>t. retard
we're more than willing to give your seat on the moon trip to the next guy
when it's $300 EOY you can fomo in
why tf would you post this? just accumulate and then wait for the fomo when it hits major exchanges. i swear some of you guys are retarded
Shitcoin you mean
Testnet has been a bust. Confirmations taking minutes, txs not going through, random fees being added. What a fucking bust
I've read through the testnet discussion in their discord. Trust me, there have been A LOT of issues with their testnet so far
Why would you go online and just lie?
Not lying you stupid fuck. Read through the testnet log on their discord and get back to me. Transactions going through but not confirming for minutes (sometimes not at all), some transactions too large to go through, varying tx fees when it should be a static 1 xby, etc etc
Lying isnt very nice.
Anyone who has a serious stake in this coin head over to bitcointalk and read their thread on it.
This is the clearest scam out there in the market right now. Its even a reboot of a previous scam
You really want me to start posting screencaps?
Yes. Interested but lazy
Here's one
go ahead, lmao
Nice deflection, asshat
Is XBY the new UFR?
>Making this much fuss over a fucking testnet
lmao. This is normal shit. The testnet is going well you dumb fuck.
Isn't the point of a test net to find shit like this and fix it?
Ok so was I lying or not? Apologize pajeet
Yes, you were lying in the fact that you are overstating the testnet's issue's. I've been with XBY for a long time....issues have been in all testnet's, but that's the whole point of them. Overall, it looks like Testnet 3 is going to be a success. I mean its just laughable that you show that screen. Like, big deal. Snore.
What is EOY?
Savage lol