Guys I need 2500 dollars in order to pay for my wisdom teeth removal. Should I apply for a loan or get another credit card?
Guys I need 2500 dollars in order to pay for my wisdom teeth removal...
Do you NEED to get them out? My dentist asked if I wanted them removed and I said no. So theyve grown in fine. Now I have a few extra teeth.
get some pliers and alcohol pussy
Have a local university do it for a fraction of the cost.
>2500 for pulling a teeth out
American healthcare everyone. I'm asian and it wouldn't be more than 200 at a high grade doctor
Sheeeeeet, or I could go to
Mexico, the only this is they told
Me a never is running under one of the teeth.
Mine grew in at an angle so they’re going to impact, or rather already started to.
Everybody has a nerve just under the wisdom teeth. Very very rare for that to be an issue when being removed.
OP Plz don’t listen to retards trying to shill you on how to get it removed for free if the procedure is done wrong you’ll have part of your mouth as bone and the bone will slowly replace the mouth lining until your whole mouth is bone and you’re a spooky scary skeleton check my dubs Andrew Dobson the game
Buy Dentacoin
>having to pay to remove teeth
>dentists here do it for free
Fuck idk, buy ADA
Buy Dentacoin, OP.
Dental insurance is like $17.00 a month with no subsidies. Wife just had hers out a few months ago on a cheapo $10/mo plan, copay was $450ish.
Sign up for insurance dipshit.
wtf!, 2500USD? literally 30bucks on my country
What the fuck $ 2500, come to Mexico. I paid 2500 pesos, so about 1/20 for the same shit. Jesus, for everything health related come to Mexico. The doctors in best hospitals are the same than in America, fuking indias so no real diference but the cost, way cheaper.
Any recommended insurances ?
except wisdom teeth removal is not a dental operation it is a medical procedure performed by an oral surgeon
my health insurance covered the majority of my costs
go to his country, op
An impacted tooth is just one that fails or erupt. It's not necessarily a problem unless it pushes against the root of another tooth or gets infected
Its hurting rn
Makes you think about what people went through when they weren't dying of the plague, or a cold, or some other shit.
>Its hurting rn
Yeah, if you're a faggot that likes overpriced proceedures, then use an OS. If there isn't severe impacting / young, a regular dentist will do just fine. Waifu was 32, wisdom crowding sinus, regular dentist and no problems. Kaiser wouldn't cover the OS out of the HMO, no dental offered in HMO.
Had it done for free. America truly is a third world country
Yeah that’s great and all but earn real money at this Pump discord server discord gg/YQqTCqt
2500 is a joke. You can get your wisdom teeth pulled here by a perfectly fine dentist for less than $500. OP is a cuck.
lol I paid 70 EUR for one wisdom tooth removal in Poland, fucking burgers kek
all americans are cucked, having to pay for a service that is free in 1st world countries.
"""free""" I guess you don't pay taxes dumbass. What a worthless fucking argument. Kys your self.
There no such thing as free unless you're a fucking NEET that doesn't pay taxes. You paid for it when the government took over half your paycheck.
in the netherlands it works like this.
1. find a friendly dentist
2. tell him you need to get your jaw fixed
3. tell him its for medical reasons and not aesthetic
4. tell them to also remove your wisdom teeth
5. your insurance covers everything
bonus: Youve got a chad jawline too