Why OPT is the most undervalued token on market right now

Why OPT is the most undervalued coin on the market right now.
OPUS which originally started as a decentralized music buying platform recently announced that they were changing to a streaming model
that with enhanced targeting of the Chinese Market will mean big gains for anyone who can get in soon lets take a look at the numbers

>Tencent a startup streaming service in China is absolutely burying the competion
>their IPO next year announced a valuation of 10B

The chinese market is still relatively untapped with only 10-20 million users on streaming services, but the Chinese market also craves to be targeted

Lets look at other streaming app valuations
google.com/search?rlz=1C1NHXL_enUS753US753&tbm=fin&q=NYSE: P&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAONgecRoyi3w8sc9YSmdSWtOXmNU4-IKzsgvd80rySypFJLgYoOy-KR4uLj0c_UNiqoKS7LSeQCkyzBIOgAAAA&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj_9KP76dXYAhWIk-AKHRDtC8gQ6c8CCDYwAA&biw=1920&bih=963#scso=uid_vHJaWu3qDozw_AbVrJ-wBw_5:0


Combine this with the massive bullflag that OPT just saw and the price support at 00018 eth this is probably the comfiest hold of Q1

Buy up to .15c
Sell at $1

Other urls found in this thread:


I mean none of this wrong but you’re assuming biz likes money

Just sell at 5/6 dollars, why only 1


Go shill your chinkshit scams elsewhere. Justin Sun faggot ass nigger bitch whore

I am a short term investor this will be 1-2$ end of Q1

It is also a good longterm hold I doubt I will part with the entirety of my position at 1 because this will be 10-20 in a few years

Holding 200k. Just wait boys. Just wait.

My fellow shill,

Good work. Biz needs another flagship low cap coin. Let us ride these waves together and shill our profits to another unprecedented level.

This coin IS perfect for high risk/reward section of portfolios. The exchange listing coming in Q2 means insane short/mid term gains. But also this is a SOLID project in general with a verified team with stacked credentials.

Ignoring the biggest market in the world


I’m ready boys

Stacked my OPUS 3 days ago and comfy as fuck. RIDE THIS BOY TO THE MOON

hi I have 3000 of these things, am I will I can I is going to make it?

We all need to do our part and normie post to reddit and twitter. YES WE CAN

> Quick rundown? Yes. It is almost time.

>only on 2 shit exchanges
>mcap 28 mil
>active devs that are AHEAD of schedule
>working product
>perfect timing in music industry climate for a decentralized streaming app
>just hired new dev for iOS development
>website is gorgeous and streamlined
>compared with other cryptos trying to target content industries, opus is ahead of the game in almost every category except for mcap
>easy 10x once this hits a solid exchange


Quick rundown
>Rothchilds invested in OPT
>Under direction of the Bogs
>rumored to be next 1b Mcap coin
>will control the chinese through MK Ultra streaming song
>own dev offices all over the world
>Team is direct descendents of Jesus Christ
>will be the first streaming app on mars
>in the process of putting an intergalactic antennae on Pluto
>will host all artists by the year 2020"
>team has combined IQ of over 9000
>ancient indian scriptures tell tales of a songbird descending upon earth to bring humanity into a new era of enlightenment
>you likely have OPT bots right now in your brain
>every child will have the opus symbol implanted at birth
>team in regular communication with the archangels
>discovered the horn of Jericho
>team learned polish in 2 days
>have full access to atlantian supercomputers
>Nationstates in talks to back their reserves by OPT

I’m dying


Thanks. Just bought 100k

Honestly smart money is selling opt right now. There are moon missions everyday and this coin is trending down. That little pump was cute but this thread proves that it was an exit shill pump for some bag holders to break even.

Sell now or sell it for less later.

Nice fud

> Smart money.
> Selling a 17m marketcap coin when you break even.
> Not realising what high risk high reward is.
> Actually doing you a favour shilling this to you.

haha VOISE much better then THIS.
i even don't remember that name...OPUS lol what is that? when u hear VOISE u know what it is

What's your EOY prediction. I have 10K I'm putting into something as soon as the money transfers from my bank. Ideally would like to turn it into at least 500K by the EOY.

I really like EGAS, it looks like a scamcoin but even if it is, at this price it can still go 10x before it gets dumped. check it out.
Take a look@ coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ethgas/

Go shill some place else nigger

is that mean u shill your bags? Great. Good reason to buy VOISE

>when u hear VOISE u know what it is

Yes, sounds like a fucking shit coin. So that's right.

I think EOY conservative 2$ liberal 6$ if crypto doubles mcap 12$

you're already saying $1-2 end of Q1, $2 EOY sounds ultra conservative by those standards.

This coin is going to test 200 sat its clearly on a down trend the shilling was effective from the discord pump group that is spamming opus here buts over they are cashing out

Thats just how I trade
they will get a listing sometime next month even if they dont decide to pursue it aggressively.

thats what I base the 1-2$ off of. The increase in volume and the fact that most of the big wallets holding OPT are in cold storage when you look at the etherscan shows that a trippling in volume will move it to that point of 1-2$ which 80% of binances coins currently have that voume so if it takes a few weeks to a month then we can say with 95% certainty that a listing on an exchange will push the price to 1-2$
(conservative = guaranteed)
no say we get 12x of sustained volume pushing the price to 6$ we would see the chance drop to ~60%

If we saw something like increasing market adoption and significant intrest think a news article on a popular sit cnn rolling stone etc then these numbers are just going to go up from there
I plan for the worst hope for the best its just my trading style

what are you talking about most of the coins are owned by hodlers go to ethscan and check the wallets before you shit up this thread with your FUD

Right. Only fucking children chase pumps.
