>he doesn't know about curve
>he doesn't want gains and fomo like aion, stack, or wan
Stay poor faggots
>he doesn't know about curve
>he doesn't want gains and fomo like aion, stack, or wan
Stay poor faggots
I keep hearing about stack
Looks like a piece of shit gtfo pajeet
Fuck off with your worthless fud
Worthless fud for worthless shilling
>team isnt 100% pajeets
Im impressed user
Did you get in?
quality shill OP im actually pretty interested
cant find any info about when the ico starts or ends tho
this. Just says 'soon' on their twitter. Anyone know?
Thank you, seems like really good ico.
I joined to email list
I give you something for return, electrify.asia
biggest ICO of 2018 is killyourself.network everyone knows that
This is the biggest ICO
>investing in icos in an alt bear market
Looks interesting but I just put 3 ETH in Magnalis and idk if I want to invest in anything else at the moment
user, always diversify when it comes to ICOs.
do u hate money friend? gotta all in if u want the lambo
Best time to buy
youre not gonna make it user
It's 10x from here.
subbed let's see what happens boys
Website looks like shit. Why'd you invest?
Thanks just loss 100k
Gtfo scammer
He's a pajeet