>tfw girlfriend is out at some party getting wasted
>likely flirting with other guys
>meanwhile sitting home trading crypto with you NEETs
>genuinely do not give a fuck about roasties and have unshakable, irrational levels of self-confidence
>the irrationality of it all is infectious and attracts women in ways you KHV faggots will never understand
>could go out tomorrow and find another roastie and probably a better one desu
>crypto era happens only once only now
this is how chads think user. you're welcome for the lesson. if you have any questions let me know
Tfw girlfriend is out at some party getting wasted
Other urls found in this thread:
>Irrational self confidence.
This man is woke.
Protip to the permaneets here:
You will make it if you believe you will. The only normie who can tell fake bravado from actual confidence is a soldier (and only when applied to their direct superior officer).
Eventually, your bravado becomes real. Focus on your gains, women and power come later.
What do boobs feel like?
like bags of warm wet sand
Cheers bud
Is that assblaster?
>could go out tomorrow and find another roastie and probably a better one
The actual key to lasting love. Seriously.
>taking life lessons from a guy who is literally getting cucked in real time
So you're getting cucked and you decided to come here and larp
Like a salty coin
Perception is reality.
That's all you fucking need. Once I learned this, the roasties came in troves, yet it didn't matter anymore cause i couldn't care less for one of them long term.
Are you me?
Ever since I was a kid I felt confident to the point of arrogance just don't give a fuck lol
Chicks love me even though I pay no interest
>tfw girlfriend is out at some party getting wasted
>wants another roastie
Ok mr. chad.
You holding Coss?
You're telling us how chads think but your girlfriend is at a party right now sucking chads dick
it's cucked if the guy likes it and specifically requests it as a way of getting off. unironically not giving a fuck is not getting cucked you cocksmokers. you just go find another roastie.
the absolute state of this board and these numales and repugnant stench of soy everywhere
>allowing your girlfriend to cuck you isn't you being cucked
my dick is a lot bigger than his
chicks love you because you pay no interest user
thank you for the rare george washington
I will have this framed and printed for my shelf with george washington pictutes
>physically preventing your girl from cheating and hovering around her like a faggot because you don't have options
how is that tron treating you kiddo?
>unironically not giving a fuck is not getting cucked you cocksmokers.
>Such a Chad that his girlfriend fucks other guys.
>Copes by telling himself that all girls do this.
you guys care too much about the particular woman is your problem. not caring at all is The Way, every time
You call yourself a man, but your girl is out doing who knows what
My bitches ain't ever cheat on me but I still don't let them go out with their stupid cunt friends. If a bitch with me she with me meaning she only go out when I go out and even then I make the bitch stay home when I'm hittin the town with the lads
I don't think i've ever been cheated on but I've cheated numerous times and even told my current gf and she accepted it
wtf u talking about/
Chads have harems user. Chads have women on the backburner a text away. We've all been doing this for years while you were playing League
Unironically almost this except let her do what she wants to slap her once in a while
It's what they desire and yearn for deep down
>My bitches ain't ever cheat on me but I still don't let them go out with their stupid cunt friends. If a bitch with me she with me meaning she only go out when I go out and even then I make the bitch stay home when I'm hittin the town with the lads
your bitch is fucking another dude while you are out with the lads because you ball and chain her
You're very welcome, would you like a rare Uncle Sam to invigorate your spirit and urge you onward to greater financial and industrial gains?
>cares not at all
>makes a thread about it
you're like the roasties i've dated who post all sorts of vicious shit about me on twitter when they're mad at me, but then always end up texting me back a week later, late at night, drunk
if you're talking about it, you're invested in it
>doesnt understand what harems are
funniest thing is when they know youre getting side tail they never fuck around and just get annoyingly clingy
better smarten up there chap
Probably not
My dog would kill any man that entered the house if I'm not there
A bit gorilla for my taste but solid nonetheless
>t. cuck trying to rationalize being cucked by his GF while she fucks some black steed
>you're like the roasties i've dated who post all sorts of vicious shit about me on twitter when they're mad at me, but then always end up texting me back a week later, late at night, drunk
a week? step your game up user
You said girlfriend. You girl would rather get boned by some other guy than spend time with you. All you've done is come to terms with the fact that you are a doormat
The only reason you exist is to ensure the successful passage of your DNA. i.e. splooging inside women. Yet someone else is splooging in your girl right now. What you're doing is pure biological COPE.
t. cuck trying to justify it to an imageboard
>falls for the shitted meme
t. big dick successful white man, cream of the crop
the feeling of a woman being intimidated when you show her /yourguy/ is glorious
>Falling for the biological purpose meme in 2018
>Implying he can't get some other random girl of billions.
>unshakable, irrational levels of self-confidence
Don't worry it will be shaken once you go out into the real world
Doesn't sound like OP's girlfriend is clingy. Sounds like his girlfriend is sucking Chad's dick while he stays at home and clicks through Veeky Forums.
>>tfw girlfriend is out at some party getting wasted
>>likely flirting with other guys
literal cuck.
ok bud
dubs confirm
you nigs want pics?
cryptogains > everything
>thinks he can escape biology
Why is user disregarding his woman now? Because he wants to get rich. Why does he want to get rich? So he can receive more validation from other women. Literally a slave to biological mechanisms. And yet he copes.
the problem I have is as follows:
Doing it safe with girl
want to break up
must wait until period comes to make sure she doesn't have my baby inside her after i dump her so she can't have the baby 9 months later and jump the news on me that I have to pay child support or marry
bonus points: what if she doesn't have periods while on the pill or she just has long cycles
Was referring to OP
>going >>/out/
>unironically not giving a fuck is not getting cucked
it doesn't matter if you deal with your girl fucking other men by larping on biz or by jerking off in the corner. either way youre getting cucked. either way you are a cuck. have some self respect, get a fucking hold of yourself son.
>Why does he want to get rich? So he can receive more validation from other women.
if this is your focus then you're never going to make it user. once you learn to genuinely do it for yourself and your family and friends, the birds sense it and flock to the cock
cucked= a sexual fetish where a man requests that another man fuck his wife/gf
are you an actual brainlet user or what
there is no yourself. That is cope. You don't live in a vacuum. Humans are social creatures like any other. Unless you are a shaolin monk living in the himalayas, you are invariably influenced by social pressures.
Your words are self referential. OP wants wealth. Wealth is not measured in absolutes. It is relative to what other people have.
> Wealth is not measured in absolutes. It is relative to what other people have.
Everything is relative. Wealth, height, looks etc.
no shit.
>the cuck tries to hide in the oxford dictionary
>this shit-tier logic
you think this wise, boy? crossing blades with a pirate?
cum the fuck at me bitch
I really like that, user. I'll use it as my wallpaper. Thanks.
>chads are ok with their girlfriends get railed by others
no, that's you just trying to rationalize being a cuckold
>dating some whore who goes and gets wasted at parties without you
wow real impressive, chad. nice catch you got there
>op decides shitposts on Veeky Forums about how much of a Chad he is while his gf is out sucking dicks
>in real time
>he lets his girlfriend leave the house without him
Youre right, fucking disgrace