this is the Community Technical Leader for ethereum. What will you do when he resets your eth? get fucked hodlers
This is the Community Technical Leader for ethereum. What will you do when he resets your eth? get fucked hodlers
Ya i don't trust the eth cucks. They're going to fuck everyone over when the time is right to push feminism and diversity.
its kinda a good point, lets say BCH because world currency. That means Jihan and Ver would control 95% oif the worlds money supply. If you cant see the issue with this then you are a willing cuck
fuck off commie
but its ok that 1% owns 99% of the wealth?
fuck off faggot
im nat soc you cuck, i just dont want to be ruled by 5 chinks who went all in on a shitcoin in 2011
the fucking point is that the distribution of wealth can be unequal if it comes from strength, resolve, innovation. Not being a fucking nerd that went all in on a meme
why werent you the nerd that went all in on a meme?
so the people that held amazon stocks since 1999 dont deserve the wealth either or what?
they also made a shitload of money
amazon adds something to society, gdp, etc
>people believed in a project and supported it before anyone else did
>im nat soc
You sound more like a baby bitch right now
Yeah that's great and all but an easy way to make money is this Pump discord group. They said first 1000 members get a high rank.
discord gg/YQqTCqt
also do you really think roger ver and jihad wu's chinese copy of bitcoin will become a world currency?
neither will ETH vitalik is too much of a faggot to sabotage the entire program before it comes to that point
do you really think the big boys in this worlds finance will let a crypto take over the game they dont controll?
silly boy
im not crying for giving me the money, im saying that the distribution of wealth that comes from a crypto becoming the n1 currency is one that disgusts me and would be bad for whites and good for yellow jews
>Not being a fucking nerd that went all in on a meme
But that's what Zuckerberg did.
And now we make fun of him wanting to be the first android president.
ICX is literally the only safe play these days.
This is why you shouldn't have 'leaders' for coins.
Say what you want about Bitcoins huge fees and aging tech, the whole point of it is so some commie cunt can't swipe your gains.
Satoshi was japanesse. If you don't like it - stop using asian products.
ETH is the most shilled coin I have ever seen, even when it was just proposed back in 2013.
It absolutely reeks of silicon valley and wall street trying to take over the cryptocoin scene using their hype machine and their huge influence over online social media.
Go back to pol you low iq brainlet
Christ you manchildren are imbeciles
It's a fake tweet you fucks
get the fuck out, what are you doing in crypto then? go give all your money to hobos you piece of shit.
Why is this board now filled with retarded commies? You don't realize that Veeky Forums doesn't want your retarded reddit ideology.
They can't just "reset" it, they need to fork it to do such a thing.
well ok then i dont use twatter and didnt even know who the guy was
hes on the ETH team so it sounded legit all of them are complete morons
just look at this gupta spic guy lmao
>Held ETH through thick and thin
>From $2 to $1300
>Hair is gray at the age of 28
>No need to bring sleeping bags when camping because your body can fit into the bags underneath your eyes
>Every day you risk your entire net worth on the fact that today is not the day that ETH dies either through legislation or technical faults
>Some cuck comes along and calls you lucky. Tells you your ETH needs to be redistributed
fuck off retard
Surprise, ethereum is a centralized shitcoin vitalik can (and do) fork any time he like it.
First of all kill yourself. Second of all that's why there isn't just one crypto. There are competing ones so if you don't support Jihan/core chinks/God Emperor Soy Boy Vitalik you just dump your bags. But you will never understand this and that's why the helicopters are getting ready for take off.
I am with you user. This is our year to make it. Wish I bought more sub $100 but I am happy with my stack. I think it'll be 5k a piece sooner than we think
If vitalik releases a truly controversial hard fork, it would never gain enough traction to succeed. You clearly misunderstand decentralization if you believe vitalik can do whatever he wants to eth
I'm out of ETH. I wish it a swift death.
>What is ETC? Oh, it's actually not a fork but one original chain?
People complaining about forks are missing the point. Any 10 year old with a computer can fork Ethereum (or any decentralized crypto). The important thing is whether or not you can convince the community to support your fork. It's a natural process that lets the market vote on technical changes.
So you support the DAO hackers being able to keep a percentage of eth enough to easily manipulate the whole market? Also, do you want there to be 0 scaling solutions? Why the fuck would anyone like etc. Neck urself mate
Every innovation is a result of risk taking you fucking mong. Crypto is an innovation and it will never take off without people investing in it
Market voted against SegWit, then pro SegWit with bigger blocks, then pro segwit with small blocks. How all these people got convinced? By pools changing their signals.
if you have been that stressed it's because you didn't believe in your investment. In which case you were gambling. And got lucky.
So you support fair distributioin of your coins for people of color and strong wymens? Why you not
>Don't worry, @cassshih. Society won't tolerate this new wealth inequality.
>Why should HODL-ers be a new elite forever? It won't be allowed.
Tread carefully anons.
At least I don't see NEO pulling this shit. Then again NEO works differently. Also that cuck can go fuck himself, people took a lot of risk investing in new technology with a big chance to loose everything. But now that it works it somehow needs to be "redistributed". Fuck that.
Hmm this got me thinking.
Does anyone remember posts here showing how old Bitcoin wallets were dividing their holdings into smaller wallets?
Are they anticipating such a thing?
I always wondered if this would be a concern - it doesn't make sense that we transfer legacy issues from the current financial system to the new tech.
What if, for example, every month 1% of each wallet was redistributed amongst every wallet. Hoarded money would be redistributed across the network. Passive income for everyone. Those who generate value by selling services would be hardly affected, and anyone with giant pools of wealth would slowly lose them if they didn't generate more.
Bob Summerwill is a sick fuck. Enjoy being on the wrong end of a wealth transfer when they decide it's time to bank the unbanked. I'll be watching from NEO.
This bald cuck is trying so desperately to get laid it's sickening.
We can just ask our gov to instruct this shitty exchanges to make fair price on coins without dumps, so everyone will win. Only up or stable price.
Aka communism. Holy fuck it’s true isn’t it, blockchain isn’t the end of communism it’s the fucking beginning of communism. Fuck that I’m going all in monero this year, holy fuck. I’d literally prefer the banking elite Rothschild over this shit, I fucking hope the government crushes crypto this year.
>create a new technology
>depend on early adopters and investors to become the leader in the field
>thank them by punishing them, once you've become successful
liberal hypocrisy is disgusting
Without early adopters that put in their life savings, ETH never would have taken off and they would all be out of jobs already.
How is it any different from buying penny stocks that turned blue chip? If you bought 90% of Apple's market share as soon as they started out, would you not deserve the return on that?
The company is successful, because of you. It's reputable, because you made it reputable. It's stock is more valuable now, because of you... which you can sell at the higher value price thanks to their new found success.
Crypto coin may not follow the same financial prediction models, but this aspect of is it still true.
Damn, OG $2 bro! I'm in from $4, but my average ended up to exactly $10 due to shitty trading.
Nerves of steel now. I'm holding till at least 2500usd. But desu I expect ETH to reach 5000 this year so that's my goal.
Fuck off fucking retard.
I wonder, how these eth retards get into crypto? It's not like they support trustless permissionless electronic cash.
It's just liberal bullshit.
Funny how you never hear libtards say "let's pay speculators back for all their failed investments where they lost money."
If you lose money on an investment they believe you deserve it for taking the risk. Yet if you win money on the same investment they think you don't deserve it just for taking a risk.
>nat soc you cuck
Nice ad hom, faggot. Do you have a point to make?
Goddamn i hate the left more and more every day thanks to people like you. Keep it up faggot.
This guy will be fired for this tweet. Screenshot this.
So I've read the Twitter thread. Man, are they all pozzed there, even Vitalik.
Of course, the nice thing about the blockchain tech is that it plays by its own rules. If ETH decided to reset the ledger, it would never be accepted by the validating nodes under either PoW or PoS.
This is a massive red flag for me. If he doesn't get reigned in I'll be ditching this shit before the 2019 tax year. How the fuck does ETH conform to the principles of crypto when tards like this are on the dev team.
You are just another kind of redistributionist.
Then why didn't you go all in on said shitcoin or create your own better shitcoin? I suppose everything is someone else's fault with you.
They control all the nodes.
Same. What is the true ancap coin then? Bcash? Monero?
>lets try communism!
This fucking double standard bullshit. They are just jealous and want free gibs while doing the "respectable" thing for the community. Wage slaving until death, fuck these communist faggots
Not worried, my eth is locked in my wallet with "sync to new ath" enabled l.
Easily exploited.
Pretty soon there will be no escape:
>cash out to buy property
>property seized by new government and land redistributed
Fuck this world, the only choice is to just hoard gold and move to Hong Kong or something. Everything else is going to get real ugly real soon.
HAHAHAHAHA has anyone posted this to leddit I wanna read the shitparty
>fucking around with a centralized shitcoin created by a gay, pedophile skeleton
Only have yourselves to blame.
Strongly doubt it government is corrupt as fuck, I see us moving towards another industrial time period with super rich and very poor. Then I see another revolution coming where we start from 0 again.
This is why I'm in Monero. Fuck all this shit.
Monero is the only place to go. Soon everyone here will fucking realize it.
Please do this. It is straightforward to interpret this as "Ethereum Project Community Technical Later predicts ETH to lose value once the technology matures."
Maybe that guy should have all his money "reset" to $0, because why should an individual born into privilege have a leg up on a Somalian?
Its a fake tweet dummy
Technically speaking with the dollar 1% own 99%. So that's no different than now.
He should reset his scales because the fat fuck is hoarding all the calories
See then kindly neck yourself, faggot.
how is it a fake tweet when it's linked here?
Fuck you Veeky Forums now I'm spooked. Should I sell all my ETH right now?
Careful with what you say sjws are stupid enough to defend that argument seriously.
pushing fake feminism and fake diversity is what the establishment does as part of a continuous subversion effort to conquer our species, destroy the family unit and replace the nation with a global government run by satanic technocrats. sorry we keep brining it up, but it is the fate of our entire species is hanging in the balance so we're going to keep calling out the propaganda whenever we think we see it.
Veeky Forums belongs to /pol/ now just get used to it
I know, I'm using his shitty Marxist logic against him.
diversity of individuals and ideas
a world where all the races still exist and practice their cultures in their homelands rather then mixing it all together into a global monoculture. that's real diversity that the racist left wouldn't understand. meanwhile real feminists don't wear burkas in solidarity with oppression, i'm sorry, they fight to remove them.
That's what National Socialism is.
Never going to happen so it’s irrelevant.
Wow please be bait. The absolute state
>we can just ask gov to fix prices
>fake price movement is fair
No. Supply and demand determines prices. And no you can’t simply make them go up infinitely forever. Someone needs to actually buy the price and holders need to refrain from selling.
fuck off with that shill spawned larp please, you useful idiot. centralized governmetns and economies got us into this mess. you can't trust power. period.
meanwhile this bullshit about genociding over a hundred million american citizens and letting the streets run red with blood. it's sick. just fuck off with your nazi garbage.
immigration control and prosperity will lower the birth rates in minority communities to match that of whites. its not hard. but you're going to fuck all that up for a genocidal larp. just stop
And here begins the death of crypto. The feminist sjw commie faggots are gonna fucking gut it.
The whole point of crypto is it can't be controlled though. If the commies try to fuck with it, then we can all move to another crypto. XMR or something new.
Bcash is just the retarded cousin of Bitcoin. I don’t know (and don’t care that much) about the dominant ideology in the Monero team but they have consistently made reasonable choices so I feel comfortable holding it.
if he tries any of that shit he's gonna get assassinated for sure.
Snuffing out power is a futile endeavor. That is an established fact; the weak will always be dominated by the powerful. It's now a matter of power being in the right hands. Our hands.
As if the governments of today are any better, either. The people who run them have killed over a billion people throughout history.
>why should the goyim get rich and overthrow their jew masters? we need to make sure the jews stay in power so they can finally implement their global communist empire