Petition To Ask Coinbase To Delist LTC

I would like to create a petition to ask Coinbase to delist LTC from its exchange. Would you guys sign it? Reasons: abandoned by the creator, old technology, many newer coins are faster for transfering wealth from one exchange to another.

Why would you want to deny so many people fast transfer crypto? Why deny so many long term investment potential? Why deny people a decentralized currency?

He's probably deluded because bought @ATH


>Fast transfer crypto
Many other coins are faster. Example: NEO
>long term investment potential
Have you seen the price lately? It is a dead coin
>decentralized currency
Yeah, there are thousands of them. XMR deserves a spot on Cuckbase than LTC

Low IQ as fuck

This user gets it

He has a point you know. Definitely a Chad level IQ

Yeah, they need to take it off to make room on the screen for better coins.
Makes sense.

>Chad level IQ

- Nobody has mentioned using NEO for anything.
- Price lately? Are you high? Everything is taking a beating right now.
- Ok, so why isn’t XMR on Coinbase?

no he doesnt, might as well remove bitcoin cash since its worse.

I passed Chad's test user

Too many normies here user, they only know 6 coins at most

You fucking wat m8

That should go after LTC

OP is a top tier retard.

Why delist LTC?

why not just add



Likely bought at ATH during the biggest bull run in crypto History, now extremely butt hurt because they’re leveraged to the hilt. Dreams shattered!

Only if they pick up link

I'm sure I can get at least 10k signatures for this petition. Combination of XRP, TRX fanboys and LTC bagHODLers that bought at ATH

Because they’re butt hurt.

I don't understand why Coinbase has to add the shittiest pieces of shit coins like LTC and BCash but not have something like NEO... seriously

This user gets it.

>Can only transfer full coins
get rekt, neo is not a transfer coin

LTC is the best transfer coin on coinbase right now. I'd love for them to switch it with doge though.

>LTC bagHODLers that bought at ATH
Here’s the source of OP’s butt hurt.

You people are fucking stupid, LTC is already being used in the actual real world, right now.

OP is right

BINGO but these fucks know that already.

You're literally retarded. Everybody is saying keep LTC and OP is a fag. He's either a troll or has an IQ of 50.

This is smart user

You mean 5 people?

there is something brewing with LTC's price.

do not sell now.

>LTC is already being used in the actual real world
People also used physical pennies for transaction until one day, Jamal who is homeless said no

lol, you do that, OP
do it asap
be sure to livestream yer suicides, cause atomic swaps are just starting up

Wise observation

>Goxbase eats your BTC and ETH
>Doesn't give a shit about your LTC because it's vaporware

about 13 posts either attacking op or saying it's a bad idea before you posted

And LTC will go interstellar.

I don't think he said anything about owning LTC user

fuck it's too hard to hold since it's actually usable. i always spend my stack.

Suck his dick

You gotta be extremely disciplined

>13 posts
Nice number, must be all whales

DMM Exchange in Japan up and running with LTC, new soft fork and atomic swap.

I think you meant to post on XLM's thread

Where’s the nearest ATM with XLM? Pic related

>Who cares about the Japs

Japs love to gamble.

I'm obviously talking to the people agreeing with him and the ones who are shilling NEO, stupid.

>abandoned by the creator,
>old technology,
>many newer coins are faster for transfering wealth from one exchange to another.

literally describing bitcoin

but yeah litecoin is a massive shitcoin and should be deleted from the internet

Have you seen any NEO ATMs anywhere? I sure haven’t.

I use it to get funds quickly to other exchanges to swap into tether I wouldn’t sign it

I see you bought at the ATH.


Nobody with half a brain would sign it.

Oh nice. Let's say crypto bubble bursts and your only option for investing is through Robinhood app. Would you go all in Bank of America stock once you see they have many ATMs in your area?

>crypto bubble bursts
You can’t be in a bubble with a limited resource.

I'm not holding any LTC right now, not a good investment coin. It's one of the best currency coins right now though. It has it's place.

shit I totally missed that
>my IQ 80 confirmed
in my defense I haven't had my coffee yet
>wake up, shitpost on Veeky Forums while still confy in bed

It’s absolutely a blue chip investment crypto because it is a currency.

>Not a bubble with a limited resource
Didnt you say this as well in 2013? Oh wait, you weren't born yet then

It’s ok, we’ve all been there.

>absolutely a blue chip investment crypto
Do you hate money? Hodl fiat if you want stability

OK, I’ll bite. Show me a pic of your crypto on an ATM screen. Pro tip- you can’t.

most of the US population have IQ

Fiat is being printed faster than toilet paper. LTC is capped. LTC actually has gone up thousands of percent in value in the past year. Fed reserve notes are cancer.


>ATM screen
I can't remember the last time I had a thought of visiting ATM machine. It is all digital now. Would it get you a boner if I make a payphone that accepts LTC?

Fuck yeah I'd sign it. There's way better coins to transfer from exchange to exchange. Litecoin is holding us all back. I feel like a hostage.

>LTC is capped.
Yeah, XMR and VTC are doing this as well. LTC isn't that special.

Smart user

Then explain why they’re not on Coinbase.

>CB delists LTC
>CB loses customers
Stay smart, Veeky Forums.

I’d get a boner if you’re crypto had any use other than being shilled.

Do you prefer usability or money user?

They will be there once you sign my petition

Usability will skyrocket LTC this year.

Unless you are God

putting THE privacy coin on an exchange

Are you fucking retarded user?


WikiLeaks accepts BTC, LTC, XMR, and ZCash for donation. Those are privacy coins.


just bought 100k. thanks for the heads up faggots.

always do the opposite of what Veeky Forums says


>always do the opposite of what Veeky Forums says
Veeky Forums is always right, you know?

You are pointing at a wrong faggot

in due course they'll have to remove LTC and BCH. bitcoin-clone coins are effectively worthless. if you cant even be bothered to build up your own technology from scratch, even if you use concepts bitcoin developed, then your coin is fundamentally worthless and it's value only comes from mass delusion/speculation, and market restrictions, like coinbase only supporting limited numbers of coins.

the bitcoin-clone coins we have today are effectively only aroudn because they're "grandfathered in", propped up by mindless speculators only. as more coins get released with actual unique ideas and code, they're going to be the first ones to fall as people don't see the point in holding 10 different versions of bitcoin with tiny tweaks.

>NEO for transferring coins
Yeah let's use an indivisible coin for that. Will work out particularly great when one NEO is worth $5000 in a year. Fuckin retard.

Best Veeky Forums Thread

>abandoned by the creator
>Ignoring the fact that he is still developing his coin

it was just an example, he could have picked anything really. there are at least 100 coins faster and cheaper than bitcoin clones like litecoin. bitcoin has value because of it's "social" position as the first cryptocurrency. the technology is fine, but obviously other coins have been able to learn from it's mistakes. shitcoins like litecoin didn't learn anything from bitcoin, and still have all of it's problems, with none of it's non-technical benefits.

Once NEO is on CB. You can use it to transfer to other exchanges to buy XRP. Then, use that to help on Jamal's child support funds

"Abondoned" because he aint holding. kek.

LTC is easily the most hated crypto on Biz
Dont get me wrong im chasing the pumps, but for long term HODL this is a safe bet.

>Already the most used crypto, demand and actual use gives value in the end.
>Already faster and cheaper to transfer than Bcash and ETH
>Atomic swaps coming
>Relay fees decreasing from 0.001 LTC/kb ($0.30/kb) to 0.00001 LTC ($0.003/kb) already this week.
>Extending marketing team Q1, Litepay
>New logos and marketing as recently as 10th january the litecoin foundation got a new web interface and instagram.
>LTC upcoming soft fork that will let miners signal their min accepted fee in the block header. This will let a fee market develop without having the LTC foundation decide the min fee, decentralization
>Founder only hodling 1 LTC, decentralization

REEEEEEEEE he abonded his coin reeeeee cuck REEEEEE

>based Charlie Lee would never shill the coin for his own gain
>was always realistic to people, even telling them all crypto could drop 90% so be responsible
>people bitched and complained but it was very necessary for him to be shown as trustworthy, also the upcoming announcement will weigh much more
>finally sells after 6 years so he can finally shill his coin
>little bit of FUD but maintains $230
>now people are over the fact he sold, nothing really changed
>Charlie is now starting to shill LTC and there is nothing people can complain about because he is not doing it for his own gain


i dont see neo getting on coinbase, gdax maybe, but the point of this thread is that coinbase itself, the easy-buy easy-store service, shouldn't include shitcoins like LTC or BCH. gdax can support all the shitcoins it wants. but it's disingenuous to include coins like BCH and LTC alongside coins like BTC and ETH, because newcomers just dont know any better.

>most used
and right here you invalidate your entire post. litecoiners really are some of the most delusional people in crypto today, even against the people holding XRP and TRX.

I love me some fried flounder. Do you?

What if I want to transfer $60 worth of funds to another exchange? Should I just wait until the price of NEO drops to the exact amount I want to transfer?

The more ltc gets fud'ded here the more money I'm going to make when it fucking moons. Push this shit to the bottom anons!