Would Veeky Forums ever do a live meet up?

Where we get together in a room or a place and say hi wonder what that would look like or BE like!


literally everyone would rob each other

piss off back to lereddit nigger.

Also the thing that you might wear! Like shoes and stuff

omg yes, come for the brownies.

well if your from vancouver i own a restaurant in delta and accept btc so come lets do crypto conferences


its hard enough to be on an anonymous board with some of you faggots

No fuck off

No nigger we wouldn't. Leave.

I wonder if everyone is ugly

I wanted to make brownies too!

not knowing is the only raisin i come here. i like talking to anons. to know you is to dislike you.

That’s the spirit! I will make cookies that are red and green...like the charts :)

Fuckkkkkk, those digits!

>it turns out all of Veeky Forums is Indian

>Biz meetup
>a bunch of wealthy NEETs pay 2 prostitutes to fight to the death
I'm in

>Veeky Forums meetup


Implying one half wouldn't bring kneepads and suck off the other half in return for some LINK

I managed to take this photo from last Veeky Forums meet

It would be full of virgins saying wince inducing things like "Stinky linky!" and screaming "Pajeet!"

good god is that real?

If we had one, I would probably be chad and leave after seeing all of you virgins.

Even the dog is fat.

so little dignity in one picture

We're all INTJ's, so no. I don't like you people, but I don't like other people more.

this is the people who think pushing karma buttons matter

>landwhale with a niglet
our culture is fucked

I imagine when the price drops everyone actually starts screaming AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA IRL. There will probably also be an Indian guy that everyone calls Pajeet behind his back.

Was about to post it too

This pretty much

I'm in. You guys near Delhi?

>tfw casually shitting in a designated shitting street when you realize you're in a live Veeky Forums meetup



Yeah I'm in too. You know a good street where we can do the meetup?

It's all I hoped for :,)

Litteraly kekd
