What will you do when you realise that all the money in the world will not make you a better person or change anything in your life at all?
Also offering 3 ETH for a gun and 1 bullet EU ONLY [email protected]
What will you do when you realise that all the money in the world will not make you a better person or change anything in your life at all?
Also offering 3 ETH for a gun and 1 bullet EU ONLY [email protected]
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I can also use my car for carbon monoxide poisoning, but the failure rate is too high as I don't have a personalised garage.
Stay away from r9k faggot,just make more gainz maybe they'll make you feel better,otherwise just pass that sweet ETH over here.(yes that's how greedy human nature is)
I have enough ETH and gainz given my age lol. I just want to fucking end it all.
Because money isn't the reason to live, fuckwit. It just helps you do fun things and relax.
Join a gym. Build some self-esteem. Join a book club. Start hiking and camping. Buy a kayak. Find a girl. Form a fucking personality.
Life is going to be okay. Get out there and live it.
Sounds like a bait for beggers,but I will go with your little story.Why is it that you want to end it?
I'll pay for hookers and try and make more money
Keep that ETH user. Stop trading, cash out and get yourself together
I have a gf, I've worked out for the past 2 years, when you look at me in general I am doing fucking great. I have loads of money for my age, everything is fucking perfect, there just seems to be no point in life realistically.
Because there is 0 point to life. I've made enough and am only 20, I have more than most people make in their lives. It may be the fact that I am just drunk, but the suicide idea has always been on my mind and now that life is perfect it's stronger than ever. To be honest I just want to leave, that's pretty much it.
If you are gonna do it anyway,at least spend all that shit or leave it to your parents/grandparents/family/someone that you really think deserves it.
I’m an ecologist. I like being outside and designing gardens/natural areas and learning what type of insects and animals we have. It’s fun so I’m going to stick with it when I’m rich. I also was invited by some coworkers for drinks with a new girl on the crew. I’m happy user, money gives you the opportunity to find what you love. Don’t waste this opportunity to live life without the pressure of worrying how to feed or shelter yourself. With love bb
I've been there. In your early 20's? Have money, a good girl, and prospects, but it feels like none of it is real, and you didn't really earn it?
See a therapist once a week, and just keep getting up in the morning. It gets better.
I’ve become an alcoholic as well, but other than that I live a healthy lifestyle. Right now I’m drinking in a parking lot in my car after working out and browsing Veeky Forums and my coins. I’m having fun though
Wanted to add that I think my IQ lower than the average person on earth and I can never achieve the level I actually want to be on (Think Einstein, Musk, etc). I think they truly have a purpose and they can change the world, I can never do anything because of the lack of mental capacity. I read almost 1 book a day, countless science articles, but I can never see myself doing the things that those people do to change the world.
I'm poor as fuck but I feel like if I "made it", I'd still be depressed.
theres your problem faggot your still a teenager
literally wait a year crybaby faggot
Although helping my mum would probably make me happy for a bit though.
in your life, not mine you fuckin loser
You can use your wealth to fund a research or start your own.
I have an above average IQ and haven't read a book in years yet you have achieved more than me at a very young age. You should be proud of yourself, and user for God's sake, seek a meaning in life.
Sorry that you've gone that way. I can also feel the alcoholism that has stemmed from my shitty genes. I can control it when around people, I mostly drink on weekends which is "normal" these days. Really hope you get your shit straightened out.
Seriously I am proud of you!
Yeah my GF will get most of it, and everything else will be allocated to my family.
Really into AI. I've been thinking about starting a AI company, but clearly my intelligence is not up to the ask, as I am completely stupid.
Well the thing with IQ capacity is that, at some point you will get some mental fog where your intelligence caps your abstractive thoughts. I hit that cap all the time, hard to find a meaning in your life if you are limited for life.
send eth to the ones in need
address: 0xCFdBf0E41BdCda26eD3E10b10307f62298d0C683
I want to WIN.
Unironically plan on building a church.
send some to me, I'm 20, poorfag, but fucking love life.
Sour grapes.
Money will make everything better so long a you don't spend it.
use the money to buy yourself a fitness trianer a stylist and a PR rep/manager to send you to events and arrange shit for you youll be set brah
Okay. You are an idiot, but that's not to say you're low IQ.
Your goal to be is Musk? Einstein? And then you're disappointed to the extent you're considering suicide? GTFO.
Try shrooms or ayahuasca. Start helping others in whatever way feels right to you; does not have to be handing out money (Probably better if not, actually). But just go out and start living your life, and remember that humans are wired to be social creatures and we derive real happiness from mutually positive social interactions. If you honestly feel that's not the case with you, then you should take a real hard and honest look at your social circle (and your part in it) or see a shrink. Or both.
hey send me your eth if you decide to an hero.
also, go out to the nature... Humans are not city-dwellers by nature, fresh air and being surrounded by nature helps clear your mind
If you kill yourself pls send me some eth so I don't kill myself thank you
Yo op. I have been there.
Where are you from? If you are in Germany i may find some time to help you out, everything gets better once you have someone to talk to.
I can gurantee you i am as far away from normie as you can be, you could be as weird / ugly as you want, don't worry about it.
Once you find someone who accepts you for who you are (nohomo) the world looks much better
also because i am a greedy retard, i have no gun but i have meds from planing my own suicide a few months ago. incase you prefer that.
I know i am just a random but could you sum up your lifestory for me?
I just want to be rich enough for do motorcycle track days atleast once a week for the rest of my life. That shit is fun as FUCK. Semi-pro (top of the advanced class) track days are just so fuggin expensive. 3000 in tyres, 500 in gasoline, maintenance and eventual crash repairs
>my GF
start by quitting porn and fapping you faggot
go be a faggot somewhere else, try reddit
I am in the EU, up north. If you want to to send me an email you know my address. Here is my life story tho:
>Born in a relatively successful family
>Have nothing missing in life
>Pretty attractive have had sex with more than 20 girls
>Always figured I am stupid as fuck
>All the money and sex in my life cannot cope for that fact that I have a low IQ
>See alcoholic traits in myself that have represented in previous family members
>Have GF who is actually a good person and someone who could have a positive impact on the world with her mental capacity and mindset
>Have 2 apartments and several cars
>Everyone thinks I am a success
>Cannot see myself as a success since I have below average IQ and can never change anything
>Literally my whole point in life is to change something in the world, but am limited by the way I was born
I am pretty drunk by now, but my whole point is the fact that I am fucking stupid and all the money is not going to change it.
have you heard of a growth mindset?
take ayahuasca and start meditating
dead srs
Put those 3 ETH into the MGXL ICO