Alright biz you guys helped me buy VEN now I'm gonna help you.
Buy selfkey before it lists on Kucoin.
Ico sold out in 11 minutes looks like a better civic competitor. I just unironically bought 100k.
Alright biz you guys helped me buy VEN now I'm gonna help you
Add a # after .com/
nigga didnt this just have an ICO? it's not trading yet
Use the link I gave you to buy on etherdelta
lol this is not SELFKEY
Read my second post
im aware how ED links work. it links to PPT. try your own fucking link user
Ok this should work
How far is this from ICO at the moment?
X4 pretty sure
120m market cap not even 24 hrs after ICO. explain to me how the fuck this is going to pump on kucoin and not dump into the 2x range.
Because there was a 3 eth limit per person in the ico
SelfKey's ticker is KEY. WTF is SELFKEY? You trying to scam newfags?
I have last 100$. Should I go in?
Is this legit or scam?
No selfkey isn't on the etherdelta ticker yet. I don't know what KEY is hope you didn't buy it
theres 100 ETH walls on ED. lol.
>being scared of one 150k wall
>thinking eth limits in ICOs matter
Okay stick to shitcoins like ufr then. Once this shit hits Kucoin it's going parabolic
already bought in. this is really an easy moon mission for a quick flip, and, ironically, none of biz wants to buy in. can't say this wasn't a warning, when you're FUDding other coins and crying about your bags because your tissue paper hands can't hold coins for extended periods of time, it's not our faults that you were spoonfed a quick 10x and you didn't listen and thought it was a scam
They never listen until it's too late, we'll see threads all next week bitching about how selfkey did a x2 or x4 on kucoin and no one told them to buy in
any date? looking at their website right now
Gets added to Kucoin tomorrow
fugg, i'm on SPHTX right now
why is etherdelta so gay
Yeah I wouldn't sell that for a loss
>being this new
KuCoin runs on HK time. It gets added TONIGHT, its already the 15th in china.
>tick tock
When I enter the buy order it tells me it opens up at 22:00. Right now it is 8:00 in Hong Kong, that's still another 14 hours from now isn't it?