has biz realized that this is a coordinated FUD that’s happened ever since the Amazon rumors came to fruition?
Has biz realized that this is a coordinated FUD that’s happened ever since the Amazon rumors came to fruition?
>Amazon rumors
>A screenshot showing a vague connection to AWS because some "partner" JUSTin tweeted about has AWS on their site
Is this what you're building your portfolio on? Explain the rumor to me please. Is it that Amazon will use Tron for checkouts? FOR AWS?
tron's "partner" is based inside tron
There is no amazon partnership you fucking moron
>t. Tron hodler
A bunch of other posts ruminating about AWS choosing TRX to expand into chinese market, they needed a decentralized chinese blockchain company and Justin Sun was the only one who let Amazon buttfuck him and take control of the project
That doesn't make sense though. Why does AWS need a blockchain to expand to China?
(spoilers: they fucking don't)
I'm so fucking glad I dropped my TRX bags before shit got this retarded. It's Verge 2.0 ffs
Because China is very censored, they want to get over that censorship so went for decentralized blockchain, here were the other picks according to some gay guy in a blockchain group from Silicon Valley
Its not that they need blockchain asshole
Its that chinese privacy invasion was gonna buttfuck amazon, but justSIN was willing to bend over lubed up for amazon to play with their system
i'm behind tron 100% but even i think this smells like a larp. and i'm an idiot when it comes to crypto, and most other things.
>and i'm an idiot when it comes to crypto, and most other things.
So why would you trust yourself in these matters.
Yes and payment processing is the least of their concerns entering the Chinese market. AWS is more concerned with data center security, autonomy over their Network, and making sure the products they ship fall in line with their ethics while still being able to comply with regulations.
And why in the holy fuck would they partner with a product backed by Alibaba, their primary retail AND cloud competitor in China?
They wouldn't. Assuming Justin's shitty ERC20 Token solves anything for them is just dreaming.
But hey, I'm just FUDing so what do I know right?
scared money don't make money
>coordinated fud
If being retarded on purpose is FUD then you're probably right
>why the FUCK would TWITTER AND MYSPACE both exist on the internet? Wtf? Fucking stupid lmfao
>they needed a decentralized chinese blockchain company and Justin Sun was the only one who let Amazon buttfuck him and take control of the project
Gossip from a random user.
>replies with random idiome
it's not random. it made sense.
you sound like a faggot anyways. i'm being honest about that.
i think i have to take a shit, i feel discomfort in my bowels.
Ok dummy.
It's been talked about everywhere, I don't think it's just "gossip"
It dropped 1000 sats in a week
FUD is pointless, every idiot can buy it cheap and lose money since baghodlers won't let it pump anywhere since they dropping their bags with huge loses like crazy
Horry shet anons we decetrarize everything. Not a scam at arr