Post your ethercraftfolios

am i gonna make it Veeky Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:'s

mine - fairly modest:

nice, that potion will probably net you a decent amount of eth

Merchant master race.

How do games like these work? This one looks super fun cuz i can craft n shit's Tricks

/POL/ keeps talking about the (((merchant))). Is he in this game as well?

I am the merchant

How do I even start off on this without losing all my money/investing in the wrong things?

This game isn't even going to fucking take off. All you can currently do is buy shit. They don't even have a working game. Fucking niggers I hope they die.

Seems like that's what the refernce is to desu
You have to copy-paste the link though

>This game isn't even going to fucking take off.

You're going to eat your words in two months time.

Buy items that are cheap and have been sold few of.

You're a stupid faggot. This is a money grab. No working fucking game. Not even an auction. So what the fuck are you doing? Literally just handing over your ETH for pixels. No way in selling the shit even. You're going to eat your words.

except all of the items are ERC20 tokens minted to your address bruh. get w/ the program.

btw it's profitable so stop whining, this is Veeky Forums not /cryaboutbeingpoor/
fuck off lol
b r a i n l e t

All the items are ERC20 tokens, you can literally auction them of at etherdelta right now. Cant wait until you see the ethercraft gold soar 1000% on coinmarketcap ;)

So this is like being able to sell mmo items direct to market? How long until an Ether WoW, Ether RS or an Ether Eve online?

>So this is like being able to sell mmo items direct to market? How long until an Ether WoW, Ether RS or an Ether Eve online?
Yeah, you're in control of the item, it's just a token in your wallet.


You are a very stupid fucker. These items won't be going anywhere because they are too lazy to release a fucking game.

How long until Microsoft and Mojang sue them for stealing the ui? Or would this be considered a mod? I feel like this has lawsuit written all over it

>These items won't be going anywhere because they are too lazy to release a fucking game
lol dumbass. they are already going somewhere and the path is on the public blockchain for all to see

if etheremon is safe, this is as well

They have a dedicated artist making all the pixelart.

I'm screencapping all your posts, going to be delicious in a few months :)

Please screencap everything. No working game. This is an ETH grab and nothing more.

So if I understand you guys correctly, this is a game similar to mine craft. And you can mine/make items in a similar fashion, and sell those items for Ether? Sounds pretty neat

so the next etermon ,tank shit, kitty bs

>So if I understand you guys correctly, this is a game similar to mine craft. And you can mine/make items in a similar fashion, and sell those items for Ether? Sounds pretty neat
That's what it seems like. I'm in on this because I expect it to be big and make some money frankly. But if it goes somewhere I'll be happy

We should look into setting up a trade using 0x honestly, would be nice

i'd buy, but all my ETH is locked into etheremons
sorry guys

Except without greedy devs and a much smarter concept.

>can't sell etheremons
>can sell knockoff minecraft tokens
really made me think

shit is gonna moon, get in now or regret it tomorrow


Up to $6k now from $1k when first posted. This is exactly like Etheremon


they need to fix the UI on this
also holy shit lmao
how much have you made?



Will the crafting be relevant?
If so, I am gonna bust these nuts.

Needs a hyphen in those links

Making the most off the frog hat and the boxes but I just bought the boxes recently.

I expect the merchant set to be the best money maker due to mining double the XGP from dungeons, and I'm sure that everyone will realize this and jump on it once the actual game is out. All of these for me were in the first 10 items bought.

You're going to lose all of your ETH once they pull it out of your address you fucking IDIOT.

read the source code for the contracts brainlet

you are fucking stupid, kid. Nothing in life is free. you actually think you can make money buying pixelated fucking paint items from a website? Please, kys.

100 people have to buy in after you for you to even break even. what the fuck are you jackasses even talking about in this thread.

I made over 20 ETH from Etheremon lmao stay poor faggot.

i hope you get in a fucking crash. nobody is making money off these games that last only a day. you stupid faggot.

holy shit control your salt, you need to save it for your unhappy customers writing you up!

If nobody buys in after you. You lose money. Correct?

You can auction off your stuff, or use it in the game. This stuff can be LOST in the dungeon apparently so people will always need to buy more. Only a fucking retard wouldnt be getting in now, its a gift.

You lose the ponzi part of the game yes, but each item is an ERC20 tradable token. You can literally start trying to sell it right now on Etherdelta.

Also get the fuck out that's exactly how every single part of crypto trading works you retard.

>If I buy this token and nobody else wants to buy it I lose money right?

It's literally a big fucking ponzi scheme. Stupid niggers. Cryptocurrency will definitely come to an end.
You don't even know if these jackasses will even release the game. Who the fuck would start buying random ass items from the game on etherdelta right now? Fucking idiot. The auction isn't even operating either.

>cryptocurrency will definitely come to an end

Oh lol nvm you're just a no-coiner. Stay mad.

So when are you gonna stop bitching and get on the rocket to mars?

m8 you think we don't know that it's a ponzi? we make money by being the first ones in

You are fucking retarded.

Internal contract is up to 11k now. Moon missoin is a go

No items have been bought enough for you to even see profit. How stupid are you?

How bad at math are you?

No shit if you were one of the first fuckers to buy the frog hat or legendary loot crate you've made your investment back and a few extra pennies. Kys for being so retarded.

Am I gonna make it biz? The legendary loot crates are going to be the biggest drivers in the game. Like Rune armor and shit

Do you think it's not gonna happen? I'm already at 30% my initial investment, which was 20 minutes ago.

I bet you earned less than 10 eth on etheremon if you're this bad at seeing easy investment opportunities ;) I have more than broken even and will go another 10x while you kill yourself ;))

If you buy before this shit explodes like cryptokitties (which it will, because it's an actual game), yeah.

This game is going nowhere. I can smell a scam a mile away you nocoiner. I have a real job to go to now. Peace.


Just read the contract(s). Different items have different contracts, the amount purchased is FAKE (just count the transactions), has BOTS buying items (see contract creator), obviously mooching off minecraft and will be killed for copyright (good excuse to exit scam), and INTENSE SHILLING directly mentioning Veeky Forums memes to catch gullible idiots and redditors.


Thank you for exposing these FUCKS for what they really are. Most if not all of the fuckers that have posted in this site work for them and this is just a big setup. Who would actually poor real money into a game that just came out.

Yeah, each item is its own ERC20 token, which is a good thing retard.

>Who would actually poor real money...

People that are poor like you that don't know money when it slaps them in the face. How are those 10% returns a year grandpa? How much did you make on Etheremon btw? I got 18k out of it.

>I have a real job to go to now.

HAHAHA nice work, wageslave, say hi to mr shekelberg from me ;))

Trying to buy some uncommon crates but all my transactions are still pending lol

Fuck this scammy ponzi scheme. Get free $10 here for a FREE ponzischeme just sign up and share your ref link

>Up to $6k now from $1k when first posted. This is exactly like Etheremon
damn it more than doubled since this post
fuck man, just wish I had more ETH to spend

Veeky Forums throws the word scam around more than liberals call others racist.

That changing returns is just a display bug

Wood tier FUD. Please post the part of the contract that is scammy. Seriously, if it is what you say post it ASAP. Cos otherwise it just sounds like bullshit.

This place is full of Indians nowadays

>implying etheremon wasn't a two week long ponzi fad
>implying etherships wasn't a two week long ponzi fad
>implying ethertanks wasn't a two week long ponzi fad
>implying this isn't a two week long ponzi fad
what happened to all the etheremon/etherships/ethertanks shills? oh das right, they got btfo on their bullshit promises that "this is the next cryptokitties, just wait for the ((((promised)))) updates"

Have you actually read the dev's medium article or are you just spouting bullshit?

This game isn't just a copy/paste. You're going to eventually end up with a legit version of something after enough iterations of it show up.

Holy shit, all these people being mad that they didn't get in early enough for the site not to crash on them

Stay mad

lol this

Link to discord plz

>This game isn't just a copy/paste
>actually believing this

>You're going to eventually end up with a legit version of something after enough iterations of it show up
yeah, that's what they said about all the other fad games as well, and look how well that turned out for them. where were those promised etheremon updates? the ones everyone was banking on? the ones that never fucking happened? kek
i don't need to read some shittard's medium article (also lol @ medium article, where's your own domain?) to tell you that you're banking on something that operates in the same fashion and has burnt people before is a dumb ass idea
but I guess it's the same dumbasses who fell for it before who are falling for it again

bottom of the medium article

>lol didn't read
>calling other people dumbasses

the absolute state of Veeky Forums

>yeah, that's what they said about all the other fad games as well
Look at the smart contracts you dumbfuck

How often am I able to withdraw my profit ?

>I have no ether left to fund the transaction fee to withraw the ether

>reading a "medium" article for an obvious ponzi scheme that has the exact same structure as everything seen before
why, so I can watch some no-name dev try and explain why this is going to be so different and actually going to work and forcefeed bullshit to retards like yourself
no thanks, lmao, this shit is no different than any of the other trash that gets shilled and forgotten about within two weeks

>smart contracts
woaoaoaoah what a NEW and EXCITING feature
i've NEVER seen that TECH before

whenever it's > 0

If that's your attitude then why are you in crypto? Everything uses smart contracts so they're all the same and nothing will advance.

>woaoaoaoah what a NEW and EXCITING feature
>i've NEVER seen that TECH before
I said look at them you dumbfuck

>Everything uses smart contracts
That's not my point, my point is that the fact that telling me to look at the smart contract for an obvious ponzi scheme for a fad game is not a viable argument when I'm saying that it's a ponzi scheme and will die off before it gets the "hype" that everyone thinks it is
a game like this pops up every two weeks with the idea that it'll be the next cryptokitties, but the truth is, nothing will ever touch cryptokitties, and spouting that bullshit every time a new game comes out is ridiculous and only serves to further your ponzi scheme needs
you buy something for 0.1 ETH and get 0.001 ETH everytime it's purchased afterwards. That means you need 100 people to spend 0.1 ETH to break even -- 100 people spending 0.1 ETH = 10 ETH to devs for your 0.1 ETH LOL.. and this plays exactly like ponzimon, what can you actually do with these items as of right now? not what is PROMISED but right now? if the only thing you can do is buy the items and hope that someone else buys them so you can make money off their stupidity, this shit is going to die off and fall back into the void before anyone implements something that makes it worth staying around. losing your items on a dungeon run? lmao

fucking love this game. Withdrawal just got trough in about 5 minutes.

tell me what I'm supposed to be looking for that makes my argument invalid?
spoiler: you can't

what even is your argument? just fuck off you mental midget lmao
>I'm so smart I come into these threads to shit all over everything and prove just how much I know
oh wow thanks for enlightening us faggot

>what even is your argument?
>not reading before responding
the absolute state

you suck at making a point
just take your self-importance to another thread where you can act superior for not being involved in the subject of the thread there too

the worst thing about this board is that it's full of backseat driving cunts who don't have any skin in the game
go away brainlet

>the worst thing about this board is that it's full of backseat driving cunts who don't have any skin in the game
jesus christ you are actually a mongoloid. enjoy throwing your money at something that will cease to exist in the next few weeks after everyone moves on to the next fad ether game
you see it as self-importance because you're forced to shill as an attempt to make your money back and coming in to tell the truth about it hurts your feefees because it scares off fellow mongoloids from making your money back

Have also withdrawn here. Am now free rolling this shit and waiting for the Japs too moon me properly.


Only profitable item I got is the uncommon crate. Due to low capital. Will I make it?

Legendary & uncommon crate

>jesus christ you are actually a mongoloid
stopped reading here
we get it you're smarter than everyone
go away