So your saying I should relax?

same brother. in so much pain right now. we will make it

I'm saying there is 0% chance this won't moon.

It's an actual product.

Confido recently pumped 50x from 1 cent to 55 cents, and that was a known scam where the creators closed up shop.

Look at the order book and see that wall moving down whenever more people sell off.

You should be eyeing this all night to buy at each dollar interval it goes down. Scared money don't make money, and this is such an obvious mission being set up.

stop trying to claw back an additional 5% on your bags you fucking pajeets. this is a shit coin and you know it.

Bump for more optimism

This bag is easy to hold while SPHTX and HPB have already doubled for me. I'm really blown away that it's still dropping though. Fucking bonkers.

I took my 1BTC out of my loveley DBC into this at 2000 and i thought i did great getting at the floor, its now 17-1800 now and im feeling deep regret. All i wanted was 3x and put 1BTC back into DBC now im stuck.

i know its a pajeet move but i sold at a 2k loss. i dont give a fuck, i hate this coin, i actually hope it does moon soon, ill be on to better things anyways, eat shit canyards

Same except pulled out of ICX and got in at 31k sats. It could always be worse.

this happens to prl bnty dbc too,
idk how low this will go, in end it will still rise up higher

you wont win if you wont take the risk

>not sure if pic is related

It's fucking whales dude

Volume is pretty low regardless. Probably going to need some kind of news to pump.

how about the news that all bagholders committed suicide

Bought at 18k. Thanks to whoever sold.

Is it just me or is it mooning right now

Volume doesn't matter
It will increase in a few days


it is like kind of mooning. wtf. is this it? is the accumulation over?

Anybody still hodling this trash deserves to live in a sewer.

It's not doing anything at all you fucking liars

Na it's just the whale using some false hope psychology. Drop the coin really low. Pump it a tiny bit. Makes people see this as their chance to cash out.
Also pretty sure the whale is on Veeky Forums so stop showing your weak hand. Just for mentioning this he will probably keep it down another week for accumulation.

huh? it literally just jumped from 2.50 to 2.85 in minutes

>down to $2.70 from $5
It's just you.

>no volume
>no sell walls
>no buy walls


Your not watching are you LOL
1700-2020 in like 5 minutes

42 000 sell wall at 21858

WOW now it's only down 90% instead of 100%

kys you fucking faggot

>let's buy every new listing on kucoin guise
>they'll all moon like dbc and qlink xD

>Buying at 3900

What's it going to take to get the volume up?

Fuck you pulled out of icx, dude what the fuck are you doing, not saying this is a bad coin to invest in but icx has already won so much, I only sold my shitcoins like PRL and bnty for this so I'm ok as I know this is not a shitcoin like them

>implying I was dumb enough to fall for this scam
neck yourself pajeet

Should I throw in another 2k because it's so low?

If you want to lose 2k sure

Btw DBC is down to 2100 from 4600 almost now so dont feel bad

Fuck off FUD faggot

It's currently worth less than when it was released and it's going to keep dropping. If you think that's worth investing 2k in then you are a complete retard.

Wait till it crashes down to a cent and then buy a little on the off chance it gets pumped in the future.

That's up to you user, but you are worried that you are down alot already yet you want to double down on it? Not saying it's not a bad idea but maybe for your own mental health just wait a bit till it starts to go up, if it goes up 10% and you miss out on buying that that's nothing when this thing is set to go up 300%-500%.

This is not going to a cent a cent you fucking retard, get the fuck out of here with that fud, I'm sure with will start going up in the next 24hrs guys

okay pajeet whatever you say

Faggot that chart show nothing but this thing is being push down, look at the charts on dcb and dent, ever coin add to Kucoin does this, stop trying to fuck over anons and make them fomo sell

>chart shows value crashing in a couple of days
>absolutely no signs of recovery
>d-doesn't mean anything

>he gets all of his info from the CMC chart
such a researched investor

these sell walls are almost comical at this point.

Havent seen fud and panic in action quite like this before haha people who are holding bags seriously needa either buy more or look away from the chart for a few days

he wants bags. It's obvious

nice try pajeet

not an argument

>to quoque

i'm holding baaaags

20 ETH to blow to either buy the FUD VEN dip or buy Canya

ugh.. the stones it would take to buy canya.. but you know it will 5x from here

still waiting for you to explain why this shitcoin is getting whaled so hard

Imagine the madmen that bought confido after the scam news. They made 55x.

Scared money doesn't make money user. Just, fucking DO IT. Are you in this for safe investments like stocks, or are you in this to make educated gambles that'll 5x your money in days?

Yep i personally dont have the balls mainly because it would involve selling some req which could moon any time with no warning. Not gonna sell this either tho

what the fuck is it doing right now?

whale accumulation patterns. They are hungry


Having 40k REQ is part of the reason why I'm feeling so ballsy on putting more ETH into this.

I still have 15 ETH in addition to 40k REQ, also 161k TRX. I'm honestly so comfy with my REQ and convinced that a 5 - 10x from here is inevitable, that I consider anything else extra gains.

You will make it with REQ. $10 Q2 2018. I will have 400k.

definitely inspiring mofos

Good to buy in or is it going lower?

Lower until the 15th.

I'm putting 20BCH in on Sunday.

All these stupids whales are accumulating for nothing. It will be totally counterproductive.
Who wants to keep bag which could be dumped again at 4$ ?
Who wants to live again the same pattern for weeks ?

Most of bagholders will drop this Shit at the buy price and will break even.
Even for whales, the bags will be to heavy.
So Hodlers and whales will massively sell around 4$, and it will crash again.

This shit won't cross the 4/5$.

It's pity for the dev team, but whales fucked it.
Their accumulating will make a little bubble explosion.

i have all of those coins

Have you considered that maybe it's not whales accumulating and there's just not many people buying?

>massive buy wall real low
>massive sell wall real high
>new walls popping up
yeah no

Something happening on the 15th?

Don't use pajeet strategy ma boi don't buy high sell low. Befriend the whales if you want to be one of them.

Sell just a little bit more please. I have a few more buy orders I would like hit. Have to fund new ICOs :)

name one coin on Kucoin that hasn't had the shit pumped out of it

I just say that CAN is dumped too Hard right now, and most people will drop this Shit around 4/5$. It won't pump High like other coins.

How is that any different than regular market movement? Yeah more people dump at 4-5...then new money keeps buying and the people that dumped either leave or fomo back in when they realize their mistake.

I think it's different because there's a fucking PnD group on this coin, and peoples are tired about this. They don't want to see the same pattern again and again.
Peoples also want quick profit... most of crypto are in green, they are feeling to miss opportunity.
So I see a maaaasssive sell.

We'll see.
May be you're right.

Fucking lost a grand on this bullshit coin already

STupid piece of shit coin is disrespecting Kucoin
They are suppose to moon

There is currently a buy wall at $2.20 for 80k

Been watching this like a hawk today gaining 5-10% every swing between these walls. DANK u Mr WHaLE

I can't wait for this to hit $5 and I can finally get off this fucking coin. I have 1.4k of it sitting here

It was already severely overpriced by mcap when it hit kucoin compared to bnty and dbc for example. I knew better but i bought in anyway. Will not make that mistake again. At this point I’ll just keep holding and hope it goes back up to at least get out what I have in it. Fucking ecc and ven saving my ass otherwise my whole portfolio would be down after the CNBC news the other day

Do you see. I told you.
People are tired of these Fuckers.
We cross the historic low level.
They are not accumulating at this point, they are crashing CAN, and whales will sink with too.
Nobody will buy their pajeet's bag at 5$

WOW, have you even seen a chart before? Have you compared this to any previous launches with contests?

CAN looks much healthier

>first coin that fails completely when added to kucoin
> happens to be the one I go all in on