A reply on Justin Sun's Twitter
>t. TRX fudder butthurt people still are optimistic.
Haha loser.
How can anyone be this dumb kek
this makes me wish to dump all my trx 2bh
>niggers in crypto
but wait, it gets worse
Niggers - what do you expect
>she doesn't realize she's holding Justin's bags from the ATH
this is why poor people stay poor.
>Coin goes up 10x in 3 days
>stays corrected at 3x
>People who bought before the moon aren't losing optimism.
>someone who hypes his own shitcoin and sells it for billions is jus' lak us yo
This is how coons think, folks
-Nigger: check
-Female: check
-Low IQ: check
The absolute state of crypto.
>there are porch ape "women" in crypto
>Jahwarriah23 da Kali king
JFC black ppl are retarded
Tronfam report in!
330 Tronfam Major General standing by and ready for orders Tronfam General Sun!
This. Justin won already and doesn't give a fuck about the price from here
>female nigger
Haha dumb normie, Justin already sold his bags
I swear niggers like being poor.
Tron was a shit movie, so for me anything associated to the name is automatically a no go.
Eh, wasn't even trying to provoke racism y'all. This is why Veeky Forums smells so bad
This is even worse than some of the TA that gets posted on this board
Chadian at its finest.
Why would Jack Ma accept a known scammer as a mentee? This fud is stupid. Tron is a longer-term project than these basketball americans may realize but Tronix is a solid project and a GOOD retirement hold.
joke: buying TRX
woke: buying GTC
>GTC is the game.com token which will be used in games such as Tron Dogs and exchangeable for TRX/ETH
>get in before January 22nd
What does it feel like, holding the biggest bag of shitcoin in the history of crypto?
>What does it feel like, holding the biggest bag of shitcoin in the history of crypto?
user that would be Confido, but TRX is close.
What proof do we have that Jack Ma accepted him as a mentee? They have one picture together...
Cry more
ofc its a female nigger
did no one tell her that he already sold all his?
How the fuck have you not already
Hahaha fuck off back to twitter #bizbitch
It's not really racism. They was kangz for real
Breddy gud considering im funding the first privatized satellite internet network. Have fun with your baby coins, I bought in at .002 and am flying hiiiiiiiiiigh right now and no amout of salty FUDders will ever change that.
Fuck off, nigger.
Easily the worst hold out of all alts at the moment along with verge and raiblocks. Normie bait
Came here for the nigger comments..u fuckers did not disappoint lmao
>Black ID
Nigger confirmed
Why are nignogs so hell bent on this shitcoin? Literally biggest crypto scam ever. Are they that dumb?
>"What's a whitepaper?"
it's shilled on twitter and they're fucking retarded
Watch this shit pump all the way to .3 again, I can already see all the pink wojaks. Remember anons buy low
fucking kek
To be honest she doesn't look so bad. Then again, it's just a twitter thumb.
>Are they that dumb?
Uhm.. yes.
These are the kind of people that travels for miles to a restaurant, just to order the same food a president ate there a few days earlier.
Or travel miles to take a piss/shit/picture of a toilet at a place where a US president took a shit while visiting their country.
Extreme normies or whatever you call them.
.3 of a sat no doubt
this almost makes me want to sell my TRX
but I'm holding until it reaches $100
Go fuck yourself faggot. Go back where you came from
Oh sweeties
>Are they that dumb?
>Are they that dumb?
don't you dare compare raiblocks to those vaporware bullshit coins
Guys serious discussion, I invested my college loan into Tron as I bought into the hype, I visit the sub-reddit every day and have lost nearly 50% of my money, I would sell even if I got 3/4 of what I put in back, I don't know what to do?
She's pretty
kill yourself
Sink with the ship just dont sell at a loss idiot
taking a loan to go all in tron? that's the pajeetest thing I can imagine
TRX is good because it weeds out retards money into the smart peoples hands, win win situation imo.
That wasnt very smart of you
Shit like this is gonna be what brings government into crypto
It will go up eventually but it could take months or a year.
Just put a limit order for your buy price and don't look at it for a month
you can blame treyvon james and craig grant. now even more niggers are in the shit since bitconnect just died.
Maybe read the whitepaper next time and invest in something with a plan.
Blck Woman
Brainlet level 9000
Joking aside, how do I tell my wife that I spent our holiday money this year on a fucking shitcoin that promptly blew out and is now at 9 cents?
What the fuck was I thinking.
With this I.Q you wouldn't have graduated school anyway, go get a job at Mc.cucks
>not DGB
oh shit
i wonder how that retard with 127mil of this shitcoin feels
whats going on with the massive tron vol atm? Insider tradings?
Watching all the tron normies suffer is sadly pleasing to me.
I saved my buddy a lot of pain, he was about to jump in at ATH. Of course, I did convince him to go in on XRB and that's bleeding, but not as bad as this shit show.
Why are people so fucking stupid? They're going all in on a single fucking alt coin? What the fuck is wrong with you? Even going 1/3 of your folio on a single alt can fuck you. They're treating their cryptos like a god damn sports team where.
>hurr I'm all in ___ it's the best thing ever, if you disagree you're FUD
Just as bad as Tron. Fuck you for pretending you know what you're doing. And fuck everyone on Veeky Forums that think buying XRB at those ridiculous prices are reasonable.
'cause there are so many plebs saying shit like "if you have less than $X then you shouldn't diversify" and other idiotic platitudes
l o l o l
A histogram with random variables. holy shit. WE MOONING BOYS.
hahaha, you just sold him on an equal shitcoin. late adopters really are delusional
Yeah fucking tell me about it. Happened like 10 days ago and I haven't told her.
I should have sold when it hit 25, or 20 but I kept "HODLING" like a fucking faggot.
She will probably make me sell just to get some of the money back and lock in the loss. Fucking hell this is bullshit.
I don't quite disagree with diversifying, but if you have a small porfolio (like me) it's better to chase the high-risk high-reward investments, as you wont lose that much money anyway if you lose and could make good bank if you win.
Tell her next year tron will be a dollar and you can go on 3 vacations.
Jesus fucking christ you retard, you know before the pump this coin was hanging at 3-4 cents right? Did you really think it would pass 10x? This dump was completely expected by anybody holding before December 31st, that's why you don't see any hodl'ers actually selling lmao
is this nigress to thick to realize that the chink dumped his bag at 30cents when the market cap was 15billion?
She's right though. If he's a fraud he will be a global pariah and the communist part will probably sentence him to death
bitconnect died? What happened?
Fuck, I think I should just sell here. It's bad enough I didn't tell her for 10 days already and I think she suspects something is up.
i would sell mine if i had some
MSPaint and he didn't include a scale and the bars aren't even the same thickness. May as well just use crayon, nignog
>Ah, time to review the data my quants have prepared for me.
>by @JahWarriah23
I really recommend getting out right now if you're still holding, shit is about to happen
The saddest thing about it is that if he's right he'll just hand half of that money to his wife anyway kek
most likely exit scammed after a few days making money on their ICO (which is still taking in funds kek)
the ico, still running:
they say its because of DDOS, but its been 2 days already and they already have cloudflare + captcha.
Jesus please let this be fake
nobody deserves to be this stupid
Lol you're retarded. XRB has a lot of room for growth with new listings and the upcoming rebrand. If it hits multiple big B exchanges it's shooting to $50+ ez