all you newfags have destroyed this board there is literary no OG Veeky Forumstards left all these threads are stupid newfags calling each other newfags
you came here because >hurr durr gains >Veeky Forums knows which coins to buy not anymore its just you fags left
now since you all came from reddit gtfo so we can spend the next year rebuilding this board and you can come back and destroy it once again
see you in 2019 fucking normies
Jayden Taylor
hey reddit - nigger faggot kike. Ha ha you can't ban anyone here. Niggers.
Ryan Green
reddit is just a upvote circlejerk >say positive shit about the coin get upvotes >point out weaknesses or facts why it could be a problem downvoted
at least here you know nothing is manipulated and if you sort the catalof by last reply you alwas see the new replies all the time cant do this on reddit also i can post a pic with every fucking message by default lmao plus biz is a great way to train your brain to filter out bullshit
Michael White
newfags killed this board
Dominic Butler
>Reddit spacing I don't even know what's happening anymore
Samuel Butler
this. OP is obvious brainlet.
Christian Bennett
Grass is always greener. I don't miss the iHaz shilling conventional, low yield investment and the "you can never outperform the market" threads. I don't miss the "biz, I need a lot of money quick, what's the best way to do it" threads. I do however miss the cryptogeneral threads
Mason Price
before you could actually lurk Veeky Forums and make insane gains now you are just ruining it for yourself we are going to keep up making money while you and the rest of reddit is shitting on Veeky Forums and slowly loose your money
Michael Gutierrez
yeah i hope alll of you reddit fags get caught looking at politically incorrect shit at work or friends and get disowned for being little bitches.
Jason Green
****What is Reddit?****
Jaxon Morgan
Board b slow af deez dayz gramps tho
Jose Long
come on, it's been this way since at least the great summer pajeet/discord invasion. and the endless *what's a sat?* questions also: i'm from facebook
Brody Sanders
I came from /pol/ and I'M NOT LEAVING I need money to fight the kikes I'm sick of being a wageslave for kikes It's now or never my friend
Christian Wilson
honestly agree
i still spend five hours a day on this board out of habit but i hardly even chuckle anymore the content is so shit and everyone is a fucking brainlet meme threads like lock in the price are 75% filled with serious replies now
i think you're right op it's better to just leave the market has been shitty lately anyways
Jackson Taylor
the jews will not defeat us
Matthew Roberts
Bunch of roody-poos and candyasses
Aaron Sanchez
>tfw Veeky Forums hasn't tipped a good coin or ico in months >tfw all threads made by shills and pnd faggots these days i miss making it together instead of trying to rip each other off
Tyler Clark
>literal state of Veeky Forums now
Ryder Richardson
>there is literary no OG Veeky Forumstards left I've literally been here since the day the board was created. Probably the most OG out of all of you faggots.
Luis Gray
Not a OG/Biz/tard left, but fully capable of being one. Mathematician, been investing for 10 years in stock market, and got into crypto last year. Made a nice return thus far and given some good advice. Give us a chance. Also, not from (((reddit)))
Parker Davis
>75% filled with serious replies now this not only a disturbing lack of lurking going on but the serious replies to meme threads whilst giving out shoddy advise like they've been in Crypto since day fucking dot.... can't even shitpost without getting lectured
Joshua Brown
Shill me a coin so i can dmor
Camden Thompson
Mason Price
cry more loser go jerk off to cartoons or some shit, Veeky Forums is normalfag territory now
Brayden Myers
Only newfags are complaining about newfags destroying everything
Dylan Brown
Only redfags use the word "hodl" and for the last few months I've seen cancerous trend here with that word.
Luis Adams
Jeremiah Martinez
This, I caught 3 posters shill bitcoin diamond yesterday and it would start dumping 2 minutes after the post
James Thomas
*blows cigar smoke in OPs face and chuckles"
Dominic Williams
We need more /pol acks to cleanse this board from plebbit niggers.
Adam Allen
unironically this
Sebastian King
they're the plebbit niggers retard what we need is /l/ back
Caleb Gonzalez
Ya... I've always hated /pol/ raids, but a few weeks of it non-stop would at least drive out the more squeamish redditfags.
Hunter Miller
Kekekeke >I need money to fight the kikes You just want to be a kike yourself kek
Colton Collins
I hope this bear market kills all the fucking normies.