>go out drinking with friends
>some normie friends join later on
>"hey user, we're having a crypto night in a couple of days you should join"
>"Were gonna get together and figure out what crypto is and probably invest some, lol"
>thoughts of selling my bags intensifies
>"You should totally come, you know a lot about that geeky stuff. My bf took a big loan and is gonna invest in ripple, hes crazy lol"
>talk to the guy for about 10 minutes. Doesn't know what a market cap is, doesnt know what crypto is, doesnt even understand what decentralization means.
Normies and crypto thread
To be fair ripple will absolutely go up
ripple sounds perfect for those guys
>year later
>the guy made tens of millions and repay loan by holding
>you up in satoshi down on usd
They're planning a night to get together and learn about it, why would you act smug because they're not fully versed on it yet you spastic. This is why you don't have many friends
tell them to buy the TRX and XVG dip
How big is a loan, so we can understand size of normie investment in their shit?
>If I don't know something, I study it.
>if I dont know something, I plan a night with friends of whom nobody knows anything about the topic so we can find out.
One of these options looks really productive
Are there even any oldfags around still, or am I the only one?
Biz is kill.
I'm an oldfag actually.
I’ve noticed some posts on here lately that are just downright stupid. I guess maybe I should be more compassionate towards other people trying to learn about it. But it’s annoying...
>tfw yesterday one of the janitors at our office asked me about verge
time to get out lads
Why dont you quit being a complete cunt and help them out, it's not easy to get started with.
they might know about how to fix your car when it's fucked or re-wire your house, and you're better than them because you know 5 more words and there implications than they do?
Get off your high horse you virgin
make sure you explain to them what their private keys are and how important it is to save their passphrases in 2 different places
this unironically
This. In fact, make sure to set up their private keys for them. Wait a few months, transfer it all to Xmr, and repeat.
>Get off your high horse you virgin
That was the most boring story of a thing that never happened that I ever read.
Because it ALWAYS is the same with them getting depressed because they understand nothing, even if you set everything up for them. Then they start asking you to manage it, promising idiotic incentives and then they are unable to decide if they wanne hold or sell, in the end blaming you when their "investment" is 0.5% down. Never again. Fuck normies, let them lose everything, only lesson they understand.
>BUT YESTERDAY IT WAS 250, why is it only 220 today
It's not so much about my pride, but more about general demand being exhausted and ultimately disillusioned with the market.
Remember that scene from The Big Short where a retarded stripper tells the main character how she owns a bunch of houses and shit all over the place. The next scene shows him scrambling for a short.
>this happened
listen dickheads, do you want the crypto market cap to reach $2,000,000,000,000+?
The only way for that to happen is that new money comes in. You should all be very happy that normie george and the gang feel comfortable putting their money in alts.
and then what happens? normie george and his friends tell his co workers and the like about crypto show them his gains and then more money comes in, are you both fucking retards? Mass adoption is the end game, remember that.
If you bought ETH at ANY price you are delusional faggot. Huge premine, no wallet, no network, ICO, nothing new to bring to the table (yes, bitcoin did smartcontracts before ethereum)? Chasing a pump? Going on ATH? On retarded overvalued token?
Not gone work. The only normie success story I'm aware of was somebody who got on it himself and sometimes asked me for my opinion. Granny Frieda is a hopeless case, same for blue haired sjw whales and jamals.
One on one may work, but if it's a group thing it's hell. I tried to get my friends out of Tron, I did my best to explain what the amount of tokens in circulation meant, all I got was being mocked and accused of jealousy for being the one that was speaking against the group consensus. And in the end I didn't even manage to get them out.
Ethereum was pumped by computer illiterate mackbook crowd because "muh new paradigm", and we had huge bull run thanks to it. If jamals and actual retards will jump on TRON or some shit all market will benefit again.
niggers love crypto
>calling in a joint meeting of the biggest brains your brainlet normalfag ass knows to figure out what crypto is
I'm sure a room full of normalfags drinking beer and dancing while talking about "crypto" every now and then while shitty top50 pop music blares in the background will be home to a lot of enlightening discoveries and discussion. If they all pitch in, I'm sure they can reach a grand total of 80IQ in that room.
Anyone who isn't a complete brainlet bipedal cattle normie would just fucking google it and read up alone for 30 minutes and be done. Is it a fucking group effort to read shit online?
yes, they all somehow figured it out without being taken by the hand, fell on the nose, and will learn from it. No point taking them by the hand, in the end they will not listen and pump xrp or tron
>they can't google crypto and read for 30 minutes because their brains are incapable of concentrating more than 30 seconds if there aren't flashing lights or loud pop music
>"ur no better than they are u cant judge we're all equal"
Yeah no eat shit. As a general rule, inferior specimen tend towards the bottom of society while superior ones tend towards the top. Lately the people already at the top have been putting in place as many measures as possible to avoid more rising up (after all, resources are limited). Crypto is a way around this, smart people are getting rich, while braindead subhumans who can't make it without handholding will remain at the bottom where they belong.
If I took many and calculated risks over the years in crypto and came out on top, I deserve to be above Tyrone and Stacy who worked at Walmart and smoked weed during that time. You owe nothing to these people, your success is self-made, they should be happy you even bother talking to them about the means of your success let alone share those means. Not to mention they will always resent you sooner than thank you (if they make 10k they'll say thanks, if they lose $500 they'll hate you for life).
Don't waste yourself on these people, if they deserved success they'd attain it themselves without your help.
Normies pump shit like XVG, TRON, XRP
Fuck that
>if they deserved success they'd attain it themselves without your help.
This x1000. Especially in a time where everyone has instant access to virtually all of humanitys knowledge I believe this principle should be adopted far more broadly.
One of the two could potentially lead to sex. This is why you will always be a loser despite any sucess you percieve you achieve in some niche aspect of being a human.