I've been in the game since 2014, all the bear markets have been tough but theres something different about this one... any other old fags will be able to tell you how different and scary this one feels compared to the others. I've always held easily with no worries or cares but im wanting to panic sell for the first time in my crypto history.
I've been in the game since 2014, all the bear markets have been tough but theres something different about this one...
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I feel you user, there's something strange about this one
Newishfag here.
Go on, I'm curious what you mean.
What's "different"?
I find it kind of eerie and unsettling how BTC has just been bobbing back and forth between $13K and $17K for literally a month. Like it honestly doesn't know what to do.
fuck off fudders
another newfag here, also curious
oldfag here
I agree OP theres something in the air
I got 5,5 million in ccryptos and Im slowly gonna sell off most of my holdings. shits getting too eerie for me
Tbh this bear market feels way comfier than the China fud last year. Are you really an oldfag? BTC crashed from 5k to 2.9k and everytime it was recovering the Chinese decided to "maybe ban bitcoin again". Then they banned ICO's, tanking the altcoin market. Not much later Bitcoin went on it's biggest bull run in history and absolutely tanked the every living fuck out of altcoins.
What do you hold? Tron? Lmao you should be scared faggot
yeah, i feel you OP. This time it's different. i fear a bleeding of btc for months
Why do people call this a bear market? Holy fucking shit theres no way someone whos been in since 2014 would think this little dip is a bear market. GTFO newfag larper.
After Gox 90% of altcoins died. Like, the networks don't exist anymore. So the same will simply happen here. All these shittokens and memecoins that have no real world use, they'll die. Nothing wrong with that.
I have 4 million and I exited to Tether at 16.5k, bought back in at 13k and just exited again few hours ago.
I've been telling everyone this is going to 8k within the month, but those retards just don't listen.
Nothing. It's larp. The bear market will be a few months and then back to ath
Yeah cause shits about to pop as soon as you sell.
BTC will bleed because its shit, is unable to serve its intended purpose because of fees and transaction times, and theres tons of more attractive coins to buy. Just get out of BTC and you will realize this isnt a bear market.
See this retard here is a perfect example.
>this time it's different!1!!
Literally every dip it's the same shit
Only been here since April too
I'm an oldfag, sat through almost every one of these things and I feel deja vu every time I look at the chart.
Feels the same as earlier this year to me, I remember sitting there waiting for it to stop looking like the meme bubble chart so everyone could relax a bit.
First, you're a newfag.
Second, this isn't a "bear market". Are you fucking insane.
Third, this isn't scary at all. If Coinbase, Bittrex, Binance, and Bitfinex all got shut down and funds seized.. then yeah we might be close to what the Mt. Gox crash was like but until then we are absolutely fine.
Look at the news. Banks and other businesses are increasingly moving towards crypto investments and ETFs are already being approved.
You fucking newfags are the absolute worst. Almost every coin has done a 2x, 4x, 6x, 10x and you think we're in a fucking bear market? What is wrong with you?
Read my comments shitface. Its not a "bear market" just because BTC has been found out. But by all means, dump your BTC, its definitely not reaching new heights anytime soon.
Plenty of coins with low market cap and great promise to buy right now.
faggots keep complaining about bear market
cmc cap has barely dropped in the past few hours
give me a break.
I give it 12-18 months max and this whole gravy train goes to HELL!!
crypto is mainstream enough that any bear run/crash will be immediately followed by investment of new money/whales
this isn't going away. It didn't go away after 2013 either. Doom and gloomers are retards with no foresight
>transaction fees are a bad thing
>satoshi implemented them for no reason at all
god I fucking hate nu/biz/
BTC is an indicator of trading activity. If BTC dies, the entire market dies. Nearly every single coin on CMC is in the red for the week.
>45 billion dollar drop in a few hours
>barely dropped
ITT weak hands understand their limits
dont test these hands boy. So strong theyd crush your puny little tiny slender hands in one crunch.
This happens regularly. What are you expecting on unregulated markets? Stable conditions?
BTC futures will expire on the 18th. Anyone not holding btc after that is in for a bad time.
>I've been telling everyone this is going to 8k within the month
You have no place to be calling anyone else a retard.
Inclined to believe this guy.
What exactly is the reason for all this FUD right now?
Crytpo as a technology is still is its early days and has so many more avenues to work its way into. The potential is huge - potential to replace traditional currencies and to revolutionise not only the internet but also industry, commerce and many parts of every day life.
>thinks I dont understand why transaction fees are there
>thinks satoshi intended low volume transfers to be impossible because of fees
The difference I see is magnitude. A lot of stupid, stupid money FOMO’ed into the market. Now that the dip is upon us, these stupid, impatient morons will panic sell rather than hodl.
Lol. No it doesn't you newfag. I'm really getting tired of you "hurrrr muh dip jus a dip" plebbitors.
But what can I say. 99% of people in this world deserve to lose money.
>30 dollar transaction fees are a feature
if you aren't baiting you are sincerely one of the dumbest people I've ever seen
I actually enjoy those cycles, it's testing my character. I believe 100% in the long term of the coins I invested in. I wanna see how much control and determination I have.
Only newfags think this is a "bear market".
We used to have days like this every week. Shit is so comfy
I've been right 100% so far. You're the retard.
I sold at 16.5k. Go ahead and show us where you got out, you tard.
Deregulation of Theter happened. Lots of actual fake money.
Yea youre right it will dip somewhat in tandem with the BTC price. But only until ETH takes over, which is already happening. ETH has been extremely stable in this BTC downturn. Most alt trading pairs are already ETH/X. Its about time BitShit stops dictating the market.
This is why we need more /bizpol/
I was driving home from work on Friday and heard a commercial for BitIRA, where you can hold bitcoin in your retirement accounts.
>30 dollar transaction fees are a feature
it costs less than $10 to transfer bitcoin in an hour or less. even proper exchanges only set the fee to like 0.0008 btc.
where the fuck does this $30-$50 tx fee meme come from? are you cunts too fucking retarded to use a wallet properly?
OP isn't lying faggots, ARK Investment just moved bitcoin from the number 2 position on their two biggest ETFS, to the number 24 position;
September 2017 Holdings:
January 2018 Holdings:
Historically, ARK Investment has been very bullish on Bitcoin, and they were the first Wall Street company to endorse Bitcoin, going so far as to put out a paper of their analysis on the asset.
Something's up, and none of you faggots have the wall street connections to move an entire market. Stay safe.
>Go ahead and show us where you got out
I havent taken anything out.. And Im up a measly 42% in fiat value compared to my portfolio when btc was worth 18k+.
Down to 8k.. Really? Where did you pull this from? Show me some solid reasoning for your prediction or just gtfo, another newcoiner who thinks they know the market inside out.. A joke.
I hodl Neo - the last few weeks have been heaven!
kek, you sound like a redditor.
ETH is extremely overbought and will die as well. This isn't about trading pairs, but investor confidence. Nobody is going to trade in two weeks salary to buy a shitcoin that people don't believe in.
The global market cap is once again going to test a breakout from the uptrend. It will achieve that very soon.
>where the fuck does this $30-$50 tx fee meme come from
You are right user, that’s a gross underestimate.... the fees are averaging $80 now.
(Outstanding fees on unconfirmed transaction divided by the number of transactions, times the current price of bitcoin = almost $80)
That’s kind of rapey if you ask me.
Whats different this time is that a major part of the BTC community has left and switched to BCH. BTC is a sinking ship and who knows what will happen when it finally goes down.
My portfolio went from 25K to 7.5K with China FUD. Stfu pajeet this is nothing.
>42% in fiat value
Lol yeah from 5k I bet. Definitely under 100k.
Also kill yourself if you can't see the bubble.
because Veeky Forums does not have your best interests in mind. this is a honeypot operation infiltrated by zionist jews to get you to sell them your btc at dirt cheap prices. Veeky Forums is bearish on everything that is not allin 100% FOMO at ATH on the shittiest vaporware coins possible to 1000x your investment. the portfolio the jew fears the most is a well-diversified one with the majority of capital in solid altcoins or btc which they want for themselves. the amount of kikes outnumbers the actual coinholders on Veeky Forums. they do not want you to own PoW mineable coins because they realize these are the only ones that will hold their value thru the next correction phase.
with jews, you lose
are you trying to say 10 dollar fees make it viable?
BTC is at 300k transactions per day and the fees are already retarded - the guy I replied to implies that this is a feature and is intended: are you equally retarded, or you do just want to argue whether you pay 200% or 600% fees on your mcnuggets - I don't care either way
cryptocurrencies are not useful right now because none of them can actually scale yet, which is why you should be investing in coins that you think solve the problem. What BTC has done is place all their eggs in one basket, and that basket is a fucking pipe dream.
ZERO on-chain scaling @ 300k capacity, fucking laughable. Even in a majority LN ecosystem (which is YEARS away at best) just the payment channels alone will choke the network
Oldfag here. Alts will go up and beyond everybody could imagine as Normies are discovering them. Bitcoin Marketcap will drop to 10% of total Marketcap.
it feels strange because the market is shifting to dapps yet most of the trading is still in btc pairs fucks everything up
ding ding ding
I agree with bitcoin marketcap dropping to 10%
However. The entire market is now entering a bear market for the coming 2-3 years. Look at the fucking graphs. The signs are everywhere and I'm cashing out 80% of my crypto value until then.
who the fuck cares about bear markets? Im making fortunes in every direction the market moves...
the graphs aren't showing anything but resistance at 13k holding up not once, twice, three, but four times.
the only ones getting JUSTd pretty soon are shitcoin holders, and also people cashing out for believing in the fiat jew anymore
Fees are $10 or less in reality. What are you looking at is inflated because of whales and exchanges moving large amounts of btc. You think anyone actually pays $80 fees to move $500 in btc? Its your fault if you dont know how to use bitcoin. Kys.
See pic related,
0.0008 btc is $10.85
Every time BTC lost 50% of its value (which happened 3 times in history) it caused a bear market. The first was in 2009 and lasted 6 months. The second was in 2010 and lasted for a year until 2011. The third was in 2014 and lasted for 2 years until 2016.
This bear market will last at least 2 years and if the trend is exponential then it'll last 4 whole years.
Yeah good look with your "support" if BTC stays there for months normies are going to drop massively. This is not going to last.
>I've been right in the past so I'll be right in the future
Greater men than you have ruined themselves with this line of thinking.
You’ll be taking a 30% haircut automatically if you cash out.
Tax man.
Fees are going to drop massively when Coinbase implements batching and segwit. The mempool will be reduced by over 50%.
>shorting btc
This is what’s reported m8. The average is $80 now, and yes you can move coins for $10, which is still rape, but that transaction is going into a network where some are paying hundreds, so your coins will move after the high rollers.
past events tell you shit about the future. there is no pattern. your mind makes up those patterns. They call it narrative fallacy.
thats not shorting...thats swing trading. easy 2000$ a day...so fuck off.
>The discord pump group that is unstoppable./!
discord dot gg/6BAAvpM
it is not 80$...30$
It's like you guys forget what happened late summer this year. Btc dropped to 3000 and hovered around there for several months, then took off.
First two times were when the market had pretty much zero liquidity compared to now and it was no where near as easy to get large amounts of fiat into the market.
The third time almost a million coins were taken from circulation and the exchange responsible for 80% of global volume shut down.
What you are seeing now is a correction after a crazy bull run. People thought 10k eoy 2017 was a crazy expectation. So just calm down cowboy, theres no 4 year bear market coming.
Why does it have to be only one king? You can't see a market without a single dominant coin?
sounds like youre jumping the gun and trying to predict whats about to happen when in reality you dont know shit. i hope you panic and cash out 100% on this next squeeze and btc shoots back up to 20k the next day. youll probably kys
wow, this is a very accurate description of the current state of Veeky Forums.
dubs of truth
any advice where to go besides Reddit and /biz? I hate both of them right now
bitcoin's market dominance has more than halved since jan 2017 the game has changed
Crypto is no longer about BTC. Bitcoin has lost market space to newer, better cryptos. The market cap hasn't dropped in proportion to Bitcoin's price decrease. In your past bear markets Bitcoin made up 90% of the total market cap for crypto, now it's like 30%, and dwindling. 2018 will see a bullrun like no other. EOY total market cap will be several trillions as every crypto EXCEPT Bitcoin takes off.
kek, this
>several months
Lolno. More like "several days".
Also it had a reason to go up then. It has no more reasons now. BTC has been bleeding out for almost an entire month now. Soon the big drop will come and all of the desperate "hodlers" will meet their rightful end.
What about all the coins with BTC pairing? What will happen to them?
fucking fags zoom out.
actually it's goin up but you retards only watch the 24 hour percentage I guess.
Wall Street is buying EOS up and gambling their paychecks for fun.
Can't exchanges can change a few lines of code and trade against ETH?
fuck off with your ethereum wannabe...the shills for this coin are so mindless.
Thanks user. I "zoomed out" and I see it now. Wow we're all going to be so rich! #Resist
You are the reason I hate this forum and all Anons.
You fucking nigger pajeets always start your posts in the same way "I made x Million in crypto and I've just made perfect plays every time."
I don't believe you cunts. I don't believe you. You remind me of the faggot on here last year who was bragging about going all in on a BTC short when it was 6k. It then hit 19k, I hope that Nigger fuckhead is eating cock in prison now cause he had to rob a bank to pay for his dead family's funeral.
and you can feel in deep in your soul
you know every little shitcoin is fake and the king will reign again
Do you just swing trade BTC or any other coins?
t. long term holder but want to get into swing trading
>Bleeding of btc for months.
Literally had it's biggest bull run ever less than 2months ago
I already posted a webm in the zclassic thread. You can feel free to kill yourself though.
BTC time is over imho, im in ETH, but theres so much new shit introduced that makes my head spin
Lightning is fake.
coinbase is going to get blamed for the bear, their insider trading and ETH/BCASH pumps have damaged the crypto community's reputation
simlar to mtgox, coinbase and kraken are running fractional exchanges and will be exposed, why else would charlie lee sell all his coins? he used to work there and knows what's going on.
see you in 2 years for the next moon mission
I believe the main contract expires on the 17th. Am I wrong?
>What exactly is the reason for all this FUD right now?
just idiots, they see some red candles and dont understand it because they dont do any research and their IQ is literally quite low and they will repeat whatever term they heard to describe a bad time.
It's very real, there are like 700 nodes and 2500 channels on the testnet
only 10 nodes and 15 channels on the main net, a few purchases have already been completed with no fee.
this coinbase bcash exploit is going to be blamed for the loss of funds, but they already moved 100s of millions into their own pockets
WHY ELSE WOULD COINBASE TRY TO KILL BITCOIN? they don't have any in their vaults and need to recoup the losses to stay in business
this. blockchain is only good for crypto currency, and once everyone realizes this then the king will ruthlessly punish all of the shitcoins. markets like to inflict maximum pain on the maximum amount of participants, so now that everyone is loaded up on altcrap, they're going to drop like a rock
It's just the weekend dip. Relax.
How do you know? Because someone on twitter posted a pic?
It's a fake scam and you know it.