Veeky Forums is run by leftie soyboys
Yep it’s official
No shit
WHo cares this board is dog shit and useless now anyway
They just don't want Veeky Forums to die when it becomes obvious that 95% of this board is from third world countries
Flags would be fucking stupid to have and would only increase shitposting
Before you start guessing my nationality, I'm American
>this scares the pajeet
I'm getting onboard with flags. Board is shit right now anyway so it'll at least give us forewarning about posting trends
>FUDding flags
>calls himself amerimutt
Chink spotted
Did you see the vegetarian thread, wew. All I needed to know.
we don't need flags, we need to range ban street shitters. it's that simple. it's not like a need a fucking flag to spot pajeet.
>wants flags
>shitposts about race and nationality
pic related is my hand, but by all means keep the part quality down
Yeah if we had flags we could instantly derail threads into a mass of gibbering /pol/ retards screaming "pajeet!"
That would make this board way better :/
In real life you are careful with who you talk with in business & finance. It is normal to want flags in such scenario.
trips hath spoken
Veeky Forums feels like shit. For 1 useful post there are ~50 useless posts ether with nothing or disinformation. I learned less about crypto on Veeky Forums than doing research on my own.
>pajeet flag
>derail and call them a pajeet
>non pajeet flag
>derail and accuse them of being a pajeet
You'd be surprised. Apparently the biggest lot of anons are fins and Australians
You're going to find out that third worlders from places like Phillipines, bangladesh, vietnam, venzuela, brazil, mexico are actually the majority of posters that you think are Pajeets.
The Bazinga faggot was dutch for fucks sake and you all called him Pajeet every day during december.
Oh for sure. If I walked into a board room the first thing I would do is ask everyone what country they were from. Really do wonders for my credibility.
No , i cant even post on /pol/ without some faggot american shouting his muh leaf and muh trudeau is a libtard!!
> I learned less about crypto on Veeky Forums than doing research on my own.
Yeah no fucking shit you retard. I learn more doing research than reading cereal boxes. What an insight.
If you can see a person and hear their voice do you need to ask where they are from?
And you're right though it doesn't matter because no one is going to hire some random black skinned street shitter as an executive for a fortune 500
In the end, it doesn't really matter where people are from since you shouldn't be blindly following their calls anyway. Biz is still good for finding which coins to research.
>walk into boardroom
>everyone in pajeet
>invests in 2020 space program
Doing gods work user
clean your keyboard you dirty fuck
"why are you missing the [insert shitcoin] moon mission?"
"why are you not holding any [insert shitcoin]?"
"why haven't you gone all in on [insert shitcoin] yet?"
"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah JUST'd!"
"hey Veeky Forums is [shit coin] ..."
99% of all threads on Veeky Forums and all of them so much alike, it hard to say if they're bots or not. there's no business or finance here anymore.. just internet coins.
In the business world we literally wear pins showing what our nationality is so we can know who to take seriously while we discuss triangle graphs. With all the trans bullshit going on my company has started implementing gender pins also so we can make sure we're discarding woman advice. The best meetings are always with top tier countries.
>there's no business or finance here anymore.. just internet coins.
That was the original purpose of the board