Any kimchis here?
Are there any loopholes for the 50 million/year wire limit?
Any kimchis here?
Not telling you though 병신새끼야 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
greedy fucker :DDDD share your premium!
i have family in korea. is it possible to arbitrage with them?
Yeah but each sender is limited to 50mil/year.
but will the government stop my cousin from cashing out lots of money from bithumb? if not its the easiest money ive ever seen
can use my tax hub in luxemburg if you want.
No, your cousin can cash out easy, the problem is sending money out of the country. $50k/year limit. Fucking absurd.
what about tether?
oh i see
but what about citibank? i heard its like 2k a day limit
What about it?
The bank doesn't restrict you, the government does.
wow this is actually a great idea, but does bithumb have tehter?
It does not. I'm not aware of any exchanges that do either. I wonder what the price would be.
well tether is always 1 dollar but knowing koreans they will probably inflate that too kek. god dammit i could make so much money arbitraging with my cousin but she doesnt want to do it fucking ho
>well tether is always 1 dollar but knowing koreans they will probably inflate that too kek
You could probably put a stash of cash on a boat and just fucking sail it out to china lol. Koreans are afraid of boats since Sewol so they probably wouldnt expect it.
fuck kimchi bro there has to be a way to exploit this arbitrage. im too stoopid to think of anything
Everyone's trying to do it. Must be really hard since otherwise there wouldn't be such a huge price difference. But I'm sure Veeky Forums could come up with some clever way.
What do my fellow gook brothers think about ICX?
Has potential but its future is questionable. Can't know when this government stops larping and implements some serious regulations.
what about this
>buy btc in us
>send to korea
>cash out
>buy gold online
>ship gold to us
I'm not certain, but I'm pretty sure gold counts as a financial instrument and you'd be assraped if you tried to smuggle over $10k out without paying some absurd tax.
fuck me
well if each individual is 50k then her whole family can send 200k or more right?
Our Boomers really ruin everything for us.
Actually I know for a fact that if you're carrying over $10k in any kind of (((financial instrument))) except crypto over the border you usually pay a tax. Not just in Korea but pretty much everywhere.
A family of 4? They would be able to send a total of $200k, but not more.
This is where Rolexes come into play. Diamonds. Art and so on.
See there is guaranteed in Seoul somewhere a bunch of kikes that ship the money as diamonds, and are making a ton of money off from this. If you are not in their line of business it is hard but not impossible.
Hmm, wouldnt diamonds for instance also be subject to tax, much like gold? Unless you're talking literally smuggling them in your butthole.