Friendly warning that there is a coordinated shilling going on concerning link right now...

Friendly warning that there is a coordinated shilling going on concerning link right now, probably by one tripfag called assblaster. Non of the rumors are real. DYOR by all means but don't fall for this. Don't FOMO into link

Other urls found in this thread:

don't worry, i'd never consider it

Depth graph looks solid. Is it worth buying some and see what happens?

That's a pretty obv Ponzi.

Can confirm this, I have asked a few banker buds and link is simply marketing/pitching these ideas, no big banks are seriously considering implementing it. These guys are probably whales waiting to unload at $3

Stinky Linkies get in here~ :33

a 6 year long ponzi? you must be technologically illiterate. and ponzi scheme illiterate. That would be the lowest return ponzi scheme ever

Why would ppl be shilling so hard on / think whales will unload on a bunch of biz neets that only can afford a few hundred Link is legit

I definitely agree. ALWAYS do your OWN RESEARCH before you decide TO/NOT TO buy something.


I hate LINK, but like every coin here, is going to be worth more in the future.

I work for a top three insurance company and when I mentioned chainlink at a board meeting they all laughed and directed me to the local hardware store. These guys were invested in ethereum at .10, so they're not salty no coiners

That’s it user. Biz are the only guys holding this token. It’s coordinated by whales. Biz wouldn’t be the only place in on something like link. Too good to be true. And again, they have no partnerships from what I’ve heard, evidently that’s why they don’t update their webpage or social media. I would sell asap for better opportunities

Doesn't really make sense, almost no shilling is going to get link to 3 dollars only real news.

When I brought up Linkedchains at my board meeting last week they told me the Nigger Store called, and they're all out of you.

Crypto is a Ponzi
From mining to ICOs to bitconnect

The best part is I probably own more link then you

>Can confirm this, I have asked a few banker buds
>a few banker buds
>banker buds

aww man, not even your banker buds are implementing link? brb selling my stack.

i've got 81k and i'm not a nigger. proceed.

post your ethscan

Only a matter of time.

yeah, i'm CEO of jp morgan, and i suggest you idiots market sell all your LINK right now, if you want to save yourself from financial demise that is...

I'm not sure why anyone would bother shilling this piece of shit.
I worked at an investment bank for 5 years. These guys hate using outside tech for anything. They'd rather hire a contractor or use their in house developers to steal the tech and develop their own version.
I know Veeky Forums likes to jerk you around and get your hopes up, but anyone whose anyone in the space knows this token is dogshit. Take your gains and run.

Literally 100k since ico... Interlinked

alright tyrone, we'll be sharing the halcyon fields then.

LINK isn't even in the top 100. It is only shilled on Veeky Forums.

The rest is on binance

Damn straight cracker

I was in on that meeting, and are you seriously still talking Chainlink user? This is why you're just an intern who brings us Coffee.

Rent free they tell me

Is that you @creatine?

Wow. The FUD is starting to evolve.

It gets me more excited daily

>who is swift
mfw investment firms are gonna get justed by a bunch of neets


As you can see anons, this FUD thread became a subtle shill thread. Meme magic is alive and well, chainlink can't fail. Don't let your memes be dreams

why would you have 100k of something you don't don't think other people should buy?

oic. i think i should go to bed now.

>In order to remain in business & be competitive, banks and financial firms implement Chainlink
>Full Chainlink implementation in society renders banks and financial firms into pointless middlemen
>Go out of business anyways.

Stellar Lumens (XLM) moving up fast

Is that a rhetorical question ? Lol the answer is obvious

Or are you trying to scare people away from buying so you can pick up all the cheap LINK.
A lot of reverse psychology going on here.

Nah LINK is following its path perfectly.

Yesterday we had 3 days left until we see a spike followed by a rocket. It slowed its descent.

Today we had 2 days left. It slowed its descent further.

When I wake up we will have 1 day left. It will mostly trade sideways.

Then, we'll be on the day nolinkies will first start to get BTFO. It'll slowly climb for most of the day... until Asia wakes up and starts to push it up faster.

By the next day it will be taking off like a rocket by early afternoon.

For those following along, that means you have Monday to buy cheap. Tuesday will give you a confirmation pattern for the retracement upwards if you don't believe me and want to wait for that. And by Wednesday if you're not on board you don't deserve to make it.

SWSX has Sergey as a speaker that's enough for me to hold LINK through the storm of FUD. The backpacking through Thailand FUD almost got me late november but I'll never sell. 75k reporting in

Now I know most marines are crayon eaters but I need someone to please tell me who Jason Parser is and what his connections to Chainlink is

dude the weatherman can barely predict the next 12 hours.

Banks have always been unnecessary middlemen, but they have historically been a safer alternative for storing wealth and for investments. I'm not say that you or I couldn't outperform them once crypto flips fiat, but most normies would prefer someone else manage their investments.

My dad is George Soros and he's never heard of ChainLink.

sell sell sell sell

31 days until Sergey's next appearance. 1 month stinkies. Soon it will be time for us to cleanse the stink and run naked through the streets of Veeky Forums in pure joy.

Just buy EGAS and hold it...13mil max supply and the price is sub $0.10 - at $1 it will only be 13mil market cap and even if it turns out to be a scamcoin thats still 10x returns.
Take a look@

Jason Parser is a little known cypherpunk who made a youtube video exposing link's awful coding. The video is down now because of internet bullying by linkies but he basically showed that link's integration with intel SGX is poorly written and easy to exploit. When this becomes mainstream knowledge, link is going down the shitter. Thanks for saving me from this obvious trash heep Jason Parser.

So. Just means you'll be that much more impressed come Wednesday friend.

the jannitor down by the watercooler just mentioned link, said he just bought his first shares in it while offering me a shoe shine

Trips of truth

Meme magic wants LINK to succeed. Meme magic will carry LINK Marines to glory.

show that source boy

Dubs confirm

Nice digits.
Screencaped just in case

>over 9000

delusional linkies



Thanks. My followup scored dubs too.

Remember. This has all been foretold. You will be rewarded in proportion to your faith brothers.



lol. fuck Rory is a goddamn saint. how does he do it.

Jason parser has been installing super computers in all Major cities.

No, he's literally a cuckold raising his wife's half-nigger kid. Those type of people have accepted being walked all over, so he makes the perfect guy for a slack admin.

When LINK moons it will be the greatest vindication of all time. All all the bizraelis will jump on board and price all the normies out. Fucking best timeline

i cant fucking wait

Spoken like a true incel.

Don't even know what that is. What I said is just basic psychology.

It means you're a sad sack loser who never gets laid and never will unless you pay for it.

Nice coping, nigger. I like Rory all right, but in the way you like a pitiful puppy. He's the archetype of a cuck with no backbone.

21 hours until pop off

As are you kissless virgin.

>Lets create our own language, PoS, ledger, wallets, hardware and network so our Ponzi looks legit

Do you know what Ockhams Razor is? Sky can be one of the only 5 legit projects in crypto.

Can we have a biz linkies meetup when all is said and done
shits going to be cash when we all show up in our lambos with either Asian gfs and/or escort date

And do you know how the most succesful businesses work? They don't cram everything in all at once. They focus on one thing, do it well, and dominate their one market.

Sky is just another generic platform looking to scam dumbasses who can't code out of their gains for a pipe dream that won't be adopted and will be abandoned.

Enjoy staying poor.

Can your contractor steal the ecosystem as well, idiot?

Holy fuck some of you pajeets can't even dip your tongue in your brain before posting your FUDs

Try harder cunt

"Hey gaiz. I got a great idea. Fuck that internet shit. Lets make our own protocols. It'll be way better!"

Fucking brainlets

>being this new

If they were in on eth at .10 why do these cucks still have to come to work. Did they buy $1 worth? lmao

Nice arguments buddy.
Imagine what would happen if half of the very censored part of population have a way to escape. It would be huge.
Skywire allows that.

so we should hodl and buy more, thank you i will follow your advise

It's safe to wait to buy chainlink right before February? It shouldn't get past $2. They shouldn't have any major announcements by then. I have 50% of my funds in chainlink, but have the other 50% making me short term gains. haha right guys?

seen this post several times here, just bought

link is a confirmd $100 coin so if u dont have any you are dumb and also probably gay :DD

Read the posts by that user

Making financial decisions because user has special insider info is a very irrational way to get burned. I only skimmed through what he said but I remember his first post ended with something like
> I'll make an AMA for a bit but I need to take a train
In my experience that part alone is a 99% sure tell that te whole thing is a LARP. I don't understand what he's going for but I hope anyone that wants to put money into LINK doesn't try to buy it outside exchanges or some stupid shit like that.

I checked bitcointalk and convos about the coin looked extremely infrequent and in most threads there are like 10 comments from people that shill EVERYTHING and call EVERYTHING a hidden gem and then the thread just compltely dies. But I'm not sure about how that place works, maybe I'm not searching the right way.

When exactly is Mainnet launch?
I know it’s Q1 but anyone know a more specific date?

I believe in chainlink, but the memes, the fud, and the fomo is why I've never spoke word about it to real-life people. Looking at chainlink objectively is fucking hard.
if it takes off, I'll feel like such a dickhead