im starting to realize some inconvenient truths about gender differences and block chain...why the fuck anybody who claims to be a crypto enthusiast would be pro crypto kitties, meanwhile people who are actual enthusiasts are having the ETH network congested by the dumb ass app... also discussion on women in blockchain industry and other tech sectors....
Gender and blockchain and tech
>discussion on women in blockchain industry and other tech sectors
There is none, they force themselves into these places because they were told to. I guess they can be good for PR an office co-worker "togetherness", but nothing else.
somthing tells me chase is going to have a hard time catching up to the curve
>why the fuck anybody who claims to be a crypto enthusiast would be pro crypto kitties, meanwhile people who are actual enthusiasts are having the ETH network congested by the dumb ass app..
Are you me?
So many red flags.
>Women get into crypto
>Immediately buy into the most obvious ponzi scheme in crypto
Wew lad.
> tfw my sister talked me into crypto
So proud the women in my family arent absolute fuckwits
fuck off back to pol idiot.
Your sample size is fucked if you actually believe in gender ---> brain power
Yeah that’s great and all but earn real money at this Pump discord server discord gg/YQqTCqt
Here's a better question, maybe ETH network isn't so good if it can't support kitty cat game
Good point actually. This cat thing was a good test of the true viability of it as a dapp playform, and it kind of shit the bed.
>doesnt believe in gender
lol fuck off brainlet
Your sister is a man, dude
95% male in crypto kinda destroys your gender neutral shit
food for thought, nice twist to the conversation
That stupid cunt got lit up on twatter, and rightfully so.
Can you post some more pics of her?
>maybe java is shit because runescape is laggy
You fuck off, triggered soyboy faggot
Its not so much brain power as it is just the differences in brains. For instance, most girls in school were smarter than me. They got good grades and always worked hard, and never disappointed their teachers. I was a drifter, the underachiever. But here I am, almost a millionaire while they still struggle to pay off their student loan debt and apply for another accounting job or whatever the fuck. That's the difference, I took risk while they did everything they were told. I innovated. I AM MAN
shes mexi-black and has no teeth from years of meth abuse. Took all her money from working for cartels and put it into crypto lol.
Anyway if she was hot I would have nudes for u but shes not.
In its current state, the Ethereum network isn't even 10% as capable as what the plans for it are. Putting money in Ether now is having faith that the developers will come through with their plans to scale. It's not out of the question that at some point down the road, Ethereum will be needing to do a billion transactions per second. Crazy to think about
>have faith in pedo money skelly and fagfag gavin wood
Wtf im a Feminist now. We are all equal - women cant get babies and had million years time to adapt with evolution changing there whole brain- and hormone structure, i guess its all a lie, its funny to see science and /pol/ crash and burn, im a commie now
>not fuckwits
>no teeth
it's actually one of the most dappy dapps around considering how every other token is just a useless shit scam that does nothing.
go back to your safe space you stupid nigger
>not absolute fuckwits
> lern to adjective
Hey buddy, I think you're lost.
Theres no girls here to try and hit on with your 'good guy' points. Fuck off you cuck faggot
CryptoKitties is as important and good as Trump, and just like Trump it is both liked and disliked by dumb people for dumb reasons on both sides of the fence.
>maybe java is shit because playing runescape slows down java for everyone
a "dumb app" is what eth was made for. its a global super computer everyone can use, and you're going reeeeee over people playing games on it.
it also is a solid proof of concept showing that the platform actually works. furthermore, it adds pressure to the devs to speed up pos and sharding.
I immediately lose all interest in investing into a coin if I discover that a woman holds a senior role in the development team. Anything besides marketing and PR = I won't invest. I turned 100k into 1.5m using this strategy.