1.5millcap, 300k circ, released loan platform 2 days ago
Nimfamoney, a journey to space
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>please respond
How did posting pictures of Justin Sun do? Looks like Tron is still fucking 10+b mcap.
Stop being an emotional trader and make rational logical decisions. Do you think anyone is going to care about a facebook page once the fucking platform has volume?
Dude this has a working platform already, with such a low market cap. There are so many coins with nothing more than a concept in the hundred millions
Gonna moon
got damn that marketcap + working product has got me salivating
dubs. confirmed mars mission now
Checked, going to the moon confirmed
i'm not saying it won't moon because every random shitcoin does I'm just saying that the slavs that made it look twelve
>don't get this emotional about a project or you will never make it
This isn't a shitcoin though. It's got a working platform, and in this bull market, margin trading is gonna be huge
Lol dude there is like 1 or 2 coins I think aren't just complete garbage. This isn't one of them. That being said this is a coin I think will make a lot of fucking money and potentially expedite a market crash.
fuck user, you've got me interested with your shilling, were can you see this going? New exchanges? Should I dump half my ADST for this (already up 120%) and go 50/50?
There are so many people that want to trade more, and the only thing stopping them is funds. Easy to approve loans from nimfamoney is a no brainer in this market
fucking etherdelta tho, I have tried twice and never have an experience that resulted in actually getting coins
sigt had a working platform too. fuck off pajeet
Currently just EtherDelta, but the devs are in contact with some of the top exchanges. Get in early while it's still just on ED
If they manage to perfect the platform this could be huge. So many people would love to use margin without all the hassle it entails to inquire it.
That's why I believe in this coin. Imagine having 3 times the funds to throw at coins. Triple your gains
oh my god we're giving eighth graders millions
>working platform
>can't withdraw while loan is active
Two questions about this. First, which coins can be traded on their platform? At what prices?
Second, how do they back up their leverage and what do they do in case of a mass withdrawal (>35% of the assets)?
Just curious...
what if you don't want the lone scheme thing, can you just buy the token and not get any loan coins?
also any idea what the loaned tokens are going to do to prices (supply will basically 3x right?)
you can purchase just the coins. If you want 3x coins, you send them to the their platform.
I'll most likely use the NIMFA coins as a hedge. When NIMFA price is declining/steady i'll use the 3x leverage on other coin opportunists. And vice versa when it NIMFA prices appear like they'll rise.
What happens if someone takes a loan and sees all their purchased tokens/coins tank? I don't think there would be any recourse for debt collection, right?
I really like EGAS, it looks like a scamcoin but even if it is, at this price it can still go 10x before it gets dumped. check it out.
Take a look@ coinmarketcap.com
how much fucking gas do I have to use to get a 0.5 eth transaction go through?
yeah I don't understand how they would handle that, it seems they only allow a select few options though
Ethgas is fucking shit go away
I always use this site. It's pretty accurate
so this should take around 30 mins right?
I'm too much of a brainlet to understand this fully
Yes or maybe a bit more 11 is really fucking low dude
Yup, about 30 minutes
1000x incoming
100x at least dude. This is way better than so many 100m coins out there. Gonna explode
They have an automatic cut off limit if you lose 30 percent of the loan.
I thought this was comfirmed as scam?
Not a scam. Platform already released, loans being comfirmed
Guys dont buy this, its a confirmed scam. And the CEO has been inviceted of statutory rape
coinmarketcap says it's total suply of 1.5m tokens but ico was for 20m tokens.
Shitty FUD. Post prrof or get the fuck out
ED has all the hidden gems. Easiest 100x I've seen in a minute.
too bad that piece of shit is so laggy right now that you cant even buy anything
Keep trying. This could moon any day now you don't want to miss it. Etherdelta fucking sucks
Check the smart contract . It is 1.5m.