More and more Americans are becoming vegetarian. Why aren't fast food companies cashing in on this and providing more vegan options on their menus? Is it because it would create a conflict of interest with their meat suppliers?
More and more Americans are becoming vegetarian...
There should be a coin for vegans. Vegancoin maybe?
being a vegetarian is absolute joke. at least go vegan if you want health benefits. dairy and eggs are many times more deadly than red meat
>dairy and eggs are many times more deadly than red meat
>More and more Americans are becoming vegetarian. Why aren't fast food companies cashing in on this
1. Vegetarians are faggots
2. They wouldn't eat fast food in the first place.
3. They are faggots.
We are omnivores, neglecting complete proteins is beyond belief.
Vegans get a lot of shit but it makes sense as a lifestyle. Pigs are as intelligent as toddlers. Mad suffering for billions of beings. Industrialised agriculture is fucking the environment. Red meat is a class A carcinogen alongside fucking asbestos lol
I would unironically buy this.
I don't think you can really cast the first stone if you're posting anime tbf
>1. Vegetarians are faggots
>2. They wouldn't eat fast food in the first place.
>3. They are faggots.
>We are omnivores, neglecting complete proteins is beyond belief.
said the limp dick diabetic psychopath who never bothered to scientifically study diet.
True, except
>Red meat is a class A carcinogen alongside fucking asbestos lol
come on lad
Vegetarian != rejection of fast food. What gives you that idea?
Vegans and vegetarians are assholes I hate them
except for hitler
I think you will start seeing this soon.
Sounds like bullshit doesn't it? The World Health Organisation disagrees tho:
Vegan fag here.
I wouldn't go into a fast food chain restaurant unless I had to take a shit or something. Doesn't matter what's on their menu they won't get a dime from me
Meat suppliers like Tyson literally put people in political office to give them easier health regulations/qualifications so they can mass produce more shit bacon and make bank.
>We are omnivores, neglecting complete proteins is beyond belief.
Like there isn't complete protein in plants. Jesus Christ, maybe not in one single plant but if you just combine legumes and grains you've got more protein than in a cum rag.
Full disclosure: i'm also vegan. Went from meat everyday to hardcore hippy in a year lol. Watch Earthlings, shit is fucked beyond belief
But they are. McDonald's is trialing a McVegan burger and Dominos Australia now provides vegan cheese. The number of vegan products is increasing every year in supermarkets. Many vegetarian brands are also now going vegan (Quorn).
>>Red meat is a class A carcinogen alongside fucking asbestos lol
There's about 50 different types of asbestos and only less than 3 are deadly, whereas the others have little to no effects, sore throats mainly.
"More and more Americans"
(citation needed)
SO lke um I'm vegan (not joking) and been on the vegan generel discuss thread on Veeky Forums for the past year of its existence
But for fucks safe if you dont get this debate out of Veeky Forums right now I will tear your asshole apart and make you scream like an unnatural women.
>Vegetarian != rejection of fast food. What gives you that idea?
Their more unlikely to consider fast food as an option because they are already concerned about dietary habits.
>said the limp dick diabetic psychopath who never bothered to scientifically study diet.
You're talking out of your ass m8.
>Like there isn't complete protein in plants
>eating legumes and grains
The best diet for health is a high fat, high protein, low carb diet. If you're going to be eating grains all day you might as well shoot yourself right now.
It also depends on the quality of meat. Yeah you can have issues eating fatty meat everyday that was made on some production farm. If you have organic veggies and meat, it's superior than veggies alone. Don't know why you guys even would argue against this.
people who are vegan dont eat at fast food joints
Legit though I'm ready to shill people on VEGN
Anyone who still thinks that farming is happy cows in a sunlit meadow needs to do more research. I watched Earthlings on a molly comedown and I think I have minor PTSD...
>earth is flat
>meat is bad
>chemtrails are real
Why is pseudoscience being accepted as reality today?
You are fucking retarded. Stay cancerous, faggot
>They wouldn't eat fast food in the first place.
The two veggie foodcarts that take the customers off McD and the Steak House down the street tell an other story. You can practically make everything into a veggie variant right now.
There was an experiment in the BBC where they asked 100 UK Soldiers to tell them which sauce is more spicey (and gave them three to test). But the real test was, that the saussage wasn't pork. It was a bastardization made out of veggie ingredients. Only about 30% of the soldiers called it. 30%.
The other 70% didn't believed it.
Criticism of eating animal products has nothing to do with that conspiracy junk. Trillions of sentient beings with nervous systems, amygdala and brains are put through genocide-levels of misery every year. This is also completely fucking the planet. We can get all our nutrients without animal products perfectly well, and in fact the AHA recommends a plant-based diet
Like, if you'd impregnate a cow with a metal pole and slit its offspring's neck for every glass of milk then at least you're consistent, but if you ignore what goes into your diet because it's icky then you're being a pussy. rant over
Maybe you should start a vegan fast food joint and see what happens.
Go back to /pol/
lel this is Veeky Forums
Stay nutrient deficient bb.
Sorry, but veganism is just 21st century neuroticism.
Most vegans I know seem to have some underlying mental health problems and their diet seems to empower them in some way.
If you use a loose enough definition of sentience, fucking trees are sentient beings.
nice argument brainlet.
literal fucking brainlet, wow.
>We are omnivores, neglecting complete proteins is beyond belief.
A lot of vegans have mental health problems, but honestly I think that's because a lot are the type of people that are quite sensitive and impassioned, and once you take the 'red pill' and realise how fucked up animal agriculture is - to the tune of trillions of beings being tortured for taste - it's really difficult to maintain an upbeat respect for the social order.
Also I love my meat-eating friends questioning me on my nutrition now I'm cooking greens every day, but when I ate shit takeaways every day they had no qualms...
Literally being this retarded
>all of group Y is gay hahahah
>all of group X is cool
>there are no complete plant proteins trust me bro I'm a amerifat, god wants you to eat meat, besides I take a position of expertise in every argument to feel in control despite knowing nothing a posting Animae Jpegs on a Tibetan goat herding forum board
Who here /veg/biz/fit/
No, idiot. It's because the vocal minority doesn't change that barely anymore is vegan.
Who /Pescatarian/ here?
Takes more will and discipline to break a life-long meat based diet rather than continuing it. Maybe you're the faggot.
Another thing: lots of vegans lie and say meat tastes bad. It doesn't, it's often delicious. So are lots of other things tho that don't cause such harm.
Jeez we got a lot of faggy vegetarians who follow meme diets for no reason.
>More and more Americans are becoming vegetarian. Why aren't fast food companies cashing in on this and providing more vegan options on their menus?
Vegan and vegetarian are very different retard
in summary, buy VEGN
Oh, I agree. The industrial farming practises is bad shit and I keep away from all mass produced animal products.
I mainly buy free range/organic meat from sources that I personally know, though this is probably not an option for most people.
Literal brainlet, its amazing
>he fell for the lchf meat industry propaganda
user, I..
It’s either the animals suffer to varying degrees (and their is a big varience, Youre just being biased if you deny this), or they go extinct/don’t exist/have way way way smaller numbers
>Takes more will and discipline to break a life-long meat based diet
You're assuming it's bad to eat quality meat. Keep liking those tumblr posts.
>Literal brainlet, its amazing
Best diet is high fat, high protein, low carb. That's what the standard is for medicinal and dietician recommendations.
>Falling for meat cancer myth.
Whatever my dude, go eat your supplements.
>Best diet is high fat, high protein, low carb. That's what the standard is for medicinal and dietician recommendations.
also explain WHY it is.
enjoy your mercury poisoning, faggot
The vast majority are factory farmed. That means beaks being burned off, chicks shredded alive, baby cows stabbed in the neck, pigs gassed in CO2 chambers etc etc. Even 'free range' ends in often fearful, painful, messy death of a being that just wants to catch a break...for a fucking sandwich, ya know? Why do it?
I think the end goal is to have fewer numbers, yeah. Breed fewer and fewer as demand decreases. I don't see that as a bad thing. Also non-existence would be a blessing for many farm animals. If you want to get woke on this shit watch 'Earthlings'
>all fish are high in mercury
You just can't stop sucking dick can you?
Fish feel pain, a lot of it. Pain sucks. Trillions of fish a year. that's a lot of pain. Just eat pasta and fries and stir fry instead my dudes
How about yourself? All you stated in this thread was, wow brainlet. Who here /veg/fit/biz? Child.
Because it is user. Veganism is trash, you're disallowed to consume complete proteins in a state that's easily consumed by your body. Veganism also requires supplementation like b12, omega 3s, and complete proteins.
Depends on what type of vegetarian you are, because you could be a pescetarian/semi- vegetarian with the consumption of both fish and egg and/or milk. Cool, good for you, that's a good diet because you're including meat. If you don't do fish, well you have a deficiency and now you have to supplement up because your diet doesn't allow you to consume something necessary. No eggs, ok, you have to supplement your diet further because you're not allowed to eat things that contain nutrition that is beneficial for you.
user, stop being a dum dum. You're making your body inefficient compared to what it could be for going with some fad diet. Sorry faggot, I'm going to eat red meat, white meat, fish, eggs, milk, veggies, nuts, and fruits to my heart content. I don't need to take fish oils or multivitamins. Sorry bro, I'm fit too faggot, have fun slurping your hemp shakes.
The only supplement vegans need is B12. Not hard to obtain. Why get so defensive? If your diet is so superior I'm sure it will be self-apparent.
Addendum - I don't want to live to 190 are you mental
Millions of fish eat other fish.
Literal retard
>What is quinoa
>What is food mixing
If you dont think you can get all amino acids from a plant based diet, you are a LITERAL brainlet.
>Veganism also requires supplementation like b12
Good majority of meat eaters lack B12 as well. B12 is a bacteria btw found in pond waters and soil, livestock is supplemented B12 so you're essentially getting B12 from their supplementation you utter retard.
>Omega 3's
>What is flax
>What are walnuts
One more thing for you to know. Atherosclerosis is the leading cause of death world wide, guess which group has the lowest incidences of atherosclerosis? Those who eat low fat plant based. Plant based diets have also been shown to reverse atheroslcerosis.
>Refer to Caldwell Esselstyns study for that
Yes but millions of fish are not my intellectual and moral barometers. I can't convince them not to, and they can't just go vegan at the supermarket
How does not eating meat reduce the suffering of animals when every alternative equally perpetuates the carnivorous economy by placing continued demand for all industry?
One more thing.
>Veganism also requires supplementation like b12, omega 3s, and complete proteins.
Are you also forgetting that the supplement industry was not solely made for vegans?
How many non vegans have to supplement for their bs?
Retarded argument.
I do find it funny how society freaks out about vegan nutrition when millions are obese - stuffed full of cholesterol, sugar, salt, animals pus, hormones, phobic of broccoli...
Market is still too small to be profitable, I guess.
>phobic of broccoli
reminds me
The absorption of vitamins through supplements is nowhere near as efficient as eating the foods.
There is a good chance you won't be getting enough b12
I think it's going mainstream though. Going to see big growth
Fortified foods are always good then. Sprays absorb better as well.
A lot of vegan foods are fortified with B12 tho
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Go eat the same shit everyday and don't bother to go get your blood worked and have a conversation with a nutritionist. You're a self taught nutritionist, k man go ahead.
>Good majority of meat eaters lack B12
Cop out.
>If you dont think you can get all amino acids from a plant based diet
Yeah go eat half a cup of beans, half a cup of wheat germ, half a cup of blah blah blah.
>Omega 3's
Flax and walnuts don't have the same omegas that fish provide you dum dum. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
I'm not saying that, HAHA you fucking idiot. They need supplementation, period.
>One more thing for you to know. Atherosclerosis is the leading cause of death world wide, guess which group has the lowest incidences of atherosclerosis? Those who eat low fat plant based. Plant based diets have also been shown to reverse atheroslcerosis.
It doesn't correlate directly to meat you stupid idiot. Wasting my time with you, look at how many braincells you've killed off with your stupid plant diet.
Take the fish redpill. Just look at Japan and Iceland.
literal fucking brainlet.
>What is cholestrol
>What is saturated fat
Holy shit.
Wait, going vegan was a meme, people are actually doing IT?
Your diet is clearly not producing a state of emotional equilibrium. I would get that checked out, to see what you may be missing.
Worth mentioning as well that there is no 'vegan lobby'. There is a massive financial incentive to propping up animal agriculture - ie the 'we need cow milk and its associated pus to keep our bones strong despite the fact that we're all lactose intolerant unless specifically weaned on it as a child'
Get used to it friend, in 100-150 years animal agriculture is going to be looked back on like slavery
>What is cholestrol
>What is saturated fat
You're not being objective about this conversation at all. Why do you think that every peice of meat is like 90% fat? Are you dumb?
>Your diet is clearly not producing a state of emotional equilibrium. I would get that checked out, to see what you may be missing.
That's really cute faggot. I'll go into the corner and chant out some Ohms while I sip of my wheatgrass w/ vanilla protein smoothie.
this is true though
>You're not being objective about this conversation at all. Why do you think that every peice of meat is like 90% fat? Are you dumb?
I'm saying saturated fat and cholestrol are direct contributors to atherosclerosis. How is that not objective?
The vegan strawman you're building is detrimental to any point you're gunning for, dude. Red meat is a class A carcinogen - it literally causes cancer. That's undisputed. Can you imagine the mainstream societal uproar if a vegan diet specifically caused cancer?
Someone needs to make an expanding brain meme with
Eating meat
Eating nothing but fast food
>I'm saying saturated fat and cholestrol are direct contributors to atherosclerosis. How is that not objective?
It has to deal with their lifestyle choices and what types of meats they consume. For instance, we lift, so the cholesterol people think is bad is actually good for you as long as your requiring the breakdown and use of those cholesterol for test or protein.
You guys are far gone. You don't know shit about meat so you classify all meat as processed with chemicals and bloated with chemicals. You can't be objective with this conversation and shroud yourself with delusion because your alternative diet is a fad you're believing is benefiting you because you think it's different. You two can fuck off.
>Flax and walnuts don't have the same omegas that fish provide you dum dum. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
You also don't get industrial pollutants like methyl-mercury which counteract the heart disease decreasing effects of DHA . Don't get me started on factory farmed fish, they have multiple times more dioxins, pcbs ddt's than wild caught fish. From simply consuming chia seeds, walnuts, flax seeds or algae based supplements.
correction on the last sentence.
It's better to get Omega 3's from simply consuming chia seeds, walnuts, flax seeds or algae based supplements.
How do different meats differentiate those who get atherosclerosis and those who don't?
Veeky Forums telling me to literally act like a fish. I should block Veeky Forums