shill me low mc shit
Shill me low mc shit
Other urls found in this thread:
Opus. Criminally undervalued
I hold quite a large amount of OPT, high five :)!
McAfee HKN
BTO. Just added to CMC today. Only up 3.4x from ICO and will make big moves in the near future.
pfr, get your 10k for the node before it gets too expensive
Wabi is the safest bet
Agrello, be ready.
Upfiring currently sitting under a 20mil market cap.
One of the smallest for a coin with proven utility, communicative devs and a clear roadmap.
Low mc due to only being listed on shitty exchanges but the devs have confirmed a new listing on a mobile exchange soon which is when many more people will buy.
Additionally, the price has been artificially kept down even as alts have started to recover by sell walls and a lot of FUD here on biz.
They FUD has already been debunked and once whales have finished accumulating UFR will take off. Realistically I anticipate UFR to have a mc of 80-100mil in the short term.
in 3 months time, unless we are in a bear market at that time, it should AT THE VERY LEAST 10x. I expect 20-30x
Working project. Big community. Hardworking team.
People are writing about it more and more on reddit, facebook.
Expecting it to go 3-4x in the next month, especially after it hits new exchanges in 2 weeks or so.
This, UFR is getting a lot of FUD from people trying to buy in cheap and with a new exchange and alpha release right around the corner I would really considder jumping on this rocket. This is Truly a undervalued project compared to a lot of others with much higher market caps.
Dyor as always
Sumokoin (SUMO)
BBT. Today they told in their telegram that 50% of the total supply will be burnt. New exchange "soon", great project. Marketing hasn't begun.
If you like money...
Huge project, low supply, hitting binance in June. Stay away if you hate money.
Telcoin. Still only at 2x ICO price. Ian balina rated it highly which normies love. If you're not a brainlet and understand etherdelta/idex you can get in early.
Why's this better than filecoin and storj?
UFR of course, just look at it
I usually don't like coins with no usage because I feel like I have fake coins, UFR instead has real usage, it will go up, even in a bear market
XCS on
Will go 10x in 6 months
bleeding like hell though
Currently putting my money in UFR, a coin looking to incentivize heavy amounts of seeding in the form of monetary gain. Being able to pay a small premium in order to get ultra fast torrent downloads will morph the public tracker scene forever. Buy in now to be apart of the future.
UFR and CAN. But I would say UFR is a much solid choice right now:
1.- Very low marketcap (as of right now less than 20M).
2.- Very low circulating and total supply.
3.- Listed on only 2 exchanges (Cryptopia and Etherdelta, still not on Kucoin).
4.- More exchanges coming soon.
5.- Alpha release in February.
6.- Good dev. communication.
7.- Subreddit growing fast (hype is important).
8.- No competition at this moment.
9.- It’s directly tied to a real existing market:
a) Right now there’s no incentive for file sharing. Upfiring solves this.
b) A centralized network seeding can be risky. Upfiring solves this.
c) The quality and speed of the seeds is usually insufficient for the enormous ever increasing demand. Upfiring solves this.
10.- Good name and logo (for the chads who don’t like reading whitepapers).
Dev. update (yesterday):
storm isnt low cap brainlet
told you about ALQO, they just posted a huge announcement and revamp, up 30% in less than an hour from my last post. gl user u suck
Real estate sales & rentals on the blockchain. It's AirBNB + real estate company offerings simultaneously.
Only $20 million market cap with mainnet launch in March.
HPB.. only only bibox though.
Only crypto with hardware accelerated transactions !M TPS
x100 inc
Aigang ( AIX ), low mkt cap, and extremely undervalue... the project is good and actually has value/usage for the regular user, this is something that will be really big once ppl start to find out
that's a trap
Im already in this coin lol
BBT - BItboost; think amazon/ebay for crypto. 9 mil mkc, working proof of concept, robust team. Worth a lot more than 9 mil if it gets on any decent exchange.
I'm sorry but what other, if any coins have trust-nodes
Ha easy, LUX dyor and feel easy gains it's a steal now aswell
Fuck yes