How many jobs do I need to apply to before I get a response?
How many jobs do I need to apply to before I get a response?
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Keep at it, user. We've all been there.
The right job will pop up out of nowhere if you look long enough.
I didn't get a reply until I completely fabricated my CV (never had a job)
even then I got like 1 in 20 at best replies
and they all took me on for 1 trial shift before ignoring me lmaooo
now i'm NEET for 3 years just given up for the last year :^))
do crypto and dont work for lifr
I applied to probably 25 places, all entry level shit jobs. Finally got one as a cell phone salesman with decent pay and commission (it was the best job I applied to). Just keep trying user, it sucks and makes you feel worthless, but you aren't and youll make it
Yes I forgot to add that I lied and added a year of experience at a sushi place that had since closed (so there was no way they could confirm it). Sadly I think lying is necessary
It really depends on what you're looking for and how much competition there is in your field where you are, as well as your prior experience. Keep at it, and try to work on some project in your field, whether it's for an employer or not. Job searching can get depressing and it's easy to doubt yourself, but as long as you keep your skills current and keep searching, you'll find something. Just be the kind of person that you would like to hire.
>dozens of applications, 1 interview, no response
>get into crypto
>make over a year's salary in a few months
The problem is I know this train won't last forever and if I don't make it I'll be back to wageslaving
Why would you get a job
Get 1k from somewhere and put it into some shitcoin or ico
Crying about it here isn't going to solve anything. Market yourself better, you aren't getting a response because there are 100 motherfuckers that are 10 times better than you applying to the same job. Also if you are a sperg, good fucking luck. They will eat you for breakfast. They will piss on you while you grovel in the mud and you will beg for it.
Logical conclusion? You are on Veeky Forums man, get into crypto you dumb shit
how do i get her to tell me that she loves me again? how do i stop pushing her away? How do I know if it's too late? How do I deal with this?
Spam the hell out of your job applications to as many places as you can. You have to game the system if you want to succeed. If you haven't sent out at least 50 apps so far you aren't even trying. Its just a numbers game, but you have to be systematic about it. If you have access to some sort of career center paid or not, then make use of their services.
Sure, but as much as it sucks a lot of us have to hedge our bets. Cryptos aren't magical, we have no idea if we're late or early in the game, and you don't need all day to trade.
>apply to hundreds of grad jobs
>takes forever to get an interview
>finally get several interviews, had to fly to the other side of the country for one of them
>get rejected from everything
>talk to someone at a local bar about finding work
>mentions that he might have a job for me
>get an interview a week later, get the job the day after the interview
kinda pissed me off a little bit since im an autist and realise that its a huge struggle for us to get work through connections
What jobs have you been applying too? What are your qualifications?
yes lying is necessary for a NEET who has never had a job
I legitimately applied to like 300+ places with no response when I had no experience at 19-20 and got no replies. Even walking in to the places and handing my shitty 'CV' in person (so cringey and shameful looking back how they must have been laughing at me kek)
I lied about having 2 years experience and even then got maybe 5% replies, and even those that too me on just scammed a days work out of me for no pay before ignoring all my attempts to contact them
entry level jobs are rigged towards personal connections
Now put down "trade analyst" or some shit on your resume now that you have experience crypto trading lol
>kinda pissed me off a little bit since im an autist and realise that its a huge struggle for us to get work through connections
It's true, it's not really fair, but there is still a meritocratic aspect to work. If good at what you do and try to play nice, you'll get hired and promoted even if you're a social phobic autist. You will have to do more than people who are hired and kept around just because people like them, but it is what it is.
Unless management changes and then you're fucked.
t. was going to be promoted then manager changed and they picked someone else
Every no brings you closer to a yes. Just keep putting yourself out there and it will happen.
>blockchain investor and analyst
actually though, should I list this as a hobby or something?
Fuck it, why not? You realize in 5 years having blockchain experience is going to be a must for programmers
took 8 for me still in the interviewing process btw. Need more funds for crypto. First applied one month ago exact
Applied to literally over 100 jobs with 3 interviews, no job. Applied to one job on linkedin and got an interview and job my first attempt. FeelsGoodMan
This will cheer you up OP:
If youre not lying to get a job, you're a moron
Not really
t. systems programmer
Sure, writing a hobby or two can make you look like a more complete person imo. In my resume I have 2-3 hobbies listed and only one of them is directly related to my field, but it lets them know a bit about who you are. You still need to choose carefully what you list, and it should only be a small part maybe near the end of your resume, but if you think that showing you're interested in new tech and cryptos make you attractive employee go ahead.
No you're a moron because you need to lie to get a job.
You shouldn't to lie to get a job. You're selling yourself, so you can pick and choose what you put forth first, but straight out lying would be dumb as hell.
Now that I think about it, every job I've had I got because I knew somebody. UPS was the only exception because the hire anybody. Seriously, if you think you're weird try working the earlybird shift at a UPS facility. Bunch of fucking weirdos, retards, recovering NEETs and punk kids that look like they're from the 90s.
I was shilling pfr and prl here for you on /biz since both were 0.07 and 0.01 respectively. Get profit on egas and make me (and you) rich.
Take a look@
ups doesnt even interview the turnover rate is so high
I did an unpaid internship in the IT department at a hospital because I wasn't receiving any job offers after I graduated with a CompSci degree. I busted my ass at my internship and made connections with the hospital staff. I later got a job offer at another hospital due to the connections I made at the hospital I interned at. The guys I interned for still send my open position positing to see if I'm interested in coming back every once in a while. It does suck working for free; and in my case. I was vastly overqualified for the internship, but it gives you purpose while you pursue a paying position.
i graduated from school in december 2016 at age 25. did nothing for the first 9 months of last year like a stupid mother fucker. applied to a ton of entry level jobs over the last 3 months and i finally got something this week. i had to lie in so many interviews about the fact that i wasn't look for jobs after graduating. i thought i really fucked up until this week.
pay is shit and the job is incredibly easy but the company is good and it could help me for the future.
What field?
comp sci and econ is what i minored and majored in. the job is just basic office work and data entry. i've talked with people at companies who act as a 3rd party to hire people and they've all told me i needed office work on my resume. my only other job before this was retail and that was 4 years ago.
nigga why are you a secretary when you studied to be a programmer
Serious advice:
Find a professional to review your resume. I promise you that your resume is bad and you don't realize it.
Spend half your time doing job-hunting, and half doing self-improvement projects to add to your resume.
nigga i’m a shit programmer. i want a job in data analytics instead.
Jobs are like vaginas.
Once you get your first score the rest come easy.
They also have in common that you don't really want a one but you can't live without it.
It's not a hobby. You made money, probably a significant amount of money, that makes you a fucking professional. Be proud of it, own it, sell it.