i'm not gonna tell you again kiddies
(rip assblaster btw will be missed)
I'm not gonna tell you again kiddies
Name the coin you fucking goi
snu snu
It’s chainlink but it’s only going to dip
It is a Token, not a coin. And the volume indicates it i going nowhere, not a cup and handle
say my name
Like omg
Chainlink don’t moon.. enjoy holding
you're an idiot the yellow line is btc this isn't a cup and handle. follow the blue line -.-"
Legend of Zelda
Bink right?
keep FUDing, FUDers. you will not win.
Anyway I'll pick up this link when it goes sub 1$.
nobody cares what you do with your sub 1k portfolio
And he was never seen again
>1 post by this ID
>guise cap and hondle foming over 4 moths guise buy now
>(rip assblaster
did he died?
Are all you damn LINKies so smug?
Another version.
I honestly assumed everyone knows this chart like the back of their hand by now
>Cup and Handle