Cabin in the Woods

Guys. Something truly horrifying has happened to me. I don't know if i should write this on /x/ or Veeky Forums.

Two days ago i was running trough the forest like i did 2-3 times a week. Then i noticed, on the side of the way i always ran, some stone slabs that were easily overlooked.

I was curious and carefully stepped from one stone to the next.

Other urls found in this thread:


just shill me your shitcoin already

after following the path for quite a while i found this cabin. it isn't hidden or anything, it's simply really far off the path

Are you seriously gonna fucking buy that cabin?
Being really far of the path defeats the purpose of the cabin

go inside OP


was there a bunch of mcdonalds wrappers strewn about?

i dont own any chainlink but i belive everyone here knows him

so i was shocked about what the fuck was going on

i glanced inside trough the window but nothing special

i was really fucking curious so i went home, came back and put a small camera into a bird-house (or whatever they are called) and had it pointed at the cabin

i got it back like 2 hours ago and checked it on my pc if anything was captured in the past days

i am currently cutting it, you wont belive this shit

inb4 OP is kill


accidentaly deleted it


Pls continue.

im converting the result right now to webm

The discord pump group where everyone makes money. Some more some less but everyone makes it!..

discord dot gg/hTTEEt2

Fuck off pajeet

wow how can someone be this much of a pajeet

Dont leave us op

im here. its converting right now.

In the loo pajeet!

Ill bump this shit for you. Dont dare to trick me in some stupid shit user i have a rough weekend

What happened next user?!


file is to big so i uploaded it here

This is all i got. I dont know WHY, i dont know WHAT he did but i am fucking worried that we have some sort of psychopath in our town

its not like anyone would see him in the first place

And i just realised: our forrest has a lot of cryptic shit on gmap like "the dark portal" "black man" "no return"; i bet it was this fucker

>of course it's a pink wojak

Lmao was that a pink Wojack?

The actual state of the autists on /biz.

Chainlink bagholders lmao now resorting to creepy larps

What the actual fuck

Thnaks OP, I needed that kek

CL truly has the best memes

Fking lol, I thought it was going to be sergei

Have we really strayed this far from the light


oh yeh he actually looks familiar

used to hang out around these parts talking about auroracoin

op here, found him for 4 seconds again

>The discord pump group that is unstoppable.,,

discord dot gg/6BAAvpM

forgot the pic ; i am currently going to my recordings and found a few frames with him

pic related


what do i do now? can i just leave this be? ..

Hahaha what the fuck

Maybe I should reconsider my fake internet money gambling I spend too much time with you people lol

found his brother

You need to set a trap and interrogate him.

>what do i do now? can i just leave this be? ..
offer to buy his bags

Strap in guys, it's gonna happen tonight.

this is it HC? Haunted cabin?

Tell me about OP. Why does he wear the mask?



completly disfigured face? who knows


im going there right now again