Not allowed: NoTronnies, fudders, Justin haters.
So, what's the situation? What do you guys think? Will Justin pump us tomorrow with his announcement? What do you expect? You still holding?
100k tronnie here.
Not allowed: NoTronnies, fudders, Justin haters.
So, what's the situation? What do you guys think? Will Justin pump us tomorrow with his announcement? What do you expect? You still holding?
100k tronnie here.
Other urls found in this thread:
Still holding since 1400 sats
210000 trx
Just bought 18k at 618
>selling the next bitcoin
Yeah no. Fuck notronnies!!!
Justin will take us to lamboland do not worry
Looks good, great price right now, could go even lower. Comfy as fuck.
bought from .03 cents to 0.8cents only holding 5k will I make it?
Just bought in at 610 sats. I'm ready for launch, boss.
50k tronix here, and here to stay
The Japanese just woke up, prepare for 700-800 SATS when you wake up.
Bought 40k at 620 sats. How disappointed will i be in the morning anons?
holding since 0.0019! never gonna let my precious TRON go for under 2$
you'll make a couple grand
What an awful piece of shit. Why do people buy this garbage?
zero tron here, youre all gaylord jackasses
Holy shit, we seriously need an apartheid here in Veeky Forums
Cute girl.
1.5m here, were gonna make it lads, don't stress.
Hope you like the dick that comes with it.
It's starting
I'm dying
Tron is so obviously being manipulated. Look at the 1m chart at every hour, you can see it gets pumped.
>606 sats at 4:55
>630 sats at 5:05
>644 sats at 1:55
>656 sats at 2:05
The volume moving through this is disgusting
Yeah we know that. New money coming in tomorrow, they'll want to buy green.
As a result of Wall Street bonuses or just general normies on a Monday?
Wall Street yeah.
I have a feeling a lot of Japanese investors are buying in, seeing that TRX will soon be listed on several Japanese exchanges within days.The news is beginning to spread to investors.
if she/he looks like that yea ill gobble up its dick if i get to fuck its ass no homo btw
sarina valentina
This shit is basically confirmed right?
Thanks user, may gains flow into your house.
one of you guys make a post in future when you feel like selling so i can buy
deluded valentina
>all you have to do is check the fucking website you mong
>People falling for a coin that is literally pump & dump
Just because your mother is a pump and dump doesn't mean that everything else is
It's fucking nigger day tomorrow. No wall st. No banks open. I can't fucking believe it but I dumped my bag of 4 million trx today. Made a nice profit, sorry guise
Thanks for them, I bought exactly 4mil.
Bought 18k at 852
Bought 30k at 809
Bought 18k at 645
Gonna sell my LINK and POE at a loss and buy 20k more if it goes to ~550.
I'm here. I'm not very happy with trx lol
I bought in at 0.03 and just bought a bit more now. I have no idea why...
Who fucking cares anyway this shits going to tank. I'll feel more alive once we hit rock bottom
bought in 200 dollars worth at 700 sats
i'm guessing this begins its steady climb later. whales trying to get the price low for a reason
all in all i am disappointed with how justin sun has been handling this situation. he stfu and focus on the technology without making dumbass twitter announcements that make him look desperate
all in all i was considering making this one of my main hodls but will not be putting anymore money into this coin because of justin's conduct
Dude how are you "not very happy" with 3x? are you autistic?
this is probably the most pathetic delusional thread in Veeky Forums history and thats really saying something hahahahahahahahahahaha
how does it feel holding the coin of choice for sub 80 iq nigs? actually jk I bet even the nigs sold this pump and dump bullshit by now. how does it feel to be even dumber than 80 iq nigs? hahahahahahahahAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA god damn you guys are gullible loserfaggots hhahahahahahahahaomg i'm crying
The laughter of desperation. It's actually hilarious how desperate your post sounds, it shows that you are scared about being wrong about your assumptions.
holy shit do you guys see how retarded tron investors are? look at this fucking post. muh all in all im a poor retard and will always be poor because i make poor decisions like buying tron lol hahahahaha fucking monkeys
No notronnies
these fucking shills are worse than TRONald Bigasspoopdump. This is a shitcoin with no product and some space age words. Blah blah blah dead in a few months.
Buy high sell low
Cheers to all the strong hands.
Back to plebbit with 12yo jokes
shutup faggot. you're going to lose it all.
The obviously low IQ of FUDers is telling.
i wonder how many people in this thread read the whitepaper. i bet less than 3. i bet most dont even know what a whitepaper is hahahaha fucking dumbass newfags
Pajeet id
dude yall are fucked. byee
dont worry i'm sure the price will turn around when he releases the product. when is that happening again? oh ya fucking never hahahaahahahahaha good luck with that retard. i bet you dont even know what the product is shawniqua
how many people here even know how crypto works
>how many people here even know how crypto works
how many people here even know how dividends work?
I don't give a shit about TRX, it's thrash.
I just want to share this wonderful art that some user assraped by TRX made.