DBC Breakout Imminent

Within 24 hours.

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Unironically, it hit it's support & is back on the trendline. If you haven't bought in yet, this is the perfect price as it'll go up from here for the NEO conferences at the end of the month. I'd reckon we're at half of this cup and handle that's been forming.

I think it'll breakout sometime in the next 8 hours.


Let's do this,,,

Look at the chart idiot.

I think it's going to go sideways for a bit first. Monday will be the day.

>tfw first time swing trading
>made 200 DBC but still lost big time in BTC/ETH/Fiat

I really like EGAS, it looks like a scamcoin but even if it is, at this price it can still go 10x before it gets dumped. check it out.
Take a look@ coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ethgas/


The chart


If by breakout you mean selloff down to .25 then yes a breakout op.

it just went though its support. I do this this coin will blow up but not for 2 weeks or so.

I can't read charts can you explain it to me?

Are you stupid? Lol. It already broke out you drew your lines wrong. Back to plebbit

This is more in line with what I expect. I'll buy back in at .15 in a few days.


same here, I really like this coin, but i sold out a few days ago thinking this would happen, been sitting comfy in kcs. I think around the 25th or so this coin is gonna show its war face

which reminds me, yall should really check out kcs, It my favorite due to both kucoins ever increasing popularity, its budding pairing with other coins and its interesting(not a money maker but fun) daily dividends, gl anons

looks more like it will just go sideways for a long time

nobody wants to buy into a graph that looks like that

Who taught you how to chart? Whoever it was must of been a tard. That indicator is a 50/50 of breaking up or down. Given the last couple of days it's going to keep heading down. Falling to old support levels.

HAHAH nice triangle slut


pls be right user, dbc deserves it

Learn technical analysis fag

Go Green!