I'm done, got fleeced like a sheep. Gonna kms
Want to buy cyanide/gun + 1 bullet, prefer 45acp,
[email protected]
I'm done, got fleeced like a sheep. Gonna kms
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afraid if i use rope instincts will kick in and i'll somehow free myself
If anyone has seen the movie "Traders" I'd be up for that too
dont do it
Don't do it baby.
Fucking faggot, why not do a service to mankind instead? If you gonna throw your life away anyway, at least make it count.
do it faggot
At least post details of your failure faggot
no you wont because you are a little bitch
CO2 extinguisher in airtight closet.
Fatal fainting.
protip= CO2 is heavier than air. Lie down.
don't do it mate. God loves you
It gets better. Hit my low at 22. Life is great now. Hang in there (not literally)
when i'm feeling bad i usually watch fart porn
The best method is an escape bag.
Get a tank of a neutral gas like nitrogen (Or helium if you want it to be a bit funny) and get one of those one-way-breather masks, where gas can come in and your breath can go out, but air can't come in. Or if you are really cheap just a big plastic bag tied to your neck with a gas tube in it will do.
All of this you can get on Amazon for like $40-100.
You breathe in the gas, it feels just like breathing air, but you get a bit lightheaded and euphoric, you take another few breaths and quietly and painlessly fall asleep, 3 of minutes of this while unconscious and your brain is cooked and you get to be ded.
1982, you are 35 or so, you still have time to turn things around.
What is the worst thing that can happen? that you suffer, and eventually kill yourself at 40? What is the best thing that could happen, you get lucky in the next bull run, with what meager money you have. By the age of 40, you could be a millionaire.
which god exactly loves him?
What coin cucked you? I would sell half and hold the rest. Put it in neo and youll make your money back by march
fuck this shit, fact this thread gets replies means u people are probably in thesame place
wtf has this shit done to us, can't fucking sleep anymore, fuck this life, it had no point to begin with anyway
1 month into the year, already ready to end it W E W L A D T H I S I S G O I N G T O B E R O U G H
On the off chance you’re not LARPING
Don’t listen to the edgelords
You only get one life, it’s a gift and you have a million other chances. Get off the internet for a few days and talk to some real people. Don’t give up today
everything cucked me, moment i buy, shit tanks, moment i sell, shit moons, fucking crypto for 8 months and i'm down 90% how the fuck is this even possible
sodium pentabarbital (Nembutal) is the most painless way to die. It can be gotten on dark net.
fuck it, i'm out. wish you all the best of luck. if you're still in the green gtfo before you go cuckoo's nest.
i'm going heath ledger, figured i've got enough oxy/benzo/alcohol to do the trick
boohoo, life is not about crypto & money. Get over it.
Its ok op we can't all make money and there has to be someone losing for others to take profit. take a deep breath and realise that money isn't everything
this, but there are suppliers outside dark web. One in mexico and china. Their emails are in infinitychan /suicide/.
Nice honeypot faggot
good luck, hope its painless. You sound kinda emotional now though, forget crypto and give it a week.
Pot kettle black here but it's straight gambling if you have no capital, no expertise or insight, and can't read the market. If you've been doing this blindly you'd have more luck playing scratch offs probably. Do even a little bit of research on economics 101 and the principles of investment.
Take some liberals out with you.
>somehow free myself
When you get hanged, you die from breaking your neck, not from asphyxiation. You wouldn't be able to escape.
But don't do it my friend.
i had enough issues to end it before i started down this shitroad believe me, this was my only way out and now it will be the only way out. don't make thesame mistake like me, i was up a lot at one point, but you always want to try for more more more, you start to imagine a good life for weeks on end, make plans, happy, and then it all crashes down like a knife that slowly gets twisted in your guts, idk how to describe it
You will most likely fail in your suicide attempt, you will be hospitalized and get help.
Then they will bait you into thinking that the crypto isn't everything in this life, and there i more to it.
A couple of years from now, when you read that virtually every top 100 coin has x100, you will look at your life, as a wage-slave with a mediocre wife and obnoxious children - and no au pair, and you will once again consider suicide - and it will hurt even worse.
Also.. if you are too stupid to succeed by trading; why not just hold? find a decent coin and hold it.. Most of them will go x2-x10 yearly.
>moment i buy, shit tanks, moment i sell, shit moons
still haven't learned how to HODL? not even with your life?
95 percents of the people who failed won't post it on biz , only the 5 percents will flash their portfolio here. Don't feel too bad about it.
Don't kill yourself please
Top kek bro, top kek
My best laugh of today
OP if you kill yourself do us a favour. Buy a gun. Shoot some niggers. Then shoot yourself.
You're not going to kill yourself. Why name the image file? for long term access? Oh, wait....
Shut the fuck up , OP don’t listen to parasites like this guy. You can end it but the world will go on so why not be strong and continue.
nah just an attention whore
kys op desu
got if from google images, got a solid plan here might get a little high before i go atleast
just work hard for a living then. some people are incredibly unlucky/incompetent to do any trading, which is perfectly fine. If you're from a moderately wealthy country it's the easiest thing ever to make a modest living.
May your suffering end peacefully
Daniel, at least try ethercraft. easiest money made in weeks
You will just reincarnate and have to start again, likely suffering punishment in some way by acting out against the holy spirit.
Don't do it.
You don't need to do this, user.
nive larp kys.
godspeed. Hope its painless
nibba wat
i don't care anymore, just gonna listen to some songs and sleep, srsy gl to all of u, Veeky Forums gave me some good laughs in sad times, be good, bye i love u
Just use an exit bag. Even Europe allows possession of helium.
dude, i was where you were at, gave my life to jesus, life turned around...not perfect by any means, but for once, i was able to think in a straight line...that was 9 years ago. give it a shot..
is this like reverse swatting?
... as in trying to have authorities check on a person?
>punished by holy spirit
lmfao christ cucks are mental
put me in the screencap at least, Veeky Forums's getting pretty famous
Seriously don't. You have to live this life. There is not an exit 'cheat-code'.
The Holy Spirit will answer if you call out to it.
The god of weak hands.
how about toughing it out instead
your situation is like a gift to get stronger and be superior to others because you know you can endure more
those who make it easily and never have challenges are soft and get btfo by simple shit
Should've taken some sandniggers with you. At least you would have been a hero. Sad!
jesus? y just give me his adress
Go find the whale that fleeced you....why go out like a pussy
Kill Trump first at least lmao
I love you user
do something cool atleast
How high up are we talking? 6-7 figs? Where did you start?
This guy feels bad just imagine what it must be like stil being a nocoiner lmao
Drive through a crowd of trump filth
They love that, right?
Seriously Daniel don't do it. Every person thats survived jumping off a bridge said when they were falling they regretted it immediately and everything that went wrong in their life could be easily fixed.
I know there are a lot of faggots in here. But listen to this faggot, it gets better. Take a month out from crypto just let it go. Focus on you man, this board can help you like it did me. Fuck, the only time I properly laugh at anything now is through Veeky Forums. Stay strong my guy.
although i really like Trump, both prior to him being elected and as a president.
I do agree with this, we need to have some political assinations to get the ball rolling..
You are stronger than this Daniel
take Ajit poo with you please
Money isn't everything, man. If you've got absolutely nothing left in life, no reason to live, etc. Then sell everything you have and go live in a Nepali monastery or something. You might find deeper insights into life. Just give something a try. Don't end it like this.
don't do it man
just buy ShipChain and then laugh at your pathetic self 1 year from now on driving through the desert in your lambo
Airdrop tomorrow, token release mid feb most likely
next 500x top 10 coin
>only time I properly laugh at anything now is through Veeky Forums
Pink Wojaks are all that make me feel alive anymore. Its worth losing thousands of dollars just for Pink Wojak threads.
just buy 10k PFR for masternode and get 2k a month for node holding... you can live of that easily jeez
only if you are a hindu pajeet
>pass user
>since 2017
hell is just being reincarnated a million times and never wanting to be saved. doesn't take a pajeet to know that.
He's gone guys, it's time to lay his memory to rest.
press F to pay respects
Have you sold? If not WHY crybover paper losses or worse losing those paper gainz?
And, pajeet if you sold, buy back ASAP! And remove Fagfolio from your phone for 2 weeks...
I can see your paper hands meting in this recent rain...
Dubs confirmed.
>must be a newfag if he only just now started paying for Veeky Forums
Nigger I've been her for 10 years and only got a pass last year.
you know what exchange to look for this on? ico ended. looks solid af
Today's bad luck is the reason for tomorrow's fortune. Give it one more day. And then give it one more. If you have hit the bottom you have the ability to take some amazing risk and not lose anything.
Don't give up OP.
Unless you're looking just to have a few bitcoins as part of your portfolio, you will get suckered trying to day trade altcoins by just holding. Anyway, I think the only way to really make money somewhat safely on shitcoins is to at least be part of a pump and dump or know its happening. Check out something like this discord.gg[slash]TKXXhsV
you might as well get in on the ground floor
I use a throaway email every time I get a new one if that makes you feel any better.
Same question.
Come on man don't do it. It's not the end of the world.
They're not revealing anything because they're in the US and have to be compliant to SEC.
So they will only ever deliver and not shitpost.
It's an ERC20 token so it will probably immediately get listed on EtherDelta, Radarrelay and IDEX once tokens are released. That's when you grab em for a cheap 2-3x
I also had a very bad 2 days
sad that I was dealt shit cards in life and it dragging me down
saw no way out
my sisters took me out today and I played with my niece
realized I cant change past and to make the best with what I have
even if it means failing
i also went all in with vibe at 20000 eth
That is going to be extremely painful
He did it.
Rest in peace OP.
Sorry for laughing with you, I did it for the lolz
But it isn't funny.
I see that you're Dutch now.
If you're still there, life isn't always easy
But you still got the OCMW
Don't give up
They can help you out
Yo, wait for ShipChain atleast. Don't be a faggot.