Seriouslt, no threads on Icon? Come on boyos, this is your chance on the next NEO. Invest it in when it was AntShares, getting the same vibes from this. This shits going to blow.
Icon thread and price predictions
> this is your chance on the next NEO
I think you're lost, HPB is next door buddy.
It doesn't need shilling though. Steady for a week and then it will blow the fuck up. No biggie.
242 of these, will i be ok?
It looks like it's stabilizing around 6800-6900. It will probably wake up in a day or two.
400 ICX, will I make it?
ICX isn't ready to move. I don't expect movement until Wednesday at earliest. Have 1k ICX, let's see if I can buy myself a nice pair of socks.
775 here hoping to reach 1000 before moon. I think this will easily hit 100 this year.
It’s stagnate as all fuck right now. Each day since the Korea FUD it has gotten more and more stable. At least it’s not having 1000 sat swings like the past few days. Great time to accumulate though.
It will moon sometime in the next few days. The Korea shit took us back a bit, but we’ll be back with a vengeance.
Currently holding LINK and ICX. Should I sell my Link for ICX boiz?
I hope you're right.
I am not selling till Q1 2019 tell me why this is a bad idea?
10 cents by end of month
kek haven't seen an xray thread in a long time.
Fuck I forgot these were a thing.
>according to my crystal ball
it will moon in exactly 8 days
are you me? that's my portfolio too. if you believe the chronicles of /assblaster/, he listed ICX as secondary blue chip crypto. keep them both famalamalam.
ICX Long Term/ stress free strategy: Sell off and reinvest 20% of your ICX (assuming you got in like a month ago). Hold and reaccumulate while it dips for the next couple months, gloat when it moons again.
ICX Short Term/high stress strategy: Sell off 100%, chase one of the 5 guaranteed 10x moon missions on biz and reaccumulate with moon mission profits.
I'm choosing the former because i can't handle this stress.
Sell 2 weeks before mainnet launch? Are u retarded?
We vs the walls. We're gonna moon bois be patient.
>ICX Short Term/high stress strategy: Sell off 100%, chase one of the 5 guaranteed 10x moon missions on biz and reaccumulate with moon mission profits.
Which one?
ICX Discord link
3k ICX. If you make it make it.
$50 EOY
$15 EOM