Anyone else having a bot running to abuse the spread?
I literally make 0.08 btc/1eth each day
Anyone else having a bot running to abuse the spread?
I literally make 0.08 btc/1eth each day
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no, teach me how you do that pls
tell us more user
learn programming, python is ez to get into for newfags. c++ if you're the smartest motherfucker you know. java if you're a normie.
what's in the pic?
What bot do you use?
what? it looks like you lost money. you bought at .002 and sold at .0005, am i missing something?
Does Coss give people free coins or something?
It's more of a dividend than a coin but yes. Holding COSS gives you a % of all trades on the exchange.
yea i dont get it.
it looks like he's buying high and selling at a lower price.
same. can't see profit
Its a simple script, that sets buy and sell orders on all pairs with a small percantage of my portfolio each. Then it just waits for people to buy and sell into it.
Doing it for months now, it outperformed literally any shitcoin pump
they pay 50% of their earned fees to COSS holders
thats just a screen of the orderbook to demonstrate the insane spread, it shows other peoples buys and sells.
So you use a bot on an exchange that doesn't have an API?
Dumbest larp of the week
>Doesn't have an API
dev user here, if you can see and click something in a website, you can automate it.
what if you get caught in a trend?
what do you mean, you hope for it to go lower again or higher again and then repeat? I assume that's what you mean right?
Why dont you just share your bot instead of bragging here?
user can you explain your tactics please? Can program, but need to know your idea behind the trades. So if you would like to cover it, please feel free to do so
if it worked he wouldnt be bragging here. OP is a gay larper, SVM classifiers are where its at
That must be the cheapest exchange coin I have seen! If it goes anything like others I till be epic.
the number of people that don't get computers is staggering.
if its on the screen I can capture it
>but user you cant right click save as so you cant get it
if it's a button I can press it with software
>but they don't allow bots
wait until these people see Chinese app rating farms lol
write it yourself, its easy. I have been doing this for months now, but it feels like people catch on, so maybe i will sell the bot soon.
It doesn't really happen that often, if something pumps or dumps by a lot i would just move the coins to another exchange and marketsell it there. Kind of sucked the last 2 weeks, when coss had issues due to their eth node.
Around 1 to 2% of all trades end up in a loss.
make your own bot, I he doesn't work for you. if he shared his bot then he would have more competition and less profit
buy low sell high, google stock trading algorithms, there are a shit ton
What're you doing with SVM?
teach me
it is a relief that not many people bother to write a bot in these markets, considering how much effort people put into bots for forex.
I really like EGAS, it looks like a scamcoin but even if it is, at this price it can still go 10x before it gets dumped. check it out.
Take a look@