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>he fell for axpire

holy shit lol didnt you realize it was a scam when the had ibm's, coke's, and nike's logo on their website and those companies have fuck all to do with the coin

toppest of keks

anyone see this shit in the email? looks suspect

You receive tokens soon sir

got cucked.

We got PAJEETed

im beginning to think so. oh well, only put in the minimum. enjoy my rupees you god damned pajeets.

At least non-pajeet devs are active on Telegram. Containing rage for now I guess

Is this your first ICO?


That’s why I like MGXL
at least they give you your tokens within 24 hours of putting into the ICO

Ok, well dont worry you'll get them

Fucking retard, Roger ver is an advisor for this ico
Sell me your tokens, I will pay you 10 cents each on ED

At least Magnalis gives you tokens before June

Exit scam?

op you should dump when this shitcoin hits 50-60%. those are pretty good gains and this doesnt look like it will go very far. make sure to dump early

Looks like you got a good rodgering

lmao this will be ez 30x, you may not like Roger but he will push this, and their team is superb

>roger ver
>not a scummy scammer fuck

cant even login in to check my coins. fucking scammed

Using MetaMask/MEW, do I just convert it to ETH or what? As said this is my first ICO, have just been chilling on binance before.

Also my first ico. Put in the min. Need some strategy advice. Was thinking sell 50% at 2x?

so what are they incorporated under...? Can't find it anywhere on their site. also lets not forget they got hacked and their email database compromised, leading to phishing emails to all the ico participants. pretty shit-tier opsec for a fintech company LOL

img didnt u/l for some reason

can anyone else not login or is it just me?

No one can.


did you get banned from the telegram like me? kek

was this the coin with a pajeet team(literally, not joking)?


go look at their website, its not a pajeet coin, ppl r just mad they didnt get in

Literal fucking salt mine in here

The tokens are already selling for $45 dollars on etherdelta

is there any proof that roger ver was an advisor? IT says that in the page but where's the source?

His twitter

please hashem let that be true

are you a crackhead? everyone who wanted in got in? are there any reports of people getting their money refused?

every single ICO that has been FUD'ed here has made me a TON of money once it hits exchanges... thanks for your opinion though... enjoy the sideline view.


Usually the fud is bullshit though. every piece of fud regarding this coin so far is true as fuck. you fucked man just own it.

nothing has been true lmao

so ibm, nike and coke are affiliated with axpire? its pajeety as fuck to have their logos on the website. thats like putting mcdonalds on the website cause you were a cashier there.

whats the timeline for getting on exchanges? every ico i have ever seen gives you the timeline. so when is it?

Ver swiftly takes another win


Look through their linkedins, nothing pajeety, they have worked with them

LUL at the people who actually think this is a scam... anything with roger vers name behind it turns to gold

every ICO I've been in have NEVER given a timeline, I've never been scammed

whens it getting listed on exchanges? please tell me. every single good ico gives you the timeline.

Every single developer or advisor has worked with those companies on a business level, directly or indirectly. The coins were going to be issued March-June but the ICO was supposed to be on til end of February so we're ahead of schedule and should see token distribution soon.
This thread is fucking dumb and all of you silly pajeets worrying about an ICO 3 days after are silly


They have enough money to buy their way onto any exchange. And Ver would not stake his entire image and reputation on an exit scam, regardless of how much you dislike him.

Enjoy missing the train and inevitable 3-5x

Roger Ver + Matt Tokay. That dude Markham or whatever too. Worked in Morgan Stanley for 3 years and graduated summa cum lauds from Brown. I'm pretty sure they know a good idea when they see one

You seem awfully invested in this for someone who's not even invested in this faglord

>buying into an "ico" based on pajeet Veeky Forums shilling
wew lad hope you didnt put too much just consider it a lesson learned

What like Lamden? Promised Cryptopia after the ICO, still not on any exchanges but mooned anyway. Same with Cappasity, no exchanges in 3 months, but still mooning/continue to moon. At least they're not making shit up about the exact time, but you bet you're ass AXP is getting on somewhere GOOD like Binance

I love all of this FUD. Based aXpire is taking me straight to Lamboland.'s website was built on January 4th and the ICO was shilled for a day before selling out. Even SelfKey's been around since late November . There's still a shit ton of people who wanted in but didn't know/was too late

thats because thats a scam site lol. is real

Will I make it??