Seen quite a few ppl on the board mention they played poker to earn money. Whats the best way to learn how to play well? I'm pretty avarage. Defo no fish.
To the Veeky Forums poker stars
All in UFR and play zynga poker
>hurr durr how do i play poker guise
>not a fish
kill urself
Did I travel back in time to 2006-2007?
No one plays this game anymore.
Just play tight as hell and wait for big hands and easy spots. Its hard to have that much discipline though.
Just keep folding until you have a pocket Aces
> t. won 1st place in 2,000+ players online tournaments twice and 2nd place once
We'll there are some good poker websites where they teach you how to play, I don't know which one is the best, because English is not my main language, but I've heard in the community that UpSwingPoker and RunItOnce are pretty good schools. You can start by learning from their beginner programs, they are quite cheap and you'll learn the basics and see how it goes for you.
Personally, I'm by no means a professional player, it's just a hobby for me, but I can beat NL25 pretty comfy. I learned from a Spanish poker school called Educapoker and from YouTube channels like Doug Polk. You can get how the thinks work from there.
The rest is just playing and analyzing your strategies and the hands you previously played.
Hope it gives some help.
not worth the work this game is dead
And this. You just have to admit that poker is slowly dying, but I just love the game for its complexity and it's mathematical richness, no joke. I hope it gets big again in the next few years.
>No one plays this game anymore.
Spotted the guy who doesn't play anymore.
Everyone bots these days. Not worth it.
not enough return to justify the amount of work you need to get good
autistically rerun every big hand and calculate how certain moves would change odds, if you got it in good etc.
ps. not worth it anymore unless you have a dicey live game going on somewhere.
Pro here. Why would I tell you (and the rest of the lurkers)? Just means less money for me. At least with crypto I can tell you after I've accumulated, but yeah for poker just gotta throw you a big DYOR
Exactly right. I did it "professionally" for 3 years playing live 1-2 2-5 and 5-10.
I made enough to sustain life but what a shitty life it was. The people you are around daily will make you want to KYS. Still, nothing quite like making 20k in a month playing 2-5. Oh wait, yes there is. Crypto.
don't play poker with people who know how to play poker better than you
I don't play online anymore. Strictly in person at casinos. Easier competition unless you're there during a tournament or something.
How git gud? Read a few books and play small stakes a lot. Don't get too concerned with the math involved, focus more on playing the people at the table rather than the cards.
pro tip - its in the feet, watch the feet (fight or flight)
>The people you are around daily will make you want to KYS
Buy funfair instead
former online pro here - played HUPLO, PLO mtts and NLHE mtts.
my advice to you is not to start. the online ecosystem is v tough these days and it will take you 5+ years of grinding and dedicating YOUR LIFE to the game to get anywhere near earning a living wage.
it does depend on where your strengths are intellectually, and, if you are apt and quick to learn, you could MAYBE crush lower stakes live NLHE mtts/cash within a year.
seals with clubs
you're welcome
sup lefort
Learn how to play with indicators
Be good at statistics and maths
Don't fall for the gambler's fallacy. Having 100 bad hands in a row does not change the chances of getting good hands later.
I was in Miami at a hostel talking to a online poker player and an options trader, both made a similar income of $600-1200 per week.
The poker player recently won a tournament and collected 50k, I've sadly lost touch with both of them but they spent a lot of time working. The poker player was aiming for $25 per hour minimum and he kept his hourly rate above that whilst I was hanging out with him.
If you're scared of newfags catching up to you by throwing them a bone and hooking them in I really doubt you're a pro. There are a lot of people that came in December that have never played in an online cardroom and may be reading. But do whatever you want, I know I'll only play poker for pretend money.
Ive made money. I just wanna be better. Started learning 2 years ago. Been on and off
Just play tight aggressive and people will give their money away
I play live. But yeah I'm not scared of shit I just as a rule don't do things that will have a direct negative impact on my bottom line.
I've 'done my own research' for 13 years and written bespoke software apps myself for running simulations. At least I'm being honest instead of giving intentional misinfo.
Play TAG.
Learn pot odds.
Learn betting patterns, what they mean, and signs of bluffing.
Be disciplined.
Don't play drunk/tired/on tilt.
Manage your bankroll properly.
Don't gamble.
Dunno what you're asking OP. Its easy to come ahead in poker, its just a grind. I can make way more gains applying the same strats I use in poker to crypto and I don't have to sit there for hours in a single session to do it. I used to enjoy playing it a lot in college, but now I get the same kick out of the mental challenges of crypto without it being such a time suck.
How much have you made with crypto? How much did you invest initially, user?
Don't bother. The blackfriday event scared away all the fish, and nothing but solid players remain.
To top it off, regulations are getting worse (australia banned online poker for instance)
It was an absolute goldmine from 2002-2010, but it's a barren wasteland now.
I've invested 31k and my portfolio is at 110k right now. I have 125k lumens and 38k req. Need them to hit big.
Eehm it does. But only minimal
Smart poker players moved to crypto for a long time now kiddo
Basically what this guy said. Don't bother with it anymore, it's dead. Most of poker profit comes from good "game selection" (i.e., playing against worse players), but game selection sucks now.
Three reasons.
One, USA effectively banned a legion of casual players from online poker.
Two, there's a lot of poker education out there. The skill of the average player is just not as low as it used to be. This means you have to work much harder for less profit, and with much higher volatility. Live poker still has mostly shit players but is also slow as fuck and will make you want to KYS.
Three, BOTS. AI bots and bot networks infest several of the major sites and they really have no financial incentive to remove them because they pay tons of rake. These bots just slaughter the remaining fish before anyone can even get to them and they have few leaks themselves (and are only getting stronger with time). Near-GTO bot networks are the primary reason why online poker is kill
Been dead for at least 10 years now, 2007 was the time to play. I've made money in Amazon for the past five years, but even that is dying. Crypto is amazing for now, but I wonder whats gonna come a few years after. Basically - you gotta hustle to make big money.
>Defo no fish.
t. fish
Everyone bots these days and even runs complex simulations.
It's done for.
Besides AI is coming very soon and will absolutely fcking dominate in poker.
It already dominated the best NLHU players.
not me - players like lefort are what make me rich when he goes deep itm from some stupid run and decides to 4 table with competent regs
variance will drive most online players insane - the player pool in HS is tight and its all about sitting every single table in the lobby until you can play against an unknown looking to drop money in the fireplace
3-handed is such a tougher game to solve than HU btw. takes PIO for fucking ever to produce results and would take a lot of power to run bots with a profitable ROI against the best players.
Been playing live poker (cash games) for a living for 5 years. Mostly pot limit omaha for the past 2/3 years. Don't make a sick living, but average around $60k/yr playing on average 20 hrs/week
Heavy into crypto game now so I don't have to rely on poker the rest of my life (and the game is dying year by year desu).
>Def not fish
>Posts on Veeky Forums for poker advice
pick one
You don't have to solve though. Current AI is nowhere at GTO play. But having a good bot, you will beat a lot of players. This will only increase in the future as computational power gets stronger.
SNG's are totally botted too.
The golden days were Chris Moneymaker days, and all went downhill after Black Friday desu.
60k @ 2-5-10 PLO on the weekends?
if so, nice man - wd wd.
Yea, mostly 2/5 PLO - but the straddling is ridiculous and can play a lot bigger.
I don't solely play weekends - more like I play hard for 2-3 months, then take a few weeks/month off from burnout or the games getting bad. It can be very hit or miss depending on if the whales are playing or not. Games could be bad for weeks on end.
the SNG bots are rampant at low/mid stakes to take advantage of recs, but these bots are terrible and a competent player will be able to crush them after ~100-300 hand sample.
I agree tho. the glory days are over.
is it worth it for a winning 2-5 live NLHE player to learn PLO and make the switch? Assuming I'm making ~40/hr
where do you play?
Very dependent on where you live. Some places (Florida, Cali) the 2/5 NL games are still juicy af. But where I happen to play mostly (midwest casino), 2/5 NL has completely dried up. All the whales and pros have moved over to PLO.
If your casino runs juicy PLO games, absolutely start taking dips in it when the game looks good. Juicy 2/5 PLO game = $80/hr or higher.
Don't underestimate the strength of that strategy actually.
AI doesn't even have to be able to beat regs. Just has to be able to hold its own and run 24/7 to ruin the "ecosystem".
The "glory days" were like the party days when you could sit down a 6 max and be up against 5 absolute droolers. They ended long before black friday but the game was still decently profitable at least if you moved to other formats (personally I made a grip playing pure heads up nlhe)
Midwest casino, and travel to nearby midwest casinos a few times a year. And WSOP in Vegas obvi, but rarely play tournies.
So is the only real money left in poker in rl poker? The spazs and bots can't handle it