How do i say "hi" to random asian girls i walk by campus?
they always feel too far away, or just a bit too focus on what they are doing. I really want to do it biz!
How do i say "hi" to random asian girls i walk by campus?
they always feel too far away, or just a bit too focus on what they are doing. I really want to do it biz!
I see where you're running into trouble user. That sure is a difficult word to say.
Just fucking say it.
By not asking Veeky Forums you fucking weirdo
and saying hi to random girls won't work unless you know how to flirt/you look good.
buy more crypto
Varoppi u fuckin dickhead didn't I tell u stop acting like a weirdo and just DO IT
Stop this MUH ASIAN WIFU shit
Just pull your dick out and start flappin it around in front of them, they love that....don't be a creep
well. i dont think i look bad, at least decent. And i dont care about getting into their pants. I just want to be able to say hi to cute asian girls for now
i told you why i couldnt
>they always feel too far away,
>or just a bit too focus on what they are doing.
You are really funny as fuck the dumb shit you say always makes me laugh and pisses me off at the same time
Can you PLEASE get over yourself you egotistical fuckstick
Nobody you see while give a shit if you say hello only in your supremely narcissistic mind do you hold that much importance to strangers that saying hello is some earth shattering event
Don't think, just do it and expect the best.
if any guy could a get a girl to their bed doing that, i dont think i would want to be with that girl.
uh, user. chill out, just saying hi to asian girls here. did you make sure to take your meds?
how do i not think?
OP I'm in a generous mood so I'll tell you how I introduce myself to asian women in public. First thing you should approach them politely and tap them on the shoulder gently. When she looks to see who it is immediately bow as a sign of respect, making sure to keep your katana securely placed and centered on your back (TIGHTEN the straps on the sheath to make sure it stays in place). After this introduce your self to her in her native language and you're guaranteed to impress her and get a date.
You just walk up and choke them... If they smile and don't resist you found a winner. If they struggle and call for help, dump her and run as fast as possible.
If you are really lucky, she will struggle a little, but when you stop she will give you that look like she wants more... That's the best.
>t. female
they always use narcissist as an insult, its funny
they arent like the cartoons user. Those girls are probably shit
but i study japanese, and all the girls at my college are chinese.
hmmm. i know youre trolling about the choking. but this makes me wonder, if i say hi and go as far as say theyre cute, maybe they'll say something back like,
>i think youre cute too user
and that would be a keeper to sit down and talk with
well, call me a stockholme syndrom masochist, because i love asian girls even if they treat me like shit.
You must be young
Just wait until you become older
Ever notice how old people have no filter? It's partly because their brains are decaying along with the rest of their organs. However, the older I get, the less i give a fuck because I'm inching ever closer to my death and saying hi to that asian girl is much easier than walking past silently and thinking about the reality that my life is slowly ending along with the lives of my parents and everyone I care about and there will eventually come a point where I can never say hi to an asian girl ever again.
Basically you will scare yourself into doing the things that scare you.
What the fuck are you talking about it wasn't a insult it was a statement of fact did I hurt baby's feelings?
Varoppi you're afraid of speaking or addicted to trolling the internet with weirdo stories if any one here should be on meds..
what do i do, if i say hi, but they are too far away to hear or they werent paying attention and ignore me. i guess im just scared of being rejected by the asian girls
I've been with Thai, Japanese, and Korean girls... almost all of them were freaks that were into some kinky shit, so only half trolling. Legit FOB Asians are used to weak pansy guys that don't know how to approach women. So if you are more forward they tend to like that
To be honest with you on my campus I’ve found Chinese student (both men AND women) to be extremely unapproachable in the sense that they’re not willing to befriend you. I chalk this up to both antisocial mindset and the fact that most of the Chinese students are unwilling to speak to white boys. In all of my courses where there’s a group of Chinese students, regardless of the fact that they speak English, they group into one massive ethno study group and fraternize among themselves, usually in Chinese. Now I’m not saying there’s anything really completely wrong with that but I wish they would be antisocial ant people in China and not Ontario
Idk. But why are you saying hi from so far away? Say hi from as close as possible and mumble when you do it. That way if she is upset that you said hi, you can just pretend you were clearing your throat and she misheard you
You literally just walk up and say "hi, I've seen you around campus a couple times and I think you're really cute. Do you want to go out sometime?"
Stop being autistic and just talk to them. Asian girls love men with money, so if you take them somewhere expensive (assuming you actually made gains on Veeky Forums) you're golden.
you have it backwards m8, the girls are not the trophy that men chase after. the reality is men are the trophy that girls pretend not to chase after. girls are all about how they are perceived, and they dont want to seem like they are chasing you even if they really want you. you have a million girls to chose from and if you do it right all women will know this and actively try to become one of your top choices. make them do the work OP
why do you keep calling me varappi? i think youre legit having a mental break down user
thanks. you give me more courage to walk up to one now. but i dont know. i just keep fucking up. im tempted to walk over to the store today just to greet one. I really want to, it would make my day.
kek. well, what ever makes her happy.
i agree with you to an extent. i say this because literally 3 of my closest friends are legit china men. and one of them even asked around his female chinese friends for me. but yeah, i know there are also the chinese people that try to be anti social. just want to crack one up though
idk. i just havent approached one from very close yet. i would love to be next to one though.
yeah, i made quite a few in crypto. that would be the dream user. but, i am literally just trying to get pass the "hi" stage.
thanks trips
Dude, it couldn’t be easier. This is coming from a guy who has bedded 12 chinks in a multi-uni city now. You simply run up behind them - even if they are far away - tap them on the shoulder, when they turn around, stretch out the corner of your eyes (it makes you look less intimidating) and yell ‘AAAWWW NI-HAOOOOO WO SHI FUCKY-FUCKY’ in their face. They will appreciate the attempt to speak their language. Pro-tip: Asians often have stinky breath from the food they eat, DO NOT brush your teeth for two days before doing this. Trust me. Works every time.
Lol now you're pretending I don't know who you are in the same thread you admitted it a few posts ago? Hilarious
You should take a vacation to the philippines....any guy who's white and awkward around girls....they throw themselves at you over there
Great post until
"make them (women) do the work"
my mandarin tones are really off. i tried reading a chinese word to one of my chinese friends, and he had to look at the character itself to find out what i was reading
Make enough in crypto and just buy one. I recommend renting.
Start by saying hello to people you don't want to fuck stop complicating something so simple
East asian
Northern Europe
Southern Europe
Jungle Asian - You are here
You aim very low user