This timeline has to to be the best for immigrants like myself
>Be African
>Move to the UK
>Claim Benefits
>Pour all money into crypto
>Never work
>Milk the system
>Free housing the brit bongs say 'holy shit lads, is this real life'
What other countries can I move too and continue this scam? I've been teaching others to follow and do the same.
This timeline has to to be the best for immigrants like myself
too bad you'll always be a nigger
please go back to apeland nigger
Good luck in the bear market
nice LARP, faggot
I'm white Aussie and put all my Centrelink neetbux into crypto. Come here, Australians love bbc
Oh, and the white pussy I get....feels gewd to be a gangsta..........braaaaaaaaaaaaaapppppppppppp
Fuck off, we're full
worst larp/bait i've ever seen haha, try when burgers are awake faggot.
bongs and cumswedes are the most cucked euros, ger and fra not far behind.
Good luck my friend. What coins are you buying?
Nice LARP, unfortunately there aren't enough grammatical/spelling errors.
you seem salty
OP beat the system
> African moves to UK, finally learns about empathy and helping fellow man
> Goes back to tribe armed with new knowledge learned from a normal civilisation
> Tells them that they can use their forceful rivers, consistent sunlight, and recycled trash computers to harvest free energy and mine crypto 24/7/365
> "This is like the diamond mines again, except this time we're in control. Africa will be the richest continent on the planet if we just follow my very simple plan"
> "Ok OP. This opportunity is surely too good to pass up. It sounds like you have all the info we need to get going."
> OP is slaughtered and eaten so that his great knowledge can be absorbed
Pic related, Africa's face
Dat is de way brudda
Post this thread when Americans are awake, its a known fact that both american males and specially females are literally addicted to the superiority of black males.
He'll be fine as long as the workers (slaves) pay their taxes.
>ITT: white, 17 year old faggot from greater london larps as being one of his nigger peers at his grammar school. Wears a snapback only at home due to fear of judgement from his autistic friends when they notice his efforts to improve his image.
Literally KYS or give me your postcode so I can do it for you.
subtle LARP, niggers cant write.
you mad nigger/soyboy?