So guys my Portolio lost 33% value these past few days from 75k to now 50k and I want to all in a coin to maximize profits and VEN looks like a safe bet with announcements and rebranding coming next month, what do you guys think? Is it a good idea? I want to just make my gains back without risking a lot also whats a smart realistic price prediction for VEN mid February - early march?
Help - should I ALL in 50k VEN?
Now or never. I waited for this dip with my 250k USDT reserve. Bought the dip like a maniac.
REEEEEE Idk would be a smart investment tho OP
Now's the time to do it.
Now or never what? What makes you say that OP, what price do you see VEN hitting soon?
HAHAHAA why put any money in this shitcoin when you could actually invest in a working product WTC
Yes, my venbro. We are on the road to glory
WTC just doubled in the last 24 hours and you want me to buy at ATH? Are u retarded
Why? Have you read the document regarding the rebranding ceremony? Bullish things are on the way. Mind blowing news and a lot of partnerships will hit us like a truck in the next weeks.
So you're saying I should do it then OP?
ICx has mainnet on 24th and annual summit in Korean on 31st
VEN is blatantly kept down by the shitty dev team suppressing the price. You can go grab gains somewhere else and come back, those faggots will just throw more walls up.
>next weeks
more like months and change for the rebranding event on Feb 16. Can you hold that long? Didn't think so
Rebranding != mind blowing announcement
Can you hold 2 more weeks to see the greatest green dildo in history of crypto?
I honestly can hold that long, it's not a problem why wouldn't I if I'm making gains from it? Okay so what price do you guys see VEN floating at after the rebranding?
WHat a pathetic larp by a Vechain bagholder.
>plz buy my bags
OP is just some marketer. he doesn't even know how to reply to people. No way he has been here for more than 1 day.
Cheapest Ven you will find right now. Now is the time to get in.
I'd see it contracting back to 30k sats before rebranding, set buy orders below there.
Any price predictionsssss after rebrand?
This. Don't fall for the shill.
does 500k sound bad to you Eoy. Do you think you could do better somewhere else?
The other half is already transfered to my the ledger - not worth the hustle to screenshot it too.
I making sick gains. You can keep on wasting your time.
Are you insane? 30k? Not even any meme TA line would come to that result
Getting real tired of this forced wtc vs ven memeing
you know we can tell you are the same person, right?
If markets as a whole get bad news (see SK FUD) then everything could dump 10%+ easily, so no I'm not insane. VEN pumped too hard past few days, and now its showing as its one of the few shitcoins in the red. Watch for further dips and stabilization around 30k to 35k sats range.
Put it into WaBi instead.
even if it dips i'll just take it as a signal to buy more.
i've held just for mere weeks, and i've never seen it dip past my initial purchase, and if it dips, it recovers quick.
100$ eoy realistic?
its his thread and hes pumping it for advice
seriously tho the more research i do on this coin ,the more shady shit i find.
nice copypasta
Modum is a better investment, VeChain already a little too high and you’ll fomo for the next month.