I'm about to make my first purchase on Binance.. APPC or TRX?
Pic is my favorite coin ADX, I have 15k ADX. Looking to add something else.
I'm about to make my first purchase on Binance.. APPC or TRX?
Pic is my favorite coin ADX, I have 15k ADX. Looking to add something else.
TRX of course, lurk moar
any reason why?
>all the fud threads
>being added to new exchanges
>new partnerships announced regularly
>mainnet and coinburn in Q1
Do not buy trx its a scam. How much money do you have?
Buy trx so I can sell my bags. Please.
It really comes down to this
TRX - 7 gorillion mcap
Appc - like 300 Million
Trx user base- idk
Appc - 200 million with a couple billion in revenue.
Also look at the appc advisors/team. Google play, Goldman Sachs guy, Ripple dude, tenx dude, Kyber guy.
Only using .3BTC right now. All my BTC is in ADX
dont buy any of these two
preeze bry tron!
Check the trade volume of TRX, how can you go wrong on something that is traded on such a high volume?
kek ))))
APPC is pure shit.
TRX at least has potential to do something. I'm still in awe I managed to flip those APPC bags for 3x.
what else?
Appc will moon this week at least twice, because of this and also Tuesday announcement and update.
who is this soyboy and why do you think he will be able to moon anything
you couldnt be more wrong you stupid worthless crapcake.
>TRX vaporwave right now
>APPC funktional product with millions of users
its an youtube idiot who knows very little about crypto besides hyping it
Idk I don't watch but the shit he shills always moons and gains holders Because he has 100k youtube subscribers and 63k on Twitter.
I like APPC better but that TRX chart is screaming breakout. Fuk so hard to pick
>TRX chart is screaming breakout
are you blind?
shill me user
TRX is dead. Has been bleeding out.
This is not even a FUD
You must be retarded to do it.
Seriously? YouTube now you piece of s, type: Justin sun streaming and watch the catastrophic video that killed trx. Don’t go that way. Again, this is not a FUD and I have 0 interest in it. Buy anything you want. Not my problem. But trx? Good luck
I have an order in for APPC, someone dump this bitch