awaiting moon edition
VeChain General
Good coin. Better than ICX ZRX or any other coin. Even now has tabaccos on blockchain. Hoevernment level. Good twitter for fun. Free tobacco if you hold very soon. Guarantee good buy
I'm kind of amazed it hasn't gone 3X yet from the Tobacco news. The market will catch up eventually though.
You can't have more bull flags than this.
the less it moons now the harder it will moon later.
An eth like bullrun starting february.
wake up chang !
I still think I picked the right team but I don't understand why this shit isn't on the moon yet
such a comfy run to the top 5
Price manipulation
The pressure is building, though. The amount of 90+ btc walls I've seen this coin chew through..
VeChain is the big industry coin. Huge interest behind closed doors. Part of the sales pitch is "You can still get in while its cheap". This price suppression and accumulation will end when most of the weak non enterprise holders are out and big players have it
i sure hope you are right.
Everything leads to this conclusion. Enjoy the ride.
this coin is so fucking weird
>Major partnerships announced
>Hardly moves
Thats just my luck
i hate you newfags so much
please sell me your bags for cheap
All Ven holders listen to me
I sold my stack 2 days ago at 40k sats before that partnership announcement
I wanna off myself now since i'm gonna miss the ven train (i do not sell low buy high, no matter what)
Best of luck lads, don't be a weakhanded fagboy like me
It's really funny. It's allegedly going to be on Bithumb in February and either Bittrex or Bitfinex in the coming weeks.
More volume should move it faster. It's basically just on Binance right now.
Literally just FOMO back in. You are going to actually kill yourself if it hits $100 or more and pride and good business sense stopped you.
Rookie move m8
you don't understand m8, i sold at 42000 sats, FOMO'd at 45000 sats (losing like 400 ven), then fucking sold at 40000 sats
Then do it one more time and fucking hold.
The problem was never Ven it was your weak hands and poor timing.
Bithumb will happen soon after they resume trading fully at the end of january.
How emotionally unstable are some of you guys? Literally all you have to do is not get freaked out and sell low. Yet some of you do it anyway.
I just don't get it.
this coin went 10x over the last month
>hurrr durr its not mooning fast enough for me waaaah
stfu you fucking retarded nigger
wtf are you doing?
Don't daytrade good coins, especially if you are shit at trading.
I definitely should not be trading, get way too emotional.
I'm gonna sleep on it, might re-enter tomorrow
Yeah that's great and all but an easy way to make money is this Pump discord group. They said first 1000 members get a high rank.
discord gg/YQqTCqt
This chink shit will never move you faggot, congratulations you just bought on the wrong end of the biggest ponzi scheme of 2018. Link me evidence of one partnership (other than a medium post) and ill eat my words
oh look its the over aggressive sperg that larps as an oldfag
I said i thought it was weird that didn't moon after a major partnership announcement which is legitimately odd.
kys you borderline psycho
Does anyone is stupid enough to fall for this scam? I'm curious
Newfags and Red-dit are the worst. Fcking cancer.
What’s the problem with 15%-20%-30% a day you pieces of shit? If you’re looking for a bump and dump project, go to other place. You’re going to lose money here.
VeChain is incredible. Great project. Great team. Great partnerships. Go find some meme coin and put your money on it.
Where did you hear about bithump listing?
It moves... down
huh? i just said i was disappointed that it did not move much after a major partnership was announced which is extremely weird.
kys you fucking retarded oldfag larp
Pajeet, please go back to street covered with shit
You probably have until the next announcement to decide but this is likely the last time it's in the mid-40s.
It might hit 40K again but it can just as easily suddenly moon.
Im in both Walton and Ven, i did see devs confirming bithump listing on walton slack,where have ven devs announced it?
lol deleted and reposted response
back to africa nigger
discord gg/3fW7bzr
You can't announce a bithumb listing without breaking an NDA. The Ven team hinted at it saying they were being listed on two exchanges with B as the first letter.
WTC team just went full retard.
yeah because my browser bugged out and didn't show my last post on my end.
fucking brainlet that can old respond with shit like calling me a "nigger"
go back to /pol/ please
>being this retarded
my god. once you make your first decision just stick to it until the opportunity comes to you. Buy high, sell low. With these whale walls it isn't hard.
Yeah i know, walton may have fucked up. But Ven team hinting at shit does not make me hard no more, like BMW hinting?
lol the nigger has a cute pic for every post
so cute
I fucking hate you normie fags fuck this thread
>14 year old confirmed
You made the thread you fucking spastic.
>saves all the meme pics
>tries to use them appropriately
"why can they still tell im a nigger??"
>tfw $7 VEN produces pennies of THOR per year
>mfw wow great investment
Lol nice spot, he has lost his marbles
It hasn't even mooned yet dude. It barely went up by 20% yesterday and then whales started suppressing it again.
>chip that no one uses
what? rfid is all around you, are you that obtuse?
>Platform hasn't even released yet
>Somehow knows exact Thor value and how many customers will be using the blockchain
>ze doesnt fud his own coins
literally wtf are you doing here
Indians confirmed
Street-pooping isn’t enough nowadays.
Pajeet, tell us more about how depressed your are about the 9x growth in 1 month on VEN. Please, share with us your sad story.
I’m already crying here :’-(
Grow balls you fcking kiddo. Who the f you think you’re to say that the other user is a child. You’re a crying baby impatient teenager. Go masturbate yourself. Daytrade will make you poorer.
Go find something else to do and forget it for a while.
They were supposed to be listed in december, but the korean SEC equivalent fucked everything up.
Hes insane, nothing to do with fud
you don't get it.
NDAs with big companies like that can last for months. The real world is not like crypto, it moves slow.
You fuckheads, guys like you make this thing a bubble.
Pretty fucked up right, unlike neo, where one neo produces 5 gas per day, giving you 250% of your investment back per day.
This alone will increase the price to 10-15$
in desember ven markedcap was way to low for bithump listing..
This place has really gone down hill.
Bunch of edge lords that don't think.
I was stating that it was odd that VEN released a major partnership and it didn't move.
This should raise a lot of questions as to wtf is going on in the market.
But instead i get retards that act like fucking children replying.
also ive been holding since $0.30 cents
I got into it far before you pajeets even heard about it.
nice larp nigger
"back to /pol/"
the siren call of the poor shitskin
but an up and coming asian crypto that works with the chinese government, has offices all over the world.
Partnered by huge companies, DNV, PwC.
it will 100%.
And then we will be free from the binance whales.
Dumbass here, what is VeChain even for? What void does it fill?
I went in and bought a Thunder Node (50k VEN). Cost ~$300k USD. Thats how much I believe in VeChain
why down
chinese bazingacoin
Am I the only one that think the new branding is pretty cringey?
its gonna moon in the next month. be ready for el pumpo: discord gg/ZPFFkHD
>Thunder Node (50k VEN)
Filthy richfag, I hate you
From the makers of niggercoin.
Used to build plantages is eastern africa.
Strange right? How could a coin go down in a bullmarket like this.
very nice. 40k here, but not enough money for 50, maybe 43k.
asians like cringy
the fuck is this price suppression? where is all this money coming from?
whales tank the price 50 cents and then set up giant sell walls.
i am beholden to the whales. fuck me whale daddys
I'm still happy earning 150 THOR a year with my 1k
It's frustrating, man
You have 6 months until staking starts , try to get that last 7k
guys im losing faith pleasee stop me from selling
This shit is a legit x50 moon mission right now. It's partnering with half of fucking China. General Motors and Peoples Bank of China partnership around the corner under NDA. Rebrading coming up in a month.
Comfiest hold of all time.
It's being artificially suppressed more than most cryptos
please sell you weak faggot
sell you weak handed faggot
hey fag i want to stay. just need some support from my ven-brahs
I will.
All that passiv income is going to be really sweet.
Plus 50k vet will be a so much money, at least 2 million.
This fcking whale keeps controlling the price.
sell it, it is over. Wabis CEO just killed sunny with his bare hands, now vechain belongs to him.
proof on the bank?
i just wanted one more 5x moon...
I was there and missed eth. I was there and missed neo. I really need this tell me it's going to be ok.
Yeah, he sets the same wall in both BTC and ETH pairings
there in none yet. If there were it would be 100 usd a piece. lmao
God I only have 674 of these but hope it can be enough to not make ma wagecuck in 3-4 years!
Yeah it's highly manipulated. We are at this whale mercy.
Last time CCK tweeted about orcas attacking the blue whale it went up 30-40% a few hours later lol without any news.
I have a feeling he is a huge whale.
Yeah passive income will be nice stability in this crazy crypto market. Good luck bro
Are the rumors true? Is this coin being held down by the dev team so investors can get in at a low price? Will this be the norm now in crypto, investor normans helping out other investor normans so they can get each other rich instead of just autists like us?
I really, really hope the government doesn't get involved. You know faggots will start complaining.
if you ever think you might be tempted to sell due to fud or whatever, just delete blockfolio and forget about ven
you're gonna be a millionaire by 2019
ETH and NEO aren't even over and would be good hedges.
This is ground control to major Tom
You've really got some whales
And the plebbies want to know which date you'll moon
Now we hope you takeoff, liftoff really soon