who here told me to buy this piece of shit at $32?
i fucking got my parents to take a loan against their house for this shit since everyone here was saying how its going AT LEAST $100
who here told me to buy this piece of shit at $32?
i fucking got my parents to take a loan against their house for this shit since everyone here was saying how its going AT LEAST $100
Eventually it will reach 100$, due to dollar inflation.
lol enjoy holding your bags you inbred cuck
u cant be dat stupid
You misheard. We meant 100 nazarovs.
Your a fucking idiot
i'm still hopeful that it'll go up again once it's out on binance
Do your parents a favour; sell and buy LINK.
you're not going to make it, user...
but why should it not moon if it's more accessible? those wanting to dumb will dump on the exchanges it's already on
Underrated post 10/10
what a fuking idiot
agree. plus there's quite a lot of shilling on reddit. we'll see.
this is why you DYOR instead of listening to Pajeets on Veeky Forums
i decided to cut my losses instead of riding this back into the ground. I moved into neo which i recommend other people who got scammed into raiblocks. If neo really is the next ethereum we should see $500 neo just around the corner (which is less than HALF of eth's price)
>everyone here was saying
Is Veeky Forums finally done with this?
normies getting rekt
love it
fuck you and your parents
no one is this retarded
must be bait
sell low, buy high