bitcoin is finished.
prepare your pink wojaks
Bitcoin is finished
Nice just bought 100k
Big if true
bitcoin can die
holy shit who would have thought you dont need to google once you know how to buy it and have others around you that know how to buy it
fucking nu male jew
his name is pronounced Turd Meister, correct?
Thanks, just bought 100 gays
Do you google coinbase every time you make a crypto trade?
the bubble has popped because no one new is coming in
You don't honestly think everyone in the world has friends that know how to teach crypto do you?
Oh Baby
Fucking kek'd
oh no
Let's have a look at the Google trend of Neo. No one knows but still growing every fucking day.
this is the perfect buy signal
yeah, coinbase is really fucking hard to use. it was literally the top downloaded app for weeks
tfw I started charging $25 an hour for people to ask me about cryptocurrency and what they are
You're clearly retarded
Lol must have been the Korea FUD
“Buy Ethereum”
nevermind it's just normies
Where can I get that "diarrhea" user?
But how's the trend for "sell Bitcoin" look?
Why do I need to believe what some random pajeet writes in his Twitter?
this guy's face is how I imagine a leftist, gay/cuck white man look like.
Fucking fudding turdmeister, worst name in history, hope it's not his real name...
Exactly, bet he's vegan too but still driving his expensive car and taking the plane every month
You are how I imagine a disgruntled/bitter/politically obsessed loser who talks shit anonymously to compensate for being overweight and having an extremely small penis.
A man whose name is "turd meister"
>turd master