How to avoid taxes and cash out the best way?
Living in UK. Also where's the best place to buy property after cashing out? Turkey? Europe seems to be on a short fuse, so staying here permanently should be left to the others. Once ive gotten my degree and I've made it, i intend to leave
UK taxes
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I'm a muslim by the way
You're a literal parasite.
>cashing out
you fucking faggot lad
i'll ride this ship into outer space or the fucking core of the earth, there is no in between here, not for me.
all or nothing
Bumping as i'd also like to know. Would get raped on Capital Gains Tax so i'm interested in any ways of cashing out while avoiding it.
So never cashing out?
Dunno if that's a good idea.
No, you're not. Can't be a paedophile worshiper and gamble/ speculate faggot.
no, i'll cash out when crypto is the currency people use to buy bread
Sorry but I am.
Investing is allowed. It's halal to trade and do business. If stocks are allowed so is crypto
Pay your fucking tax pajeet scum
That could take decades.
Get an accountant you morons, don't fuck around asking for assistance on Veeky Forums as it's a surefire way of getting burned.
You only pay capital gains tax if your gainz are over 11.5k. The tax is 20%. I think it only applies to the portion of your gainz that is over 11.5k.
For example £11,501 would mean you pay 20p in capital gains tax.
The tax mans post, this'll answer your questions OP.
(put a . before and after blogspot and after co)
This. I went from just £200 to £300k portfolio over the last year. Haven't taken profits once: I'm either a millionaire or a peasant, I won't accept anything else
Fucking 50% capital gains here.
>I'm a muslim
>i intend to leave
Holy shit I never thought I'd see the day.
Just fucking delete this shitfest already.
Notice how he says, "living in the UK", and not "I'm British" or "Brit here". Get the fuck out of my country, pajeet.
Thats the point
Nice gains mate
Probably best to find a good accountant and incorporate as a company or something.
You earn massive interest on crypto, its not m8. I wouldn't go to Turkey if you're a Paki/Bangladeshi, they're more racist over there than here. Dubai would be good if you could afford it.
if you actually have money and want to avoid paying any UK tax, buy a house in Bahamas but contact a profession company such as
They'll help you through the process, also say cousin Joe from england sent you it might help.
But Dubai is rather unstable isn't it?
Are you related to one of them?
Anywhere muslim is unstable m8, unless you can bleach your skin and become atheist you're going to have to deal with it. Turkey is the most stable muslim country and thats because they're Turks first, muslims second (and only half muslim really).
That's sad.
Do you type from experience?
IIRC Qatar and UAE don't impose on taxes on anything including crypto.
Try going there if you can and cash out there.
kek OP aint getting his gorillion virgins when he expires.
Turkish student in UK here
You probably wouldn't want to buy property in Turkey as the prices are really, really inflated at the moment. Especially in Istanbul. If you decide on buying something in Turkey anyway, I'd suggest buying a detached house or some kind of empty land in a promising place like seaside in Izmir. The huge residences built by construction companies are failing to sell, and they'll probably get cheaper over the future.
Also, there's no capital gains tax in Turkey on cryptos, in case you are able to cash out there through some connections.
Most lay muslims in the west don't care what's haraam and what isn't desu.
Yes, all the muslims in my area come from countries where you marry your cousins so they're very inbred unfortunately.
>traders are subject to income tax
fuck off m8
Okay. I have connections in Dubai.
No there's no interest.
I'm from Luton but am white, ama
Just do as all other Muslims near me do with their money, cash it out into your bank, withdraw all of it and put it under your bed, then claim bankruptcy when the government seizes all your assets (which is typically a Nissan Altima and a stolen telly) because the bank teller reported you for suspicious activity
t. someone whose best friend works at a bank and does literally this
But that's dishonest mate.
So many of these threads. If you have made sizable gains, you have to pay taxes if you cash out. Talk to a good accountant, he'll get you to pay the least. If not, when you deposit 50k in your bank account and report nothing, you are going to git rekt'd.
I thought crypto was considered haram.
It is, OP is trying to rationalise it, but ask any imam, its haram on steroids. They don't even let you keep money in an account with over 0% interest lmao, what would they think of Abdul dumping his bags on some poor sucker for 10000% profit?
It's more halal than fiat
Pumping and dumping is haram not crypto.
See m8 that's pure rationalizations and how tf would you know anyway? Allah knows the truth, and if he wills it, you will be punished very severely. Not just for commiting a sin, but commiting a sin out of pure greed.
Stop talking about your fairytale gods faggots. This is /biz
>look how retarded i am! please everyone need to see this! look at me!
Except for Kek, you must obey to Kek.
But I'm not that retarded...
You must aplogize for Kek for fantasizing about other gods
Lol yeah invest in the rapidly Islamizing country with an ever growing terror problem which borders the world's shittest and most violence prone region.
>Europe seems to be on a short fuse
Western and Southern Europe yes. Buy some property in the European countries that still have some semblance of sanity and survival instinct like Poland/Hungary/Czech/Slovakia as value will rise hugely as they get ever more people from places like Germany trying to escape Merkel's children.
>Allah knows
Memetier desu.
Pay your fucking taxes - You think the NHS pays for itself.
Islamisation is good.
I was just in praying session with Kek. Kek promised moon missions to all of your shitcoins because of me being thankful for ruler Kek.
lol @investing in poland
the poles are the ones running away what the fuck
>he isn't a non dom resident who operates all his trading through his offshore trust in crown dependencies
stay cucked taxpayers
>crypto ISAs literally never
If you are a holder of an irish passport can you go to that island off england that has 0% tax on everything or something?
im a burger with euro connections
come to Switzerland mate ill help u out
cashoutcrypto protonmail ch
You're just trying to guilt me.
If you invest and don't sell, then everyone wins. So it's not usury.