>bounced hard as fuck off of 600 sats
>volume up 20% in the past couple hours
>there are actually people who sold at 600 sats
>there are actually people who didn't buy at 600 sats
>bounced hard as fuck off of 600 sats
>volume up 20% in the past couple hours
>there are actually people who sold at 600 sats
>there are actually people who didn't buy at 600 sats
Other urls found in this thread:
already headed back down you fucking idiot tron is a shit coin spewing out the asses of street shitting pajeets. fuck off with your shit coin.
fuck me im down 70% on this
Buy TRX if you hate money.
It's called a bulltrap. You must be new here user.
also, get fucked nigger.
It's a bulltrap because news of more plagiarism came out. Whales want out.
It's gonna dip a bit more before the final moon mission. Buying at 600 is good. I'm waiting to buy a bunch at 550 and a whole fucking lot at 501.
And back down
Tron is the new PND
Might actually thinking of going in at 450 sats or 4.6k eth
Is this thing gonna find any support soon lmao.
t. sold at 20 cents
It's around 600. I would buy around 620 if I were you. This shit is going to fucking skyrocket in the next 7 days.
Smart money right here
A lot of TA pros have this shit as a 5x'er confirmed, I don't even hold TRON bags but I do think it's the most FUD'ed on this board
Fuck off poor bitch loser.
learn how to take a screenshot you retard
Lol holy shit you have lost so much money. Unless you believe the house money fallacy, pro tip just because you bought for 1 cent doesn’t mean you didn’t lose like 150k when it crashed from 20 cents. It’s no different than if you had that money in your bank account. Lol
>thinking it's the end of the dip
>hey guys look how much money i've lost!
I wanted to flip you off, so I used my phone stupid fuck. Jesus how stupid are you lmao. Fucking shut the fuck up next time.
Still more than you'll ever have lmao. You think this shit isn't gonna go up. Can't wait to prove all you fuckers wrong. I bought at $.002 so I'm more than comfy. Keep hating poor bitch
ITT all claims of a moon and zero proof
I haven't lost shit lol. I invest $4k. If anything you guys fucking missed out. I win motherfuckers
This will break 500 sats just wait for it. No need to over pay.
>I do think it's the most FUD'ed on this board
This goes to iota, and i unironically feel better holding trx than iota
At this point baghodlers who didn't buy around .3c should consider suicide
Retards who bought cheap and didn'y sell around 1600+ as well
in 7 days this will be around 430 sats
I bought 5000 at .21, what the fuck do I do :(
Learn to set a stop-loss. I'm sorry but this was an expensive lesson that you had to learn.
stop losses are the most retarded thing in crypto, it went down to .12c and then bounced back to .20 and it stayed there in a while.
ITT: bagholders
imagine holding this much after not selling at 30 cents, really tickles me pink
honestly just wanna get the fuck out of this coin with my initial investment and move on with my life. god damn wish i never touched this thing
whales are manipulating weakminded normies into selling so hard it's really amazing
why you would sell this coin before the product can be verified as shitty is beyond me
my prediction is this coin will bounce back, reach a dollar, then plummet to around 50 or 60 cents
It will break 550. Whales will fuck up stop-limits and then it will rise to 1500. Well it should if Justin post literally ANY confirmed good news for tron.
It already broke support. meme lines confirm. Buy back in at 300 sats and hold on
Enjoy your bags
Lol this piece of shit is still 5x over valued at a minimum
*goes down with the ship silently*
Without confirmed epic news like WTC. It will bounce to 1200-1500 at most thanks for whale bots.
Lol not taking screenshot the absolute state of tronnies
Bought @ $.14 awhile back, watched it go up to $.23-.24, was going to sell and then got drunk. Whoops.
Not even being racist, but those disgusting fucking chinks just can't help but copy everything they get their hands on.
Every American company has a shitty chink version, only in existence because of their government's hostility to foreign companies.
Justin Sun's own company (Peiwei or whatever disgusting chink word) is apparently a clone of
(I don't even play league, I just saw that on Google but lol)
>these players are in 95% of cases, and believe me that is not an exaggeration, toxic, they cant speak English apart from insults and curses, they feed like insane, they usually afk, troll and int on purpose, use 3rd party programs and absolutely ruin almost every single game they are in.
Fucking disgusting culture
Fuck off jew no tronner
this guy gets it